We welcome all types of contributions, such as bug reports, ideas, design, testing, and code.
To set up a development envoironment, first clone this project to your local development directory and change into the source directory.
We recommend using pipx to install the development tools.
We currently use Poetry to manage project dependencies.
pipx install poetry
We use pre-commit to run various code quality commands prior to each commit.
pipx install pre-commit
Activate (in the project directory):
pre-commit install
Once you have the above prerequesites installed, install the project dependencies as follows.
poetry install
Whenever you develop, make sure you are in the project virtual environment.
poetry shell
When starting with an empty database or making changes to database models, be sure to make the migrations.
python manage.py makemigrations
When starting out the project or when there are unapplied migrations, apply the database migrations as follows.
python manage.py migrate
When starting out with an empty database, after applying migrations, create a superuser as follows.
python manage.py createsuperuser
When all migrations are applied and you have a superuser, run the server as follows.
python manage.py runserver