Tiltris (It's Tetris, but you control lateral motion of the falling piece by tilting a 3D printed remote control!)
Anjali Sreenivas (anjalisr), Aditi Bhaskar (aditijb)
• Clean falling of colored tetris pieces • Working accelerometer that translates into correct ID of motion (left/right/down) --> ?? interrupt system (based on time) set up? periodic sampling? • Correct handling of left/right/down motion (software/graphics) • Single row clearing functionality – clears all filled rows after move • Scoring system • End game functionality
• Ability to rotate falling tetris pieces (in increments of 90 deg clockwise) -- software side • Button configuration (interrupt system) to support user-controlled piece rotation • Support for double/triple row animation clearing • Servo motor/vibration triggered when user clears row • Visible queue of next 3 pieces
• Gradient squares in tetris pieces! • 3D printed remote control to encapsulate all sensors • Replay screen • Tetris theme song • Leaderboard (name + score) -- keyboard integration
- 3-5ft HDMI cable -- borrow
- 3-5ft usbC-usbA cable -- borrrow
- mango pi (additional) -- $20
- 1 accelerometer: LSM6DS33 -- $10
- 1 active buzzer on breakout -- <$2
- 1 passive buzzer on breakout -- <$2
- Handheld controller device (think Wii remote but simpler)
- Music (via. buzzer)
- Connects to monitor via. long hdmi cable (tethered controller) & long usbC-usbA cable (download code + power)
- NEED FROM 107E LAB - another mango pi? (to solder directly to have a more compact remote)
- FROM 107E LAB -- LSM6DS33 -- Polulu accelerometer
- MSA311 datasheet (MY_I2C_ADDR = 0x62) -- if I decide to use Adafruit accelerometer
- 1 button configured w/ interrupt
- 1 servo configured for vibrate
- https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/basic-servo-control-for-beginners/all brown GND, red 4.8-6V, orange CTRL (PB1/PWM4)
- https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/hobby-servo-tutorial#servo-motor-background The pulses occur at a 20 mSec (50 Hz) interval, and vary between 1 and 2 mSec in width.
- https://www.makerguides.com/servo-arduino-tutorial/ - PWM control
- for songs!
- https://blog.tarkalabs.com/digital-audio-101-playing-audio-from-a-microcontroller-5df1463616c has code
Itemize what hardware, if any, you need and your plan for acquiring it. Rough budget for the project. We can reimburse cost of parts up to $20 per person.
Anjali (Graphics / Game Display)
- Core software underlying game functionality/display
- Graphics display & update algorithms
- Falling tetris pieces
- Handling motion of pieces (right/left/down)
- Handling rotation of pieces
- Row clearing
Aditi (Sensors / Actuators / Input-Display Integration)
- User input & actuators reading/processing + integration with game
- CAD/engineering of 3D print remote control
- Accelerometer module & interrupt config
- Button system
- Servo/vibration output
- Piezo buzzer (song)
- Scoring / additional game feature support
What are the one-week goals you plan to meet for next week? ANJALI After high-level architecture plan...
- Set up underlying grid graphics system structure
- Set up updating / piece motion framework
- Set up left/right/down movement in conjunction with falling piece - temporarily use keyboard interrupts
- Random config of falling piece
- Stretch goal -- start workig on piece rotation
- obtain/solder all materials
- working accelerometer (driver + fix drifts + interface to get useful data (eg. "tilted left") easily)
- buttons & potentially other sensors/actuators
- interrupts handled for all sensors; easy implementation offered
- test cases for all of the above
- remote CAD -- improve!
- read up on scoring system
- Answered below!!
- Are there books/code/tools/materials that you need access to?
- What are the possible risks to overcome? What are you concerned about?
- How can we help you succeed?
- References linked in materials section
- accelerometer (Aditi wants to write her own driver for the MSA311?? maybe?)
- mechanical failures SOFTWARE
- Parallel operating (how do we run the music at the same time as displaying the game? lots of interrupts??)
- Game optimization / speed when it comes to redrawing -- efficiently handling rotation, lateral motion
- Multiple interrupts changing the same static variables (cooridnate position of falling piece)
- Aditi - I will definitely be coming by to office hours/posting on the Ed for help
- Anjali - encouragement along the way, especially when I get stuck or nervous! Patience / willingness to let me walk through my code and potentially offer a debug idea when I run into a bug I can't figure out :'/ THANK YOU in advance!!! <3 We appreciate you all!