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Common Tasks

Tag a release version

All merges to main will bump the semantic version and create a new tag automatically. By default it will be a patch release, but if you include #minor or #major in a commit message, it will bump those.

Backup logs

mv log/bot.log log/bot.$(date "+%Y%m%d").log

Update a package

go get -u

See out-of-date packages

go get -u
go list -u -m -json all | go-mod-outdated

Create SSL certificates using letsencrypt
sudo certbot -d $EXTERNAL_URL --manual --preferred-challenges dns certonly
# use this to verify the DNS change:
dig -t txt _acme-challenge.$EXTERNAL_URL
# copy over the new certs
sudo cp /etc/letsencrypt/live/$EXTERNAL_URL/fullchain.pem infra/certs/$EXTERNAL_URL.fullchain.pem
sudo cp /etc/letsencrypt/live/$EXTERNAL_URL/privkey.pem infra/certs/$EXTERNAL_URL.key

To renew certs:

sudo certbot renew

Create new video manifest

The video manifest is used in the GitHub Actions build process to avoid pulling down big files too often.

md5sum assets/video/*.MP4 > assets/video/manifest.txt

Create new ffmpeg docker image

We use the ffpmeg docker file, but with an updated version of freetype. Specifically, the freetype version matches the one available in apt, because the obs-studio build was failing. It was failing because the version of freetype installed on the system was newer than the one used to build ffmpeg.

docker build -t danalol/ffmpeg -f infra/docker/obs/Dockerfile.nvidia .
docker push danalol/ffmpeg

Notes on Setting up new machine

These are just notes, this doc needs to be updated with Docker setup instructions.

#TODO: put this in order, make it pretty

ssh-keygen -t ecdsa -b 521

git clone
git clone
stow bash tmux vim # ...

# install rvm
# install tmuxinator to global gemset

apt install xsel # pbcopy/pbpaste
# install firefox
# install xfce4-terminal
# install postgresql
# start it, set up db

# install golang
sudo snap install go --classic

# if you started with ubuntu-server…
sudo apt-get install --no-install-recommends ubuntu-desktop

# set up screen sharing
sudo apt-get install vino
# some magic to be done here, i ended up disabling encryption D:

# install nvidia drivers
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:graphics-drivers/ppa
sudo ubuntu-drivers devices
# find the driver package and install it
# i used non-free cause the version was highest

# install ffmpeg/obs with the script
git clone
# you know ffmpeg works if this has results:
ffmpeg -encoders | grep nvenc
# you know obs works if NVENC is in the dropdown
# you might have to use the helper scripts it generates

# sudo apt-get install vlc

# bind ESC to capslock

# get fonts working in obs-studio snap