From c41a1ae7b8bc8b8f4566925e2415541b85e7929b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Adam Tornhill <>
Date: Tue, 29 Dec 2020 17:45:42 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Remove dead code such as earlier prototypes

 src/code_maat/analysis/authors.clj  | 15 +--------
 src/code_maat/parsers/limitters.clj | 47 -----------------------------
 2 files changed, 1 insertion(+), 61 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 src/code_maat/parsers/limitters.clj

diff --git a/src/code_maat/analysis/authors.clj b/src/code_maat/analysis/authors.clj
index a3928dad..a275a3ee 100644
--- a/src/code_maat/analysis/authors.clj
+++ b/src/code_maat/analysis/authors.clj
@@ -26,12 +26,6 @@
   (distinct (ds/-select-by :author ds)))
-(defn entity-with-author-count
-  "Calculates the number of different authors for the given module, m.
-   Returns a tuple of [entity-name number-of-distinct-authors]."
-  [m ds]
-  [m (ds/-nrows (of-module m ds))])
 (defn- authors-of-entity
@@ -59,16 +53,9 @@
    Returns a dataset with the columns :entity :n-authors."
   ([ds options]
      (by-count ds options :desc))
-  ([ds options order-fn]
+  ([ds _options order-fn]
    (->> ds
         (ds/-group-by :entity)
         (map make-entity-with-author-count)
         (ds/-dataset [:entity :n-authors :n-revs])
         (ds/-order-by [:n-authors :n-revs] order-fn))))
-(defn all-authors
-  [ds]
-  (->> ds
-       all
-       (ds/-dataset [:author])
-       (ds/-order-by [:author] :asc)))
diff --git a/src/code_maat/parsers/limitters.clj b/src/code_maat/parsers/limitters.clj
deleted file mode 100644
index 45c5269d..00000000
--- a/src/code_maat/parsers/limitters.clj
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-;;; Copyright (C) 2013 Adam Tornhill
-;;; Distributed under the GNU General Public License v3.0,
-;;; see
-(ns code-maat.parsers.limitters
-  (:require [clj-time.core :as clj-time]))
-;;; The input from a VCS log is filtered (optionally) on both
-;;; the total number of entries considered as well as a specified
-;;; date span. The filtering is encapsulated within this module and
-;;; shared between the different front-end parsers (e.g. git, svn).
-(defn make-entries-limited-seq [parse-options s]
-  (if-let [n (:max-entries parse-options)]
-    (take n s)
-    s))
-(defn- after-start-date?
-  "A predicate that returns true if the given log-entry contains
-   a time span after the start-time.
-   The intent is to limit the commits included in the analysis.
-   Over time, design issues get fixed and we don't want old
-   data to interfere with our analysis results."
-  [start-date entity-date-extractor-fn log-entry]
-  (clj-time/after? (entity-date-extractor-fn log-entry) start-date))
-(defn make-date-span-limited-seq
-  [parse-options entity-date-extractor-fn s]
-  (if-let [date (:date parse-options)]
-    (take-while
-     (partial after-start-date? date entity-date-extractor-fn)
-     s)
-    s))
-(defn log-entries-to-include
-  "Returns a lazy seq of s filtered and limited according
-   to the given parse-options. The third argument is simply
-   a function that given an entry returns its date as a clj-time
-   instance."
-  [parse-options entity-date-extractor-fn s]
-  (let [limitter (comp
-                  (partial make-date-span-limited-seq
-                           parse-options
-                           entity-date-extractor-fn)
-                  make-entries-limited-seq)]
-    (limitter parse-options s)))