First, obtain the source code from the repository using Git. To simply download the code, run the following command from a terminal:
$ git clone
Then configure using CMake. The library requires CMake version higher than 2.4.
$ mkdir OpenIGTLink-build
$ cd OpenIGTLink-build
$ make
You may install the library into your disk (optional). The default target directory is /usr/local, but you can configure it from the CMake configuration screen. To install the files, run
$ make install
You might need super user access.
- Download the source code from Git repository.
- URL of repository: git://
- Run CMake
- Where is the source code: C:\Devel\OpenIGT\OpenIGTLink
- Where to build the binaries: C:\Devel\OpenIGT\OpenIGTLink-build
- Click "Configure" and select your compiler (usually just click "OK")
- Message: "Build directory does not exit, should I create it?" - click "OK"
- Click "Configure"
- Click "OK" to close CMake
- Start Visual C and compile the project (C:\Devel\OpenIGT\OpenIGTLink-build\OpenIGTLink.sln) If all went OK you will have the executable and the library:
- C:\Devel\OpenIGT\OpenIGTLink-build\bin\debug\igtlSocketTest.exe
- C:\Devel\OpenIGT\OpenIGTLink-build\bin\debug\OpenIGTLink.lib
You might want to use OpenIGTLink library to perform video streaming. Currently OpenH264, H265 and VP9 are supported in the OpenIGTLink.
- Prerequisites
In the case of H264 build, NASM is needed for assembly code: workable version 2.10.06 or above for 32 bit, nasm can downloaded from For Mac OSX 64-bit NASM needed to be below version 2.11.08 as nasm 2.11.08 will introduce error when using RIP-relative addresses in Mac OSX 64-bit. If you have another NASM version installed, try to unlink the wrong version of NASM, and link to the version to below 2.11.08. Afterwards, check the nasm version with comman "which nasm" and "nasm -v".
In the case of VP9 build, The Yasm assembler is required to build optimized libraries for x86 platforms. Version 0.8.0 or newer is required, except Version 1.0.0.
In the case of H265 build, H265 have many implementations, the encoder used in library is x265 and the decoder is OpenHEVC. OpenIGTLink library doesn't build H265 libraries, so the users need to download and compile the libraries by themselves. Afterwards, set the variables-"X265_INCLUDE_DIR, X265_LIBRARY_DIR, OPENHEVC_INCLUDE_DIR, OpenHEVC_LIBRARY_DIR"-correctly in cmake configuration.
- Linux / Mac OS X
In the case of Linux and Mac, after installing the required program in the Prerequisites section, the build of openigtlink with codec is very straightforward:
$ make
or for VP9 configuration:
$ make
- Windows Build
In the case of windows build, please refer to the following websites for H264, X265 and VP9 respectively. Make sure the build are 32 bit. Useful H264 build instructions:
Useful VP9 build instructions:
Useful X265 build intructions:
Useful OpenHEVC build intructions:
Please see Build Instruction.