- Simple snake game for Arduino UNO.
- 14x4 Snake game on a 16x2 LCD display.
- Nice sound effects!
- Can you win by reaching 42 points?
- 2 - up
- 6 - right
- 8 - down
- 4 - left
- 0 - restart
- Arduino UNO;
- 16x2 LCD display;
- 4x4 (or 4x3) Numpad;
- buzzer;
- 220 Ω resistor;
- potentiometer;
- small prototype board and some wires.
Create a new Tinkercad Circuits project (https://www.tinkercad.com/) and set up a prototype similar to the one on the picture above. Be careful - connect wires to the correct pins. Then use the included .ino code to run the Snake. Enjoy!