I'm waiting you to set some Markers using AutoMarker
diff --git a/cep_panel/lib/CSInterface.js b/cep_panel/lib/CSInterface.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..672a78c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cep_panel/lib/CSInterface.js
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+* Copyright 2013 Adobe Inc.
+* All Rights Reserved.
+* NOTICE: Adobe permits you to use, modify, and distribute this file in accordance with the
+* terms of the Adobe license agreement accompanying it. If you have received this file from a
+* source other than Adobe, then your use, modification, or distribution of it requires the prior
+* written permission of Adobe.
+/** CSInterface - v9.2.0 */
+ * Stores constants for the window types supported by the CSXS infrastructure.
+ */
+function CSXSWindowType()
+/** Constant for the CSXS window type Panel. */
+CSXSWindowType._PANEL = "Panel";
+/** Constant for the CSXS window type Modeless. */
+CSXSWindowType._MODELESS = "Modeless";
+/** Constant for the CSXS window type ModalDialog. */
+CSXSWindowType._MODAL_DIALOG = "ModalDialog";
+/** EvalScript error message */
+EvalScript_ErrMessage = "EvalScript error.";
+ * @class Version
+ * Defines a version number with major, minor, micro, and special
+ * components. The major, minor and micro values are numeric; the special
+ * value can be any string.
+ *
+ * @param major The major version component, a positive integer up to nine digits long.
+ * @param minor The minor version component, a positive integer up to nine digits long.
+ * @param micro The micro version component, a positive integer up to nine digits long.
+ * @param special The special version component, an arbitrary string.
+ *
+ * @return A new \c Version object.
+ */
+function Version(major, minor, micro, special)
+ this.major = major;
+ this.minor = minor;
+ this.micro = micro;
+ this.special = special;
+ * The maximum value allowed for a numeric version component.
+ * This reflects the maximum value allowed in PlugPlug and the manifest schema.
+ */
+Version.MAX_NUM = 999999999;
+ * @class VersionBound
+ * Defines a boundary for a version range, which associates a \c Version object
+ * with a flag for whether it is an inclusive or exclusive boundary.
+ *
+ * @param version The \c #Version object.
+ * @param inclusive True if this boundary is inclusive, false if it is exclusive.
+ *
+ * @return A new \c VersionBound object.
+ */
+function VersionBound(version, inclusive)
+ this.version = version;
+ this.inclusive = inclusive;
+ * @class VersionRange
+ * Defines a range of versions using a lower boundary and optional upper boundary.
+ *
+ * @param lowerBound The \c #VersionBound object.
+ * @param upperBound The \c #VersionBound object, or null for a range with no upper boundary.
+ *
+ * @return A new \c VersionRange object.
+ */
+function VersionRange(lowerBound, upperBound)
+ this.lowerBound = lowerBound;
+ this.upperBound = upperBound;
+ * @class Runtime
+ * Represents a runtime related to the CEP infrastructure.
+ * Extensions can declare dependencies on particular
+ * CEP runtime versions in the extension manifest.
+ *
+ * @param name The runtime name.
+ * @param version A \c #VersionRange object that defines a range of valid versions.
+ *
+ * @return A new \c Runtime object.
+ */
+function Runtime(name, versionRange)
+ this.name = name;
+ this.versionRange = versionRange;
+* @class Extension
+* Encapsulates a CEP-based extension to an Adobe application.
+* @param id The unique identifier of this extension.
+* @param name The localizable display name of this extension.
+* @param mainPath The path of the "index.html" file.
+* @param basePath The base path of this extension.
+* @param windowType The window type of the main window of this extension.
+ Valid values are defined by \c #CSXSWindowType.
+* @param width The default width in pixels of the main window of this extension.
+* @param height The default height in pixels of the main window of this extension.
+* @param minWidth The minimum width in pixels of the main window of this extension.
+* @param minHeight The minimum height in pixels of the main window of this extension.
+* @param maxWidth The maximum width in pixels of the main window of this extension.
+* @param maxHeight The maximum height in pixels of the main window of this extension.
+* @param defaultExtensionDataXml The extension data contained in the default \c ExtensionDispatchInfo section of the extension manifest.
+* @param specialExtensionDataXml The extension data contained in the application-specific \c ExtensionDispatchInfo section of the extension manifest.
+* @param requiredRuntimeList An array of \c Runtime objects for runtimes required by this extension.
+* @param isAutoVisible True if this extension is visible on loading.
+* @param isPluginExtension True if this extension has been deployed in the Plugins folder of the host application.
+* @return A new \c Extension object.
+function Extension(id, name, mainPath, basePath, windowType, width, height, minWidth, minHeight, maxWidth, maxHeight,
+ defaultExtensionDataXml, specialExtensionDataXml, requiredRuntimeList, isAutoVisible, isPluginExtension)
+ this.id = id;
+ this.name = name;
+ this.mainPath = mainPath;
+ this.basePath = basePath;
+ this.windowType = windowType;
+ this.width = width;
+ this.height = height;
+ this.minWidth = minWidth;
+ this.minHeight = minHeight;
+ this.maxWidth = maxWidth;
+ this.maxHeight = maxHeight;
+ this.defaultExtensionDataXml = defaultExtensionDataXml;
+ this.specialExtensionDataXml = specialExtensionDataXml;
+ this.requiredRuntimeList = requiredRuntimeList;
+ this.isAutoVisible = isAutoVisible;
+ this.isPluginExtension = isPluginExtension;
+ * @class CSEvent
+ * A standard JavaScript event, the base class for CEP events.
+ *
+ * @param type The name of the event type.
+ * @param scope The scope of event, can be "GLOBAL" or "APPLICATION".
+ * @param appId The unique identifier of the application that generated the event.
+ * @param extensionId The unique identifier of the extension that generated the event.
+ *
+ * @return A new \c CSEvent object
+ */
+function CSEvent(type, scope, appId, extensionId)
+ this.type = type;
+ this.scope = scope;
+ this.appId = appId;
+ this.extensionId = extensionId;
+/** Event-specific data. */
+CSEvent.prototype.data = "";
+ * @class SystemPath
+ * Stores operating-system-specific location constants for use in the
+ * \c #CSInterface.getSystemPath() method.
+ * @return A new \c SystemPath object.
+ */
+function SystemPath()
+/** The path to user data. */
+SystemPath.USER_DATA = "userData";
+/** The path to common files for Adobe applications. */
+SystemPath.COMMON_FILES = "commonFiles";
+/** The path to the user's default document folder. */
+SystemPath.MY_DOCUMENTS = "myDocuments";
+/** @deprecated. Use \c #SystemPath.Extension. */
+SystemPath.APPLICATION = "application";
+/** The path to current extension. */
+SystemPath.EXTENSION = "extension";
+/** The path to hosting application's executable. */
+SystemPath.HOST_APPLICATION = "hostApplication";
+ * @class ColorType
+ * Stores color-type constants.
+ */
+function ColorType()
+/** RGB color type. */
+ColorType.RGB = "rgb";
+/** Gradient color type. */
+ColorType.GRADIENT = "gradient";
+/** Null color type. */
+ColorType.NONE = "none";
+ * @class RGBColor
+ * Stores an RGB color with red, green, blue, and alpha values.
+ * All values are in the range [0.0 to 255.0]. Invalid numeric values are
+ * converted to numbers within this range.
+ *
+ * @param red The red value, in the range [0.0 to 255.0].
+ * @param green The green value, in the range [0.0 to 255.0].
+ * @param blue The blue value, in the range [0.0 to 255.0].
+ * @param alpha The alpha (transparency) value, in the range [0.0 to 255.0].
+ * The default, 255.0, means that the color is fully opaque.
+ *
+ * @return A new RGBColor object.
+ */
+function RGBColor(red, green, blue, alpha)
+ this.red = red;
+ this.green = green;
+ this.blue = blue;
+ this.alpha = alpha;
+ * @class Direction
+ * A point value in which the y component is 0 and the x component
+ * is positive or negative for a right or left direction,
+ * or the x component is 0 and the y component is positive or negative for
+ * an up or down direction.
+ *
+ * @param x The horizontal component of the point.
+ * @param y The vertical component of the point.
+ *
+ * @return A new \c Direction object.
+ */
+function Direction(x, y)
+ this.x = x;
+ this.y = y;
+ * @class GradientStop
+ * Stores gradient stop information.
+ *
+ * @param offset The offset of the gradient stop, in the range [0.0 to 1.0].
+ * @param rgbColor The color of the gradient at this point, an \c #RGBColor object.
+ *
+ * @return GradientStop object.
+ */
+function GradientStop(offset, rgbColor)
+ this.offset = offset;
+ this.rgbColor = rgbColor;
+ * @class GradientColor
+ * Stores gradient color information.
+ *
+ * @param type The gradient type, must be "linear".
+ * @param direction A \c #Direction object for the direction of the gradient
+ (up, down, right, or left).
+ * @param numStops The number of stops in the gradient.
+ * @param gradientStopList An array of \c #GradientStop objects.
+ *
+ * @return A new \c GradientColor object.
+ */
+function GradientColor(type, direction, numStops, arrGradientStop)
+ this.type = type;
+ this.direction = direction;
+ this.numStops = numStops;
+ this.arrGradientStop = arrGradientStop;
+ * @class UIColor
+ * Stores color information, including the type, anti-alias level, and specific color
+ * values in a color object of an appropriate type.
+ *
+ * @param type The color type, 1 for "rgb" and 2 for "gradient".
+ The supplied color object must correspond to this type.
+ * @param antialiasLevel The anti-alias level constant.
+ * @param color A \c #RGBColor or \c #GradientColor object containing specific color information.
+ *
+ * @return A new \c UIColor object.
+ */
+function UIColor(type, antialiasLevel, color)
+ this.type = type;
+ this.antialiasLevel = antialiasLevel;
+ this.color = color;
+ * @class AppSkinInfo
+ * Stores window-skin properties, such as color and font. All color parameter values are \c #UIColor objects except that systemHighlightColor is \c #RGBColor object.
+ *
+ * @param baseFontFamily The base font family of the application.
+ * @param baseFontSize The base font size of the application.
+ * @param appBarBackgroundColor The application bar background color.
+ * @param panelBackgroundColor The background color of the extension panel.
+ * @param appBarBackgroundColorSRGB The application bar background color, as sRGB.
+ * @param panelBackgroundColorSRGB The background color of the extension panel, as sRGB.
+ * @param systemHighlightColor The highlight color of the extension panel, if provided by the host application. Otherwise, the operating-system highlight color.
+ *
+ * @return AppSkinInfo object.
+ */
+function AppSkinInfo(baseFontFamily, baseFontSize, appBarBackgroundColor, panelBackgroundColor, appBarBackgroundColorSRGB, panelBackgroundColorSRGB, systemHighlightColor)
+ this.baseFontFamily = baseFontFamily;
+ this.baseFontSize = baseFontSize;
+ this.appBarBackgroundColor = appBarBackgroundColor;
+ this.panelBackgroundColor = panelBackgroundColor;
+ this.appBarBackgroundColorSRGB = appBarBackgroundColorSRGB;
+ this.panelBackgroundColorSRGB = panelBackgroundColorSRGB;
+ this.systemHighlightColor = systemHighlightColor;
+ * @class HostEnvironment
+ * Stores information about the environment in which the extension is loaded.
+ *
+ * @param appName The application's name.
+ * @param appVersion The application's version.
+ * @param appLocale The application's current license locale.
+ * @param appUILocale The application's current UI locale.
+ * @param appId The application's unique identifier.
+ * @param isAppOnline True if the application is currently online.
+ * @param appSkinInfo An \c #AppSkinInfo object containing the application's default color and font styles.
+ *
+ * @return A new \c HostEnvironment object.
+ */
+function HostEnvironment(appName, appVersion, appLocale, appUILocale, appId, isAppOnline, appSkinInfo)
+ this.appName = appName;
+ this.appVersion = appVersion;
+ this.appLocale = appLocale;
+ this.appUILocale = appUILocale;
+ this.appId = appId;
+ this.isAppOnline = isAppOnline;
+ this.appSkinInfo = appSkinInfo;
+ * @class HostCapabilities
+ * Stores information about the host capabilities.
+ *
+ * @param EXTENDED_PANEL_MENU True if the application supports panel menu.
+ * @param EXTENDED_PANEL_ICONS True if the application supports panel icon.
+ * @param DELEGATE_APE_ENGINE True if the application supports delegated APE engine.
+ * @param SUPPORT_HTML_EXTENSIONS True if the application supports HTML extensions.
+ * @param DISABLE_FLASH_EXTENSIONS True if the application disables FLASH extensions.
+ *
+ * @return A new \c HostCapabilities object.
+ */
+ * @class ApiVersion
+ * Stores current api version.
+ *
+ * Since 4.2.0
+ *
+ * @param major The major version
+ * @param minor The minor version.
+ * @param micro The micro version.
+ *
+ * @return ApiVersion object.
+ */
+function ApiVersion(major, minor, micro)
+ this.major = major;
+ this.minor = minor;
+ this.micro = micro;
+ * @class MenuItemStatus
+ * Stores flyout menu item status
+ *
+ * Since 5.2.0
+ *
+ * @param menuItemLabel The menu item label.
+ * @param enabled True if user wants to enable the menu item.
+ * @param checked True if user wants to check the menu item.
+ *
+ * @return MenuItemStatus object.
+ */
+function MenuItemStatus(menuItemLabel, enabled, checked)
+ this.menuItemLabel = menuItemLabel;
+ this.enabled = enabled;
+ this.checked = checked;
+ * @class ContextMenuItemStatus
+ * Stores the status of the context menu item.
+ *
+ * Since 5.2.0
+ *
+ * @param menuItemID The menu item id.
+ * @param enabled True if user wants to enable the menu item.
+ * @param checked True if user wants to check the menu item.
+ *
+ * @return MenuItemStatus object.
+ */
+function ContextMenuItemStatus(menuItemID, enabled, checked)
+ this.menuItemID = menuItemID;
+ this.enabled = enabled;
+ this.checked = checked;
+//------------------------------ CSInterface ----------------------------------
+ * @class CSInterface
+ * This is the entry point to the CEP extensibility infrastructure.
+ * Instantiate this object and use it to:
+ *