Use this template when submitting a project enhancement proposal (PEP) to the Good Docs Project
See the README for more information about the process.
Put your name and/or your Slack handle here
- Draft {{leave in a draft state until you submit your pull request}}
- Under discussion (until YYYY-MM-DD) {{do not fill in this date yet}}
- Final comment and voting (until YYYY-MM-DD) {{do not fill in this date yet}}
- Accepted
- Rejected
- Implemented
- Deferred
- Withdrawn
Summarize your proposal in this section in about 1-2 paragraphs.
What problem does this proposal try to solve?
Explain the proposal in more depth here and make your best argument for its adoption.
This section is optional if you want to link to other resources.
If this proposal is accepted, the following tasks must be completed:
- Task number one
- Task number two
- Task number three, etc.
Project steering committee (listed alphabetically by first name):
- Aaron Peters:
- Aidan Doherty:
- Alyssa Rock:
- Ankita Tripathi:
- Bryan Klein:
- Cameron Shorter:
- Erin McKean:
- Morgan Craft:
- Viraji Ogodapola:
Community members who voted (non-binding):
- Your name here