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Acoustic Content Delivery Android SDK

Android SDK for the Acoustic Content Delivery API.


This SDK is designed to help utilize the content hosted in Acoustic Content libraries in mobile applications (headlessly).

Getting started

Acoustic Content Delivery SDK is a lightweight library that provides the ability to get content from Acoustic Content Hub via the delivery search API.

Adding Acoustic Content Delivery SDK to your project

In order to start using Acoustic Content Delivery SDK perform following steps:

  1. Clone latest version of Acoustic Content SDK source code.
  2. Import sdk module of Acoustic Content Delivery SDK to your Android project. Using AndroidStudio main menu, select "File" -> "New" -> "Import Module...", on the "Import module from source" window that will appear set "Source directory" field to location of AcousticContentDeliverySDK/sdk folder and import sdk module.
  3. Add imported sdk module dependency to application module, open build.gradle of application module, which typically is located in application module root folder, and add implementation project(":sdk") line to dependencies section.
apply plugin: ''

android {

dependencies {

    implementation project(":sdk")

  1. Configure application module for Java 8 features support, open build.gradle of application module, which typically is located in application module root folder, and add compileOptions section to android section of build.gradle file, in compileOptions section add sourceCompatibility and targetCompatibility properties set to 1.8.
apply plugin: ''

android {

    compileOptions {
        sourceCompatibility = 1.8
        targetCompatibility = 1.8


dependencies {

  1. Specify that application requires permission to use Internet, open AndroidManifest.xml file of application module, typically located in application_module_root_folder/src/main folder, and add uses-permission element with android:name attribute set to android.permission.INTERNET.
<manifest xmlns:android=""

    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET"/>



Using Acoustic Content Delivery SDK

In order to start using Acoustic Content Delivery SDK create instance of SDKConfig using SDKConfig.Builder. In order to obtain instance of SDKConfig.Builder use SDKConfig.builder() method, afterwards set Acoustic Content Hub API URL to SDKConfig.Builder via setApiUrl() method and call build() method to obtain SDKConfig instance.

SDKConfig sdkConfig = SDKConfig.builder().setApiUrl("API_URL").build();

After instance of SDKConfig is created, create ContentDeliverySDK instance using ContentDeliverySDK.create() method.

SDKConfig sdkConfig = ...

ContentDeliverySDK sdk = ContentDeliverySDK.create(sdkConfig);


Acoustic Content Delivery SDK does not enforce single instance of ContentDeliverySDK by default, each invocation of ContentDeliverySDK.create() method will return new instance of ContentDeliverySDK, which means that multiple instances may exist in scope of single Android application if necessary.

If multiple instances of ContentDeliverySDK are not necessary, then common approach would be to create single global instance of ContentDeliverySDK in corresponding Application class implementation for given Android application.

public class SampleApplication extends Application {
    private static final String API_URL = "YOUR_CONTENT_HUB_API_URL";

    private ContentDeliverySDK sdk;

    public void onCreate() {

        //initialize ContentDeliverySDK.
        this.sdk = ContentDeliverySDK.create(

    public ContentDeliverySDK getSDK() {
        return this.sdk;

In order to obtain delivery search query builder instances that can be further used to configure delivery search queries for supported content types obtain DeliverySearch instance using dleiverySearch() method on initialized ContentDeliverySDK instance.

ContentDeliverySDK sdk = ...


Acoustic Content Delivery SDK allows querying for following kinds of content: Assets, ContentItems, Categories and ContentTypes. Access to each type of content is provided by DeliverySearch instance via corresponding methods:





In order to configure delivery search query use APIs that are provided by query builder classes: Assets, ContentItems, Categories and ContentTypes.

    .sortBy("name", true);

In order to initiate configured query invoke method get() on corresponding query builder instance.

NOTE: calling get() method does not block current thread execution.

In order to get query results use then() and error() methods, then() method is used to get results of successful delivery search query, error() method is used to get Throwable error in case of failed delivery search query.


    .then(result -> {

        int numFound = result.getNumFound();
        List<Asset> documents = result.getDocuments();
        Log.d("DELIVERY_SEARCH_RESULT", "Found Assets: numFound = " + numFound + ", documents = " + documents);

    .error(error -> {

        Log.e("DELIVERY_SEARCH_RESULT", "Failed to get assets", error);


Pagination of delivery search query results

DeliverySearchResult instance, which is passed into then() method callback for each type of query builder classes: Assets, ContentItems, Categories and ContentTypes, - provides API to query next page and previous page for initialy configured delivery search query via nextPage() and previousPage() methods.



    .then(result -> {
        final Assets nextPage = result.nextPage();
            .then(result -> {
            .error(error -> {
        final Assets prevPage = result.previousPage();
            .then(result -> {
            .error(error -> {



Providing user credentials to ContentDeliverySDK

In order to provide ContentDeliverySDK with user credentials use login() method of corresponding ContentDeliverySDK instance.

    error -> {
        // process Throwable error in case of unsuccessful login
        // if login successful then error is set to null

In order to logout current ContentDeliverySDK user after successful login use logout() method of corresponding ContentDeliverySDK instance.


Obtaining Parcelable state of Assets, ContentItems, Categories, ContentTypes and DeliverySearchResult instances

Query builder classes: Assets, ContentItems, Categories, ContentTypes, - and DeliverySearchResult class provide ability to obtain Parcelable snapshot of theyre current state, via getState() method. This feature is handy to save / restore state of corresponding instances or pass state of corresponding instnaces between Android components e.g. in case delivery search query should be built in one Activity but executed by other Activity.

Documents.State state = sdk.deliverySearch().assets()


DeliverySearchResult result = ...

DeliverySearchResult.State resultState = result.getState();

Restoring Assets, ContentItems, Categories, ContentTypes and DeliverySearchResult instances using Parcelable state

In order to create new instance of Assets, ContentItems, Categories, ContentTypes using Parcelable state instance use createDocuments() method of DeliverySearch class.

Documents.State state = sdk.deliverySearch().assets()



Assets assets = sdk.deliverySearch().createDocuments(state);

In order to create new instance of DeliverySearchResult using Parcelable state instance use createDeliverySearchResult() method of DeliverySearch class.

DeliverySearchResult.State resultState = ...


DeliverySearchResult<Asset> result = sdk.deliverySearch()

Parcelable state usage example: save/restore Activity state

Typical usage for Parcelable state of Assets, ContentItems, Categories, ContentTypes and DeliverySearchResult instances would be saving and restoring state of Activity e.g. on device rotation.

public class SampleActivity extends AppCompatActivity {

    private static final String QUERY_STATE = "query_state";
    private static final String QUERY_RESULT_STATE = "query_result_state";

    private Assets assets;
    private DeliverySearchResult<Asset> assetsDeliverySearchResult;

    protected void onCreate(@Nullable Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        ContentDeliverySDK sdk = ...

        if (null != savedInstanceState) {
            final Documents.State queryState = savedInstanceState
            assets = sdk.deliverySearch().createDocuments(queryState);

            final DeliverySearchResult.State resultState = savedInstanceState
            assetsDeliverySearchResult = sdk.deliverySearch()


    protected void onSaveInstanceState(@NonNull Bundle outState) {


Acoustic Content Delivery SDK sample app

Acoustic Content Delivery SDK provides sample application that demonstrates possible SDK use cases.

In order to configure Acoustic Content Delivery SDK to use your content hub API URL open SampleApplication and change value of API_URL constant.

public class SampleApplication extends Application {

    private static final String API_URL = "YOUR_CONTENT_HUB_API_URL";

