One of JavaScript's strengths is the ability to make use of many functional programming constructs. It has the ability to store functions as variables and pass functions as arguments; first class functions. As well as reasonably terse inline function declaration; lambdas, or anonymous functions as they're called in JavaScript.
Functions in JavaScript are declared using the "function" keyword.
var name = function (arg1, arg2) {
When a function is used anonymously it takes this same form, but is never assigned to a variable, or as the terminology would have it; given a name.
[1,2,3,4].forEach(function (i) {
So named function declaration, is really just the step of giving an anonymous function a name by assigning it to a variable.
You'll often see this pattern of declaring functions in line, when assigning callbacks such as assigning event listeners. But this same pattern is a great tool for simplifying many common tasks. We'll take a look at a few of those.
One of the first things you'll like discover when making use of these patterns is that the scope of these functions can get a little confusing, especially when used inside the scope of an Object.
All functions in JavaScript are Closures, which is a technical term, defined a first-class function with free variables that are bound in the lexical environment. We've already covered how functions in javascript are first class, the second part of the definition is a little trickier. It means that a function when defined, carries with it the variables around it.
Let's look at some simple examples:
var x = 10;
var multX = function (y) {
return y * x;
=> 20
Here multX carries with it x. And even if that function were called inside another scope that defines x, it will remain the x that it was originally in it's environment.
var testCallBack = function (cb) {
var x = 200;
return cb(2);
=> 20
Beyond that, the callback can actually manipulate it's environment.
var manipX = function (y) {
var tmp = y * x
x = tmp;
return tmp;
=> 20;
=> 20
As you can see, even though we're calling manipX in a different scope, the original x is the one that is altered.
I mentioned that closures can become tricky inside of Objects. This is all because of the "this" keyword. Although for most intents and purposes it's easy to think of "this" as an object, since the dot, and [] operators behave as if it were one. However, this isn't resolved until it has to be.
First let's create a simple object that accepts a callback.
var CallBacker = function () { = "ABC";
CallBacker.prototype.callback = function (cb) {
return cb();
This object does nothing more than return the value of the callback. Let's see how this simple function acts when we use it inside another object.
var testFunction = function () { = "XYZ";
return callBacker.callback(function () {
=> "ABC"
What the heck?! What happened?!
Well, this isn't bound until the function is called. So in the case of the callback in testFunction, even though it's defined as returning, "this" isn't defined until it's called in CallBacker. In CallBacker, is defined as "ABC", so we get "ABC" back. In practice these issues often present themselves as "property x is undefined" errors, where the value of this that you expected doesn't have the data on it that you expected.
We can avoid this with a couple of tricks.
var testFunction2 = function () { = "XYZ";
var that = this;
return callBacker.callback(function () {
=> "XYZ"
By binding the value of this to that, before definition of the callback function we prevent the weirdness of the this keyword in the callback later.
At this point you might be asking why JavaScript was made with this strange behavior, that it's a huge mistake. In reality this is a compromise that many languages are faced with. The compromise that the designers of JavaScript chose is not necessarily better or worse than the compromises made by other languages. The benefit of the JavaScript method is that it allows the easy rebinding of methods onto objects, like we've seen when defining shared prototypes.