- Important fixes
- Fix for su command is restricted bug
- Add whitelist for non-nologin shells
- Make TMOUT variable configurable
- Support for Debian10
- Add file test for tcp6 to pevent warning if tcp6 disabled
- New updated documentation
- Apache license
- Litmus acceptance testing
- Added plan to harden OS's
- Separated Centos 7 and RHEL 7 into server / workstation profiles
- Major release adding Linux releases and refactoring
- Module level hiera now used with (optional) exclude_rules subtracted from include_rules
- Not all OS's supported as yet
- Fix issue with logic in cis_1_7_2
- Correct syntax in rootpw fact
- Fix logic in cis_1_2_1
- Fix type for cis_6_2_6 in centos.pp
- Add file_line management of /etc/default/useradd INACTIVE entry in cis_5_4_1_4 to meet Nessus scan requirement
- Expand puppetlabs/firewall version range to >= 1.15.0 < 3.0.0 as many other modules still have < 2.0.0 and this module will fail to install
- Added support for CIS 4.1.12
- Add newlines to the end of /etc/hosts.{allow,deny} in cis_3_4_2 and cis_3_4_3
- cis_5_4_1_4 now also covers the default setting
- Activate use of cis_1_1_3, cis 1_1_4 and cis_1_1_5 to manage /tmp partition options in centos7.pp
- Change management of /dev/shm to use mount resource in cis_1_1_15 as not listed in /etc/fstab and mount_options.pp fails
- Move TMOUT setting from cis_5_4_4 to cis 5_4_5, add export and readonly lines to /etc/bashrc
- Add oboe/chrony to dependencies in metadata to allow time_sync to work with chrony
- Add puppetlabs/mount_core to metadata to maintain compliance with puppet 6
- Raise minimum version requirements for dependencies in metadata
- Raise Puppet version requirement to >= 5.0.0 < 7.0.0
Thanks to Bart-Jan Vrielink for fixing our spec test.
- Added AIDE database renaming to cis_1_3_1 as 'aide --init' command creates a new temporary file requiring renaming
- Change cis_1_6_11 to use kernel_parameter instead of file_line to set 'quiet' in grub.cfg, to avoid entire line being overwritten in /etc/default/grub.cfg
- Add optional $motd parameter to be sole content of /etc/motd in cis_1_7_1_4. If not defined and $banner is defined, $banner becomes content of /etc/motd
- Restore sysctl resources when disabling ipv6 in cis_3_3_1, cis_3_3_2 and cis_3_3_3, remove kernel_parameter from cis_3_3_3 as problematic when using sysctl to disable and check ipv6, add /etc/sysconfig/network entries
- Update cis_3_3_3 and cis_3_6_2 to allow ip6_tables to drop undefined traffic
- Fix typo in cis_5_3_1 of try_first_path instead of try_first_pass
- Remove nullok and add shadow to /etc/pam.d system-auth and password-auth in cis_5_3_3
- Remove all use of pkill, add rsyslog and rsyslog-ng classes to array of classes that trigger an opt-in reboot, as rsyslog can be (outside of this module) configured to halt system or boot into single mode if terminated
- Fix various custom fact scripts issues with missing .sh, false positives when home dir absent, reduce script file and directory permissions to 0700
- Update local_users custom fact to allow for users whose password needs to be changed
- Move location of custom fact scripts directory from /tmp/cis_scripts to /usr/share/cis_scripts as fail to execute if /tmp mounted noexec as per recommendations!
- Remove subscription_manager from dependencies as appears unused
- Fix cis_5_2_14 ssh DenyGroups typo
- Refactor remaining bash scripts using Shellcheck and test functions
- Replace sysctl resources with file_line in cis_3_3_1, cis_3_3_2 and cis_3_3_3 as sysctl fails to write to /proc/sys/net/ipv6 when kernel_parameter ipv6.disable=1 in effect and system has been rebooted. Kernel_parameter requires a reboot to have effect.
- Add shared resources block to end of centos7.pp and redhat7.pp to invoke service/system reload or restart only when notified
- Add parameter for auto_restart when defined classes make changes that require a reboot to take effect (defaults to false)
- Add optional parameter for banner which becomes the sole content of /etc/issue, /etc/issue.net and /etc/motd
- Create resource collector override to disable ip6tables in class cis_3_3_3 when ipv6 disabled
- Change default of ip6_enabled to false (ipv6 is now now opt-in)
- Increase max_log_file default size from 8 to 32Mb to satisfy Nessus scan
- Fix multiple line issue with cis 5.2.10
- Multiple cleanup
- Grub fixes
- Started plan
- Refactoring by CanIHaveThisOne
- Change audit.rules entries to /etc/audit/rules.d/audit.rules so persistent across reboots
- Add '-e 2' to audit.rules to make immutable (activate class cis_4_1_18)
- Refactor and expand local_users fact and classes cis_5_4_1_1 to cis_5_4_1_5
- Reinstate confining facts to RedHat
- Re-fix typo in auditd rule cis_4_1_4
- Added multiple enhancements by Dan Wittenberg
- Move to PDK 12
- Confined facts to RedHat family
Added selinux test and check by Patrick Picard (patpicos).
Made changes for Puppet 6.
Known Issues