diff --git a/BrainPortal/app/controllers/sessions_controller.rb b/BrainPortal/app/controllers/sessions_controller.rb
index 8410ca194..a12442ec1 100644
--- a/BrainPortal/app/controllers/sessions_controller.rb
+++ b/BrainPortal/app/controllers/sessions_controller.rb
@@ -45,7 +45,8 @@ def new #:nodoc:
@browser_version = ua.browser_version || "(unknown browser version)"
@globus_uri = globus_login_uri(globus_url) # can be nil
+ @oidc_client = (RemoteResource.current_resource.meta[:oidc_client] || "Globus").capitalize
respond_to do |format|
format.any { head :unauthorized }
diff --git a/BrainPortal/app/controllers/users_controller.rb b/BrainPortal/app/controllers/users_controller.rb
index bc35092c1..d62d158f8 100644
--- a/BrainPortal/app/controllers/users_controller.rb
+++ b/BrainPortal/app/controllers/users_controller.rb
@@ -75,7 +75,8 @@ def index #:nodoc:
# GET /user/1.xml
# GET /user/1.json
def show #:nodoc:
- @user = User.find(params[:id])
+ @user = User.find(params[:id])
+ @oidc_client = (RemoteResource.current_resource.meta[:oidc_client] || "Globus").capitalize
cb_error "You don't have permission to view this user.", :redirect => start_page_path unless edit_permission?(@user)
diff --git a/BrainPortal/app/views/sessions/new.html.erb b/BrainPortal/app/views/sessions/new.html.erb
index 076fb4980..2acab054b 100644
--- a/BrainPortal/app/views/sessions/new.html.erb
+++ b/BrainPortal/app/views/sessions/new.html.erb
@@ -79,10 +79,10 @@
- <%= link_to 'Sign In With Globus', @globus_uri, :class => 'button globus_button' %>
+ <%= link_to "Sign In With #{@oidc_client}", @globus_uri, :class => 'button globus_button' %>
(Only available if you have already linked your
- CBRAIN account to a Globus identity)
+ CBRAIN account to a <%= @oidc_client %> identity)
diff --git a/BrainPortal/app/views/users/show.html.erb b/BrainPortal/app/views/users/show.html.erb
index 03546fded..7da7138f8 100644
--- a/BrainPortal/app/views/users/show.html.erb
+++ b/BrainPortal/app/views/users/show.html.erb
@@ -118,10 +118,10 @@
<% end %>
- <% t.edit_cell('meta[allowed_globus_provider_names]', :header => 'Forced Globus Identity Providers', :content => @user.meta['allowed_globus_provider_names'] || '') do %>
+ <% t.edit_cell('meta[allowed_globus_provider_names]', :header => "Forced #{@oidc_client} Identity Providers", :content => @user.meta['allowed_globus_provider_names'] || '') do %>
<%= text_field_tag "meta[allowed_globus_provider_names]", @user.meta['allowed_globus_provider_names'], :size => 40 %>
- If set, must be a list of Globus identity provider names separated by commas. A single '*' is
+ If set, must be a list of <%= @oidc_client %> identity provider names separated by commas. A single '*' is
also allowed to mean any provider name.
<% end %>
@@ -172,22 +172,22 @@
<% if @globus_uri %>
- <% t.cell "Globus Provider", :show_width => 2 do %>
+ <% t.cell "#{@oidc_client} Provider", :show_width => 2 do %>
<% if prov_id %>
Provider name: <%= prov_name %>
Provider user: <%= prov_user %>
<% if @user.id == current_user.id # show button on user own page, hide on other users pages %>
- <%= link_to('Unlink this Globus identity', unlink_globus_path,
+ <%= link_to("Unlink this #{@oidc_client} identity", unlink_globus_path,
:class => "button",
:method => :post,
- :data => { :confirm => "Are you sure you want to unlink your account with this Globus identity?" }
+ :data => { :confirm => "Are you sure you want to unlink your account with this #{@oidc_client} identity?" }
<% end %>
<% else %>
- (No Globus identity linked to your account)
+ (No <%= @oidc_client %> identity linked to your account)
<% if @user.id == current_user.id # Globus button works only on user own account %>
- <%= link_to 'Link a Globus identity', @globus_uri, :class => 'button globus_button' %>
+ <%= link_to "Link a #{@oidc_client} identity", @globus_uri, :class => 'button globus_button' %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
diff --git a/BrainPortal/lib/globus_helpers.rb b/BrainPortal/lib/globus_helpers.rb
index ca159df93..c41f81f13 100644
--- a/BrainPortal/lib/globus_helpers.rb
+++ b/BrainPortal/lib/globus_helpers.rb
@@ -25,25 +25,36 @@ module GlobusHelpers
Revision_info=CbrainFileRevision[__FILE__] #:nodoc:
- # GLOBUS authentication URL constants
+ # OIDC authentication URL constants
# Maybe should be made configurable.
- GLOBUS_AUTHORIZE_URI = "https://auth.globus.org/v2/oauth2/authorize" # will be issued a GET with params
- GLOBUS_TOKEN_URI = "https://auth.globus.org/v2/oauth2/token" # will be issued a POST with a single code
- GLOBUS_LOGOUT_URI = "https://auth.globus.org/v2/web/logout" # for pages that provide this link
- # Returns the URI to send users to the GLOBUS authentication page.
+ # will be issued a GET with params
+ GLOBUS_AUTHORIZE_URI = RemoteResource.current_resource.meta[:oidc_authorize_uri] || "https://auth.globus.org/v2/oauth2/authorize"
+ # will be issued a POST with a single code
+ GLOBUS_TOKEN_URI = RemoteResource.current_resource.meta[:oidc_token_uri] || "https://auth.globus.org/v2/oauth2/token"
+ # for pages that provide this link
+ GLOBUS_LOGOUT_URI = RemoteResource.current_resource.meta[:oidc_logout_uri] || "https://auth.globus.org/v2/web/logout"
+ # Define OIDC scope
+ $scope,$oidc_name = (RemoteResource.current_resource.meta[:oidc_client] || "").casecmp?("keycloak") ?
+ ["openid email profile", "Keycloak"] :
+ ["urn:globus:auth:scope:auth.globus.org:view_identities openid email profile", "Globus"]
+ # Returns the URI to send users to the OIDC authentication page.
# The parameter globus_action_url should be the URL to the controller
# action here in CBRAIN that will received the POST response.
def globus_login_uri(globus_action_url)
return nil if api_request?
return nil unless globus_auth_configured?
- # Create the URI to authenticate with GLOBUS
+ # Create the URI to authenticate with OIDC
globus_params = {
:client_id => globus_client_id,
:response_type => 'code',
- :scope => "urn:globus:auth:scope:auth.globus.org:view_identities openid email profile",
- :redirect_uri => globus_action_url, # generated from Rails routes
+ :scope => $scope,
+ :redirect_uri => globus_action_url, # generated from Rails routes
:state => globus_current_state, # method is below
GLOBUS_AUTHORIZE_URI + '?' + globus_params.to_query
@@ -54,9 +65,9 @@ def globus_logout_uri
def globus_fetch_token(code, globus_action_url)
- # Query Globus; this returns all the info we need at the same time.
+ # Query OIDC; this returns all the info we need at the same time.
auth_header = globus_basic_auth_header # method is below
- response = Typhoeus.post(GLOBUS_TOKEN_URI,
+ response = Typhoeus.post(GLOBUS_TOKEN_URI,
:body => {
:code => code,
:redirect_uri => globus_action_url,
@@ -75,7 +86,7 @@ def globus_fetch_token(code, globus_action_url)
return identity_struct
rescue => ex
- Rails.logger.error "GLOBUS token request failed: #{ex.class} #{ex.message}"
+ Rails.logger.error "#{$oidc_name} token request failed: #{ex.class} #{ex.message}"
return nil
@@ -90,14 +101,14 @@ def globus_basic_auth_header
# Returns a string that should stay constants during the entire
- # globus negotiations. The current Rails session_id, encoded, will do
+ # OIDC negotiations. The current Rails session_id, encoded, will do
# the trick. The Rails session is maintained by a cookie already
# created and maintained, at this point.
def globus_current_state
Digest::MD5.hexdigest( request.session_options[:id] )
- # Return the registered globus endpoint client ID.
+ # Return the registered OIDC endpoint client ID.
# This value must be configured by the CBRAIN admin
# in the meta data of the portal. Returns nil if unset.
def globus_client_id
@@ -105,7 +116,7 @@ def globus_client_id
- # Return the registered globus endpoint client secret.
+ # Return the registered OIDC endpoint client secret.
# This value must be configured by the CBRAIN admin
# in the meta data of the portal. Returns nil if unset.
def globus_client_secret
@@ -114,7 +125,7 @@ def globus_client_secret
# Returns true if the CBRAIN system is configured for
- # globus auth.
+ # OIDC auth.
def globus_auth_configured?
myself = RemoteResource.current_resource
site_uri = myself.site_url_prefix.presence
@@ -125,43 +136,43 @@ def globus_auth_configured?
- # Record the globus identity for the current user.
+ # Record the OIDC identity for the current user.
# (This maybe should be made into a User model method)
def record_globus_identity(user, globus_identity)
# In the case where a user must auth with a specific set of
- # globus providers, we find the first identity that
+ # OIDC providers, we find the first identity that
# matches a name of that set.
identity = set_of_identities(globus_identity).detect do |idstruct|
user_can_link_to_globus_identity?(user, idstruct)
- provider_id = identity['identity_provider'] || cb_error("Globus: No identity provider")
- provider_name = identity['identity_provider_display_name'] || cb_error("Globus: No identity provider name")
+ provider_id = identity['identity_provider'] || identity['aud'] || cb_error("#{$oidc_name}: No identity provider")
+ provider_name = identity['identity_provider_display_name'] || identity['azp'] || cb_error("#{$oidc_name}: No identity provider name")
pref_username = identity['preferred_username'] ||
- identity['username'] || cb_error("Globus: No preferred username")
+ identity['username'] || cb_error("#{$oidc_name}: No preferred username")
# Special case for ORCID, because we already have fields for that provider
- # We do NOT do this in the case where the user is forced to auth with globus.
+ # We do NOT do this in the case where the user is forced to auth with OIDC.
if provider_name == 'ORCID' && ! user_must_link_to_globus?(user)
orcid = pref_username.sub(/@.*/, "")
user.meta['orcid'] = orcid
- user.addlog("Linked to ORCID identity: '#{orcid}' through Globus")
+ user.addlog("Linked to ORCID identity: '#{orcid}' through #{$oidc_name}")
user.meta[:globus_provider_id] = provider_id
user.meta[:globus_provider_name] = provider_name # used in show page
user.meta[:globus_preferred_username] = pref_username
- user.addlog("Linked to Globus identity: '#{pref_username}' on provider '#{provider_name}'")
+ user.addlog("Linked to #{$oidc_name} identity: '#{pref_username}' on provider '#{provider_name}'")
- # Removes the recorded globus identity for +user+
+ # Removes the recorded OIDC identity for +user+
def unlink_globus_identity(user)
user.meta[:globus_provider_id] = nil
user.meta[:globus_provider_name] = nil
user.meta[:globus_preferred_username] = nil
- user.addlog("Unlinked Globus identity")
+ user.addlog("Unlinked #{$oidc_name} identity")
def set_of_identities(globus_identity)
@@ -201,19 +212,19 @@ def user_must_link_to_globus?(user)
def wipe_user_password_after_globus_link(user)
- user.update_attribute(:crypted_password, 'Wiped-By-Globus-Link-' + User.random_string)
- user.update_attribute(:salt , 'Wiped-By-Globus-Link-' + User.random_string)
+ user.update_attribute(:crypted_password, "Wiped-By-#{$oidc_name}-Link-" + User.random_string)
+ user.update_attribute(:salt , "Wiped-By-#{$oidc_name}-Link-" + User.random_string)
user.update_attribute(:password_reset , false)
- # Given a globus identity structure, find the user that matches it.
+ # Given a OIDC identity structure, find the user that matches it.
# Returns the user object if found; returns a string error message otherwise.
def find_user_with_globus_identity(globus_identity)
provider_name = globus_identity['identity_provider_display_name']
pref_username = globus_identity['preferred_username'] || globus_identity['username']
- id_set = set_of_identities(globus_identity) # a globus record can contain several identities
+ id_set = set_of_identities(globus_identity) # an OIDC record can contain several identities
# For each present identity, find all users that have it.
# We only allow ONE cbrain user to link to any of the identities.
@@ -222,14 +233,14 @@ def find_user_with_globus_identity(globus_identity)
if users.size == 0
- Rails.logger.error "GLOBUS warning: no CBRAIN accounts found for identity '#{pref_username}' on provider '#{provider_name}'"
- return "No CBRAIN user matches your Globus identity. Create a CBRAIN account or link your existing CBRAIN account to your Globus provider."
+ Rails.logger.error "#{$oidc_name.upcase} warning: no CBRAIN accounts found for identity '#{pref_username}' on provider '#{provider_name}'"
+ return "No CBRAIN user matches your #{$oidc_name} identity. Create a CBRAIN account or link your existing CBRAIN account to your #{$oidc_name} provider."
if users.size > 1
loginnames = users.map(&:login).join(", ")
- Rails.logger.error "GLOBUS error: multiple CBRAIN accounts (#{loginnames}) found for identity '#{pref_username}' on provider '#{provider_name}'"
- return "Several CBRAIN user accounts match your Globus identity. Please contact the CBRAIN admins."
+ Rails.logger.error "#{$oidc_name.upcase} error: multiple CBRAIN accounts (#{loginnames}) found for identity '#{pref_username}' on provider '#{provider_name}'"
+ return "Several CBRAIN user accounts match your #{$oidc_name} identity. Please contact the CBRAIN admins."
# The one lucky user
@@ -241,17 +252,17 @@ def find_user_with_globus_identity(globus_identity)
# be empty (no such users) or contain more than one
# user (an account management error).
def find_users_with_specific_identity(identity)
- provider_id = identity['identity_provider'] || cb_error("Globus: No identity provider")
- provider_name = identity['identity_provider_display_name'] || cb_error("Globus: No identity provider name")
+ provider_id = identity['identity_provider'] || identity['aud'] || cb_error("#{$oidc_name}: No identity provider")
+ provider_name = identity['identity_provider_display_name'] || identity['azp'] || cb_error("#{$oidc_name}: No identity provider name")
pref_username = identity['preferred_username'] ||
- identity['username'] || cb_error("Globus: No preferred username")
+ identity['username'] || cb_error("#{$oidc_name}: No preferred username")
# Special case for ORCID, because we already have fields for that provider
if provider_name == 'ORCID'
orcid = pref_username.sub(/@.*/, "")
users = User.find_all_by_meta_data(:orcid, orcid).to_a
return users if users.present?
- # otherwise we fall through to detect users who linked with ORCID through Globus
+ # otherwise we fall through to detect users who linked with ORCID through OIDC
# All other globus providers