diff --git a/documentation.qmd b/documentation.qmd index c872ea6..a2733c3 100644 --- a/documentation.qmd +++ b/documentation.qmd @@ -1,6 +1,8 @@ # For Developers {.unnumbered} Documentation of the development of the ACEP Data Catalog. +GitHub repository for the main Data Catalog site: [https://github.com/UAF-RCS/acepportal-ckan](https://github.com/UAF-RCS/acepportal-ckan) + For more information and guides, visit the official [CKAN Documentation](https://docs.ckan.org/en/2.10/contents.html) ## Data Sources Overview @@ -162,6 +164,8 @@ To add a feature from your local instance to the main Data Catalog, ## Extensions ### Currently Installed +[https://github.com/UAF-RCS/acepportal-ckan/tree/main/ckan-extension](https://github.com/UAF-RCS/acepportal-ckan/tree/main/ckan-extension) + #### ckanext-customtheme __Author__: Jenae Matson __Purpose__: Add custom theming and features for the CKAN instance, including @@ -175,9 +179,17 @@ __Purpose__: Add custom theming and features for the CKAN instance, including - Added support contact info to dataset sidebar - Added default blank option to add-to-group dropdown menu +__Configuration Settings__: + +- `ckan.customtheme.featured_dataset = alaska-energy-inventory` + #### ckanext-dcat __Link__: [https://github.com/ckan/ckanext-dcat](https://github.com/ckan/ckanext-dcat) __Purpose__: Rework metadata to conform to DCAT standard. +__Configuration Settings__: + +- `ckanext.dcat.rdf.profiles = euro_dcat_ap_3` + __Modifications__: - The file `schemas/acep_dcat_fields.yaml` was created to define the metadata fields for the catalog. @@ -189,7 +201,10 @@ __Purpose__: Create an FAQ page linked in the masthead with collapsible boxes fo #### ckanext-geoview __Link__: [https://github.com/ckan/ckanext-geoview ](https://github.com/ckan/ckanext-geoview) -__Purpose__: Created resource views for geojson and other geo-data file types. We have implemented the OpenLayers Viewer. +__Purpose__: Created resource views for geojson and other geo-data file types. We have implemented the OpenLayers Viewer. +__Configuration Settings__: + +- `ckanext.geoview.ol_viewer.default_feature_hoveron = true` #### ckanext-githubrepopreview __Link__: [https://github.com/DataShades/ckanext-githubrepopreview](https://github.com/DataShades/ckanext-githubrepopreview) @@ -226,6 +241,23 @@ def parse(input_url, some_flag): {% endblock -%} ``` +#### ckanext-ldap +__Link__: [https://github.com/NaturalHistoryMuseum/ckanext-ldap](https://github.com/NaturalHistoryMuseum/ckanext-ldap) +__Purpose__: Allows users to login using their UA credentials (a temporary solution while the official SSO is being implemented). +__Configuration Settings__: + +- `ckanext.ldap.uri = ldaps://auth.alaska.edu` +- `ckanext.ldap.auth.password = s3arch@ccount!` +- `ckanext.ldap.base_dn = ou=userAccounts,dc=ua,dc=ad,dc=alaska,dc=edu` +- `ckanext.ldap.search.filter = (sAMAccountName={login})` +- `ckanext.ldap.auth.dn = cn=rcs-ad-read,ou=RCS,ou=UAF,dc=ua,dc=ad,dc=alaska,dc=edu` +- `ckanext.ldap.username = sAMAccountName` +- `ckanext.ldap.fullname = displayName` +- `ckanext.ldap.email = mail` +- `ckanext.ldap.ckan_fallback = True` + +__Modifications__: Theng from RCS has made some modifications, including improving user creation to handle existing accounts: [https://github.com/UAF-RCS/acepportal-ckan/tree/main/ckan-extension/ckanext-ldap](https://github.com/UAF-RCS/acepportal-ckan/tree/main/ckan-extension/ckanext-ldap). + #### ckanext-package-group-permissions __Link__: [https://github.com/salsadigitalauorg/ckanext-package-group-permissions](https://github.com/salsadigitalauorg/ckanext-package-group-permissions) __Purpose__: Allows all editors and admins to add datasets to any group, without having to be added as members to each group. @@ -281,6 +313,12 @@ __Purpose__: Restrict the ability to change the visibility of a dataset to admin #### ckanext-scheming __Link__: [https://github.com/ckan/ckanext-scheming ](https://github.com/ckan/ckanext-scheming) __Purpose__: Allows for the creation of alternate metadata templates (schemas) defined by .yaml or .json files. +__Configuration Settings__: + +- `scheming.dataset_schemas ckanext.dcat.schemas:acep_dcat_fields.yaml` +- `scheming.presets = ckanext.scheming:presets.json ckanext.dcat.schemas:presets.yaml` +- `scheming.dataset_fallback = false` + __Modifications__: Some of the automatically calculated resource fields were manually re-added to be displayed. In the file `templates/scheming/package/resource_read.html`, below `{%- block resource_license -%}` add the following ``` {%- block resource_size -%} @@ -297,6 +335,13 @@ __Modifications__: Some of the automatically calculated resource fields were man {%- endblock -%} ``` +#### ckanext-xloader +__Link__: [https://github.com/ckan/ckanext-xloader](https://github.com/ckan/ckanext-xloader) +__Purpose__: Improve data uploading, including increasing allowed file sizes. +__Configuration Settings__: + +- `ckanext.xloader.jobs_db.uri=postgresql://ckandbuser:ckandbpassword@db/ckandb` + ### Adding Alternate Schemas with ckanext-scheming 1. Create a .yaml or .json file in the folder `ckanext-scheming/ckanext/scheming` to define the metadata schema. See extension documentation for more information and examples. 2. In `ckan.ini`, add your schema(s) to the `scheming.dataset_schemas` config option.