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Python Absl Changelog

All notable changes to Python Absl are recorded here.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog.


Nothing notable unreleased.

  • (testing) Added a new method absltest.TestCase.assertMappingEqual that tests equality of Mapping objects not requiring them to be dicts. Similar to assertSequenceEqual but for mappings.

  • (testing) Added a new method absltest.assertDictContainsSubset that checks that a dictionary contains a subset of keys and values. Similar to a removed method unittest.assertDictContainsSubset (existed until Python 3.11).


  • (testing) Fixed an issue where the test reporter crashes with exceptions with no string representation, starting with Python 3.11.

2.1.0 (2024-01-16)


  • (flags) Added absl.flags.override_value function to provide FlagHolder with a construct to modify values. The new interface parallels absl.flags.FlagValues.__setattr__ but checks that the provided value conforms to the flag's expected type.
  • (testing) Added a new method absltest.TestCase.assertDataclassEqual that tests equality of dataclass.dataclass objects with better error messages when the assert fails.


  • (flags) absl.flags.argparse_flags.ArgumentParser now correctly inherits an empty instance of FlagValues to ensure that absl flags, such as --flagfile, --undefok are supported.
  • (testing) Do not exit 5 if tests were skipped on Python 3.12. This follows the CPython change in python/cpython#113856.


  • (flags) The flag foo no longer retains the value bar after = bar fails due to a validation error.
  • (testing) Fixed an issue caused by this Python 3.12.1 change where the test reporter crashes when all tests are skipped.

2.0.0 (2023-09-19)


  • absl-py no longer supports Python 3.6. It has reached end-of-life for more than a year now.
  • Support Python 3.12.
  • (logging) logging.exception can now take exc_info as argument, with default value True. Prior to this change setting exc_info would raise KeyError, this change fixes this behaviour.
  • (testing) For Python 3.11+, the calls to absltest.TestCase.enter_context are forwarded to unittest.TestCase.enterContext (when called via instance) or unittest.TestCase.enterClassContext (when called via class) now. As a result, on Python 3.11+, the private _cls_exit_stack attribute is not defined on absltest.TestCase and _exit_stack attribute is not defined on its instances.
  • (testing) absltest.TestCase.assertSameStructure() now uses the test case's equality functions (registered with TestCase.addTypeEqualityFunc()) for comparing leaves of the structure.
  • (testing) now names its arguments (self, msg=None, user_msg=None), and not (self, msg=None, prefix=None), better reflecting the behavior and usage of the two message arguments.
  • DEFINE_enum, DEFINE_multi_enum, and EnumParser now raise errors when enum_values is provided as a single string value. Additionally, EnumParser.enum_values is now stored as a list copy of the provided enum_values parameter.
  • (testing) Updated paramaterized.CoopTestCase() to use Python 3 metaclass idioms. Most uses of this function continued working during the Python 3 migration still worked because a Python 2 compatibility __metaclass__ variables also existed. Now pure Python 3 base classes without backwards compatibility will work as intended.
  • (testing) absltest.TestCase.assertSequenceStartsWith now explicitly fail when passed a Mapping or Set object as the whole argument.

1.4.0 (2023-01-11)


  • (testing) Added @flagsaver.as_parsed: this allows saving/restoring flags using string values as if parsed from the command line and will also reflect other flag states after command line parsing, e.g. .present is set.


  • (logging) If no log dir is specified logging.find_log_dir() now falls back to tempfile.gettempdir() instead of /tmp/.


  • (flags) Additional kwargs (e.g. short_name=) to DEFINE_multi_enum_class are now correctly passed to the underlying Flag object.

1.3.0 (2022-10-11)


  • (flags) Added a new absl.flags.set_default function that updates the flag default for a provided FlagHolder. This parallels the absl.flags.FlagValues.set_default interface which takes a flag name.
  • (flags) The following functions now also accept FlagHolder instance(s) in addition to flag name(s) as their first positional argument:
    • flags.register_validator
    • flags.validator
    • flags.register_multi_flags_validator
    • flags.multi_flags_validator
    • flags.mark_flag_as_required
    • flags.mark_flags_as_required
    • flags.mark_flags_as_mutual_exclusive
    • flags.mark_bool_flags_as_mutual_exclusive
    • flags.declare_key_flag


  • (testing) Assertions assertRaisesWithPredicateMatch and assertRaisesWithLiteralMatch now capture the raised Exception for further analysis when used as a context manager.
  • (testing) TextAndXMLTestRunner now produces time duration values with millisecond precision in XML test result output.
  • (flags) Keyword access to flag_name arguments in the following functions is deprecated. This parameter will be renamed in a future 2.0.0 release.
    • flags.register_validator
    • flags.validator
    • flags.register_multi_flags_validator
    • flags.multi_flags_validator
    • flags.mark_flag_as_required
    • flags.mark_flags_as_required
    • flags.mark_flags_as_mutual_exclusive
    • flags.mark_bool_flags_as_mutual_exclusive
    • flags.declare_key_flag

1.2.0 (2022-07-18)


  • Fixed a crash in Python 3.11 when TempFileCleanup.SUCCESS is used.

1.1.0 (2022-06-01)

  • Flag instances now raise an error if used in a bool context. This prevents the occasional mistake of testing an instance for truthiness rather than testing flag.value.
  • absl-py no longer depends on six.

1.0.0 (2021-11-09)


  • absl-py no longer supports Python 2.7, 3.4, 3.5. All versions have reached end-of-life for more than a year now.
  • New releases will be tagged as vX.Y.Z instead of pypi-vX.Y.Z in the git repo going forward.

0.15.0 (2021-10-19)


  • (testing) #128: When running bazel with its --test_filter= flag, it now treats the filters as unittest's -k flag in Python 3.7+.

0.14.1 (2021-09-30)


  • Top-level LICENSE file is now exported in bazel.

0.14.0 (2021-09-21)


  • #171: Creating argparse_flags.ArgumentParser with argument_default= no longer raises an exception when other absl.flags flags are defined.
  • #173: absltest now correctly sets up test filtering and fail fast flags when an explicit argv= parameter is passed to absltest.main.

0.13.0 (2021-06-14)


  • (app) Type annotations for public app interfaces.
  • (testing) Added new decorator @absltest.skipThisClass to indicate a class contains shared functionality to be used as a base class for other TestCases, and therefore should be skipped.


  • (app) Annotated the flag_parser paramteter of run as keyword-only. This keyword-only constraint will be enforced at runtime in a future release.
  • (app, flags) Flag validations now include all errors from disjoint flag sets, instead of fail fast upon first error from all validators. Multiple validators on the same flag still fails fast.

0.12.0 (2021-03-08)


  • (flags) Made EnumClassSerializer and EnumClassListSerializer public.
  • (flags) Added a required: Optional[bool] = False parameter to DEFINE_* functions.
  • (testing) flagsaver overrides can now be specified in terms of FlagHolder.
  • (testing) parameterized.product: Allows testing a method over cartesian product of parameters values, specified as a sequences of values for each parameter or as kwargs-like dicts of parameter values.
  • (testing) Added public flag holders for --test_srcdir and --test_tmpdir. Users should use absltest.TEST_SRCDIR.value and absltest.TEST_TMPDIR.value instead of FLAGS.test_srcdir and FLAGS.test_tmpdir.


  • (flags) Made CsvListSerializer respect its delimiter argument.

0.11.0 (2020-10-27)


  • (testing) Surplus entries in AssertionError stack traces from absltest are now suppressed and no longer reported in the xml_reporter.
  • (logging) An exception is now raised instead of logging.fatal when logging directories cannot be found.
  • (testing) Multiple flags are now set together before their validators run. This resolves an issue where multi-flag validators rely on specific flag combinations.
  • (flags) As a deterrent for misuse, FlagHolder objects will now raise a TypeError exception when used in a conditional statement or equality expression.

0.10.0 (2020-08-19)


  • (testing) _TempDir and _TempFile now implement __fspath__ to satisfy os.PathLike
  • (logging) --logger_levels: allows specifying the log levels of loggers.
  • (flags) FLAGS.validate_all_flags: a new method that validates all flags and raises an exception if one fails.
  • (flags) FLAGS.get_flags_for_module: Allows fetching the flags a module defines.
  • (testing) parameterized.TestCase: Supports async test definitions.
  • (testing,app) Added --pdb flag: When true, uncaught exceptions will be handled by pdb.post_mortem. This is an alias for --pdb_post_mortem.


  • (testing) Failed tests output a copy/pastable test id to make it easier to copy the failing test to the command line.
  • (testing) @parameterized.parameters now treats a single abc.Mapping as a single test case, consistent with named_parameters. Previously the abc.Mapping is treated as if only its keys are passed as a list of test cases. If you were relying on the old inconsistent behavior, explicitly convert the abc.Mapping to a list.
  • (flags) DEFINE_enum_class and DEFINE_mutlti_enum_class accept a case_sensitive argument. When False (the default), strings are mapped to enum member names without case sensitivity, and member names are serialized in lowercase form. Flag definitions for enums whose members include duplicates when case is ignored must now explicitly pass case_sensitive=True.


  • (flags) Defining an alias no longer marks the aliased flag as always present on the command line.
  • (flags) Aliasing a multi flag no longer causes the default value to be appended to.
  • (flags) Alias default values now matched the aliased default value.
  • (flags) Alias present counter now correctly reflects command line usage.

0.9.0 (2019-12-17)


  • (testing) TestCase.enter_context: Allows using context managers in setUp and having them automatically exited when a test finishes.


  • #126: calling logging.debug(msg, stack_info=...) no longer throws an exception in Python 3.8.

0.8.1 (2019-10-08)


  • (testing) absl.testing's pretty print reporter no longer buffers RUN/OK/FAILED messages.
  • (testing) create_tempfile will overwrite pre-existing read-only files.

0.8.0 (2019-08-26)


  • (testing) absltest.expectedFailureIf: a variant of unittest.expectedFailure that allows a condition to be given.


  • (bazel) Tests now pass when bazel --incompatible_allow_python_version_transitions=true is set.
  • (bazel) Both Python 2 and Python 3 versions of tests are now created. To only run one major Python version, use bazel test --test_tag_filters=-python[23] to ignore the other version.
  • (testing) assertTotallyOrdered no longer requires objects to implement __hash__.
  • (testing) absltest now integrates better with --pdb_post_mortem.
  • (testing) xml_reporter now includes timestamps to testcases, test_suite, test_suites elements.


  • #99: absl.logging no longer registers itself to logging.root at import time.
  • #108: Tests now pass with Bazel 0.28.0 on macOS.

0.7.1 (2019-03-12)


  • (flags) flags.mark_bool_flags_as_mutual_exclusive: convenience function to check that only one, or at most one, flag among a set of boolean flags are True.


  • (bazel) Bazel 0.23+ or 0.22+ is now required for building/testing. Specifically, a Bazel version that supports @bazel_tools//tools/python:python_version for selecting the Python version.


  • #94: LICENSE files are now included in sdist.
  • #93: Change log added.

0.7.0 (2019-01-11)


  • (bazel) testonly=1 has been removed from the testing libraries, which allows their use outside of testing contexts.
  • (flags) Multi-flags now accept any Iterable type for the default value instead of only lists. Strings are still special cased as before. This allows sets, generators, views, etc to be used naturally.
  • (flags) DEFINE_multi_enum_class: a multi flag variant of enum_class.
  • (testing) Most of absltest is now type-annotated.
  • (testing) Made AbslTest.assertRegex available under Python 2. This allows Python 2 code to write more natural Python 3 compatible code. (Note: this was actually released in 0.6.1, but unannounced)
  • (logging) logging.vlog_is_on: helper to tell if a vlog() call will actually log anything. This allows avoiding computing expansive inputs to a logging call when logging isn't enabled for that level.


  • (flags) Pickling flags now raises an clear error instead of a cryptic one. Pickling flags isn't supported; instead use flags_into_string to serialize flags.
  • (flags) Flags serialization works better: the resulting serialized value, when deserialized, won't cause --help to be invoked, thus ending the process.
  • (flags) Several flag fixes to make them behave more like the Absl C++ flags: empty --flagfile is allowed; --nohelp and --help=false don't display help
  • (flags) An empty --flagfile value (e.g. "--flagfile=" or "--flagfile=''" doesn't raise an error; its not just ignored. This matches Abseil C++ behavior.
  • (bazel) Building with Bazel 0.2.0 works without extra incompatibility disable build flags.


  • (flags) Flag serialization is now deterministic: this improves Bazel build caching for tools that are affected by flag serialization.

0.6.0 (2018-10-22)


  • Tempfile management APIs for tests: read/write/manage tempfiles for test purposes easily and correctly. See TestCase.create_temp{file/dir} and the corresponding commit for more info.

0.5.0 (2018-09-17)


  • Flags enum support: flags.DEFINE_enum_class allows using an Enum derived class to define the allowed values for a flag.

0.4.1 (2018-08-28)


  • Flags no long allow spaces in their names


  • XML test output is written at the end of all test execution.
  • If the current user's username can't be gotten, fallback to uid, else fall back to a generic 'unknown' string.

0.4.0 (2018-08-14)


  • argparse integration: absl-registered flags can now be accessed via argparse using absl.flags.argparse_flags: see that module for more information.
  • TestCase.assertSameStructure now allows mixed set types.


  • Test output now includes start/end markers for each test ran. This is to help distinguish output from tests clearly.

0.3.0 (2018-07-25)


  • app.call_after_init: Register functions to be called after is called. Useful for program-wide initialization that library code may need.
  • logging.log_every_n_seconds: like log_every_n, but based on elapsed time between logging calls.
  • absltest.mock: alias to unittest.mock (PY3) for better unittest drop-in replacement. For PY2, it will be available if mock is importable.


  • ABSLLogger.findCaller(): allow stack_info arg and return value for PY2
  • Make stopTest locking reentrant: this prevents deadlocks for test frameworks that customize unittest.TextTestResult.stopTest.
  • Make --helpfull work with unicode flag help strings.