This guide walks you through the basics of how to deploy your own smart contracts on Celo networks. As Celo is fully EVM compliant, we inherit the rich developer ecosystem and tooling of the Ethereum community. We will be deploying a typical hello world smart contract onto the Alfajores testnet with typical Ethereum tools like Truffle and Ganache.
This guide assumes that you have a basic Node/NPM setup. If so, you can install truffle with:
npm install -g truffle
In your desired project folder, intiialize a new truffle project:
truffle init
Let's add a contract with
truffle create contract HelloWorld
Our contract will just store a name for now:
pragma solidity >=0.5.0 <0.7.0;
contract HelloWorld {
string name = 'Celo';
function getName() public view returns (string memory) {
return name;
function setName(string calldata newName) external {
name = newName;
Let's create a migration to deploy the contract. For that, we need to create a file in the migrations
folder named 2_deploy_helloworld.js
var HelloWorld = artifacts.require('HelloWorld')
module.exports = function (deployer) {
To be able to actually deploy it though, we need a blockchain. For local development and testing, you can use our fork of ganache:
npm install -g @celo/ganache-cli
And then start ganache with:
ganache-cli --port 7545
In your truffle-config.js
, you'll want to add your local test network under networks:
networks: {
test: {
host: "",
port: 7545,
network_id: "*"
Then you can deploy your contract to your local network first:
truffle migrate --network test
You can interact with your contract by running the truffle console:
truffle console --network test
truffle(test)> contract = await HelloWorld.deployed()
truffle(test)> contract.getName()
truffle(test)> contract.setName('MyName')
{ tx:
truffle(test)> contract.getName()
When you are ready to deploy your contract to Alfajores, you'll need a Celo client connected to the testnet. We'll run a node somewhat similarly to the Instructions of running a full node on Baklava:
We're going to use a Docker image containing the Celo node software in this tutorial.
If you are re-running these instructions, the Celo Docker image may have been updated, and it's important to get the latest version.
docker pull $CELO_IMAGE
First, create the directory that will store your node's configuration and its copy of the blockchain. This directory can be named anything you'd like, but here's a default you can use. The commands below create a directory and then navigate into it. The rest of the steps assume you are running the commands from inside this directory.
mkdir celo-data-dir
cd celo-data-dir
In this step, you'll create an account on the network. If you've already done this and have an account address, you can skip this and move on to configuring your node.
Run the command to create a new account:
docker run -v $PWD:/root/.celo --rm -it $CELO_IMAGE account new
It will prompt you for a passphrase, ask you to confirm it, and then will output your account address: Address: {<YOUR-ACCOUNT-ADDRESS>
Save this address to an environment variables, so that you can reference it below (don't include the braces):
Note: this environment variable will only persist while you have this terminal window open. If you want this environment variable to be available in the future, you can add it to your `~/.bash_profile
This command specifies the settings needed to run the node, and gets it started.
docker run --name celo-ultralight-node -d --restart unless-stopped -p -v $PWD:/root/.celo $CELO_IMAGE --verbosity 3 --syncmode lightest --rpc --rpcaddr --rpcapi eth,net,web3,debug,admin,personal --etherbase $CELO_ACCOUNT_ADDRESS --alfajores --datadir=/root/.celo --allow-insecure-unlock
You can follow the logs with
docker logs -f celo-ultralight-node
After a few seconds of syncing (with Celo's ultralight sync), you should be able to query the balance of your account:
docker exec celo-ultralight-node geth attach --exec 'eth.getBalance("<YOUR-ACCOUNT-ADDRESS>")'
If you go to our Alfajores Faucet Page, you should be able to faucet your account some CELO and see your balance increase with the above command.
We are finally ready to deploy the contract. First let's unlock the account:
docker exec celo-ultralight-node geth attach --exec 'personal.unlockAccount("<YOUR-ACCOUNT-ADDRESS>", "<YOUR-ACCOUNT-PASSWORD>")'
In your truffle-config.js
reference your node:
alfajores: {
host: "",
port: 8545,
network_id: 44787
Then you should be able to deploy your contract with:
truffle migrate --network alfajores
You can verify your contract deployment on Blockscout, as well as interact with your new contract with the truffle console --network alfajores
. Congratulations!
As you can see, all the goodies from Ethereum apply to Celo, so virtually all tutorials and other content should be easily translatable to Celo. Check out for more resources!