Connect a symbol to a data source, and use it to render an icon or a text at a given point.
Symbol layers are rendered using WebGL. Use a symbol layer to render large collections of points on the map. Compared to HTML marker, the symbol layer renders a large number of point data on the map, with better performance. However, the symbol layer doesn't support traditional CSS and HTML elements for styling.
@page "/Layers/SymbolLayerOnReady"
@using AzureMapsControl.Components.Map
<AzureMap Id="map"
CameraOptions="new CameraOptions { Zoom = 2 }"
.Enable(MapEventType.Ready, MapEventType.SourceAdded)"
@code {
private readonly string _blueDatasourceId = "blueDatasource";
private readonly string _redDatasourceId = "redDatasource";
public async Task OnMapReady(MapEventArgs events)
var blueDataSource = new AzureMapsControl.Components.Data.DataSource(_blueDatasourceId);
await events.Map.AddSourceAsync(blueDataSource);
var redDataSource = new AzureMapsControl.Components.Data.DataSource(_redDatasourceId);
await events.Map.AddSourceAsync(redDataSource);
var bluePoints = new List<AzureMapsControl.Components.Atlas.Shape>();
var redPoints = new List<AzureMapsControl.Components.Atlas.Shape>();
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++)
bluePoints.Add(new Components.Atlas.Shape<Components.Atlas.Point>(new Components.Atlas.Point(new Components.Atlas.Position(i * 5, i * 5))));
redPoints.Add(new Components.Atlas.Shape<Components.Atlas.Point>(new Components.Atlas.Point(new Components.Atlas.Position(i * -5, i * 5))));
await blueDataSource.AddAsync(bluePoints);
await redDataSource.AddAsync(redPoints);
public async Task OnDatasourceAdded(MapSourceEventArgs eventArgs)
var layer = new AzureMapsControl.Components.Layers.SymbolLayer
Options = new Components.Layers.SymbolLayerOptions
Source = eventArgs.Source.Id
if (eventArgs.Source.Id == _redDatasourceId)
layer.Options.IconOptions = new Components.Layers.IconOptions
Image = new Components.Atlas.ExpressionOrString("pin-red")
await eventArgs.Map.AddLayerAsync(layer);