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ZuluSCSI Compact Homebrew jumper placement #495

Answered by aperezbios
varmfskii asked this question in Q&A
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@varmfskii generally, you will want to solder down the headers for:

  • J311 - TERM_EN (closed=SCSI termination enabled, open=disabled) and leave a jumper on it, unless you intend to use the ZuluSCSI device in the middle of chain of SCSI devices.
  • J310 - Initiator mode. This jumper header must remain open if you want to use your ZuluSCSI as a standard SCSI storage device, and closed if you want to use the ZuluSCSI in initiator mode
  • J304 - Activity LED - this allows you to attach an external activity LED to the ZuluIDE, if desired.

The jumper at J313 does nothing unless you also have a piezo buzzer installed, which is not supplied with the kit, because we've found most people do not want or n…

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