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@Glammer58 termination can not be controlled from the ini file. It can only be controlled via the DIP switch. It's still not clear to my why you can't leave the DIP switch for termination left on at power up. The state of the DIP switch is ONLY read at power-up, never after power up, so changing the switch post-power-on accomplishes nothing, because the firmware only detects the state of the DIP switches once, at initial power on. Generally, there is no need change or set InitPreDelay or InitPostDelay unless you know what you're doing. All that should be necessary is for you to set System=MPC3000 in the [SCSI] section of your zuluscsi.ini file. No other parameters should be necessary.
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My suggestions would be:
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Did you get the ZuluSCSI from SamplerZone, with the internal cable? If so, was that recent, or months ago? If not, where did you get the internal cable? The reason I ask is that the MPC3000 requires a special cable since the internal port is wired backwards. |
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Hi Alex, I had [SCSI] (Termination dip on) Tried, same behavier.. Here is the log text: |
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Hi Garth,
It´s the latest (see txt log)
on from the start now
That works, but I don´t want to do that all the time ;)
No, IDs from 0 to 6
I got my backup images installed (Translator ;) ) and some of your images that had been on the external drive I got from you. (Thanks that folder with all the different formats is pretty helpfull :) )
It is via floppypower ;)
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I got a normal internal cable with a split adater I bought in Germany. Actually it works, when it then works as I mentioned. ;D So it seems to be a hardwareissue then.. But your external drive doesn´t work neither... What about this scsi 5v fuse on the scsi board? I have not checked it, but I guess if this isn´t working no more, nothing connected to the board will work. |
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If it had been able to set the termination via command in the .ini Thanks Alex and Garth again for the fast replies :) Best regards |
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The "SCSI fuse" just means, if blown, the MPC won't supply power via the SCSI bus. So since you are powering via the floppy cable, the fuse is a irrelevant issue. Since the "cheat" works (a great sign, that means your cable is working too), nothing else is a problem. So that means the sole issue is the System=MPC3000 line, which seems to be read according to your log. Maybe the 600ms preset (invoked by the line) isn't enough for certain MPC's. Try commenting out the System=MPC3000 line and try using InitPreDelay=700, and/or fiddle with that number (higher numbers). |
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Got it :)
I followed Garth´s advice to insert the SD card after switching on the MPC, set termination on from start and waited to insert the SD card till the MPC is looking for the drives. Then it takes about a second and the MPC3000 is finding the drives :D . Then everything workes like it should. Excellent! I can life with that for the moment. But I would prefer to leave the card in the Zulu.
Would it be possible for the coders to extend the optional InitPreDelay time from 600ms to be set for about 5 seconds? Or even 6 ... Thanks and best regards |
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Ah, ok, thanks. I also think the fuse is ok.
Thanks again for the tip to insert the SD card later. Great that this works. Now I can close the unit and put the screws back in ;D . Hopefully a longer delaytime will help. Thanks again and best regards |
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Hey guys, I just tried to put the delay time to 5000 ms in the .ini file ..... InitPreDelay = 5000 I thought the delaytime is limited, but it is not :D So now it works from the start. SD card is inserted on power up and when the screen comes up to look for the drives, it finds it immediately! Thanks again, problem solved! 👍 🥇 💯 (Btw: I also tried 4000 ms , but it did not work ;) ) |
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No - the the purpose of the delay (as far as I understood it during testing) is to avoid the early junk (probably unintended, probably noise, perhaps exacerbated by the cable or RF) that the MPC3000 can spit out on power up. Like a spike or similar. Thanks for your report, perhaps your MPC3000 requires more "choking". I don't want to speak for Alex, but could you perhaps set DEBUG=1 and comment out System and InitPreDelay, and send in the zululog.txt and/or zuluerr.txt? Perhaps that can shed light on the junk your particular MPC3000 is spitting out. |
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Comment out System and InitPreDelay? You mean to leave these commands out and check the log without that, or do you want a log with the config I now have? |
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Comment those lines out temporarily, so the DEBUG will print in the log the SCSI commands that come from the MPC3000 screw up the ZuluSCSI. |
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This is now a copy of the zululog.txt with Debug without System and Delay config set.
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What I just now tried was to reinsert the Delay config without the System config. |
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What also works if I change the PreDelay back to 600ms and put the PostDelay to 5000 InitPreDelay = 600 # How many milliseconds to delay before the SCSI interface is initialized That´s maybe the better way to set it. ;D txt file produced: |
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@Glammer58 all of the "OUT: 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF" commands are garbage, likely cable noise. Setting InitPreDelay=600 is currently the same as System=MPC3000. System=MPC3000 is simply an alias/easier way to set InitPreDelay=600. So, setting this:
should have an identical effect to:
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Hi everybody,
I had internally installed the Scsi2sd in the AKAI MPC 3000 and it worked great with it.
Now I wanted to switch to Zuluscsi (what I have already succesfully installed in the MPC 60)
But I don´t get the MPC 3000 to work with the Zuluscsi
(Vailixi OS 3.5 installed)
When it comes to the screen where the MPC is looking for drives, it doesn´t find some.
Now the strange thing. (The MPC is still open and I can access the Zuluscsi hardware)
When the MPC is looking for the drives and I switch on the termination switch on the Zuluscsi, the MPC finds the drives. I have then access to the files in the Disk menue and can load up everything. Also have access to all images. It works like it should.
You would say then.. "Ok, just put on termination from the start!.."
But, that doesn´t work.
When I set termination from the start, the Zuluscsi starts blinking and the MPC finds nothing.
I first used a .ini file that I have from Sampler Zone when I bought a external Zuluscsi there. The configs were very specific on the single Scsi IDs , so I made my own .ini config file with less commands. (I have the same behavior with both .ini files)
I edited my new .ini file for the recommended
InitPreDelay = 600
Also put in
My question is:
Can the termination be set from the .ini file
and can this command be set with a time delay?
(that´s actually what I did manually on the Zuluscsi card by activating the termination dipswitch while the MPC3000 was looking for the drives.)
Users in a FB Group wrote, their MPC3000 works with the Zulu, but I did not get any answer yet from them asking for their .ini parameters.
Did I miss something to add in the file?
Thanks for help.
Here are the parameters I set active in my .ini file.
Debug = 0 # Same effect as DIPSW2, enables verbose log messages
SelectionDelay = 255 # Millisecond delay after selection, 255 = automatic, 0 = no delay
Dir = "ActiveDrives" # Optionally look for image files in subdirectory
Settings that can be needed for compatibility with some hosts
Quirks = 0 # 0: Standard, 1: Apple, 2: OMTI, 4: Xebec, 8: VMS
EnableUnitAttention = 0 # Post UNIT_ATTENTION status on power-on or SD card hotplug
EnableSCSI2 = 1 # Enable faster speeds of SCSI2
EnableSelLatch = 0 # For Philips P2000C and other devices that release SEL signal before BSY
InitPreDelay = 600 # How many milliseconds to delay before the SCSI interface is initialized
InitPostDelay = 600 # How many milliseconds to delay after the SCSI interface is initialized
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