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61 lines (52 loc) · 2.6 KB

File metadata and controls

61 lines (52 loc) · 2.6 KB


Parses Cisco Collaboration Manager (CUCM/CCM) CDR/CMR files as well as Cisco UBE (CUBE) CDR files and inserts them into a database. Inserts CDR/CMR records in bulk to improve performance, and utilizes UTC time for insertion. If the files are not in UTC time, the time will be converted to UTC time.


go-cdr parse --config "config.yaml"


  • Only supports CUCM/CCM and CUBE CDR/CMR files
  • Only supports SQLite, PostgreSQL, MySQL, and Microsoft SQL Server databases
  • Only supports CDR/CMR files in CSV format
  • Will parse directories in single-threaded mode, i.e. one directory at a time

Cisco UBE Gateway Configuration

gw-accounting file
 primary ftp (IP Address of FTP Server)/ username (username for FTP) password (password for FTP)
 acct-template callhistory-detail
 maximum buffer-size  40 ! kbytes —Maximum buffer size, in kilobytes. Range: 6 to 40. Default: 20.
 maximum fileclose-timer 60 ! minutes —Maximum time, in minutes, to write records to an accounting file. Range: 60 to 1,440. Default: 1,440 (24 hours).
 maximum cdrflush-timer 45 ! minutes —Maximum time, in minutes, to hold call records in the accounting buffer. Range: 1 to 1,435. Default: 60 (1 hour).

Example Config

  autoMigrate: true # Migrate the database schema on startup
  database: cdr # Database name
  driver: postgres # Database driver (mysql|mssql|postgres|sqlite)
  host: localhost # Database host
  limit: 100 # Maximum number of records to insert in bulk
  password: 012345abc # Database password
  port: 5432 # Database port
  username: postgres # Database username
  SSL: disable # Database SSL mode (disable|require|verify-ca|verify-full)
  compress: false # Compress log files
  level: info # Logging level (debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic)
  maxAge: 30 # Maximum age of log files in days
  maxSize: 100 # Maximum size of log files in megabytes
  name: go-cdr.log # Name of the log files
  path: ./logs # Path to store log files
  parseInterval: 30 # Interval in minutes to parse files
  - input: D:\CDR\cube_cdr\home\cubecdr\ftp # Path to the CDR files
    output: D:\CDR\cube_cdr\home\cubecdr\ftp\processed # Path to move the CDR files after parsing
    type: cube # Type of CDR files (cucm|cube)
    deleteOriginal: false # Delete original files after parsing
  - input: D:\CDR\cucm_cdr\home\cucmcdr\ftp # Path to the CDR files
    output: D:\CDR\cucm_cdr\home\cucmcdr\ftp\processed # Path to move the CDR files after parsing
    type: cucm # Type of CDR files (cucm|cube)
    deleteOriginal: false # Delete original files after parsing