Install guide:
The installation takes around 1GB of space.
Install docker-ce (you cannot use your distro's docker) see:
Enable docker on server startup:
systemctl enable docker
Start docker now:systemctl start docker
Make sure to have NTP running on your Host (Zimbra server) or wherever your docker containers run, so they all get the correct time.
yum install -y ntpdate ntpdate which ntpdate #remember the full path
and then add to crontab using
crontab -e
1 * * * * (add full path here)/ntpdate
for CentOS it will be:
1 * * * * /usr/sbin/ntpdate
(optional) If you want, you can build your own Docker image, that way you have the latest version of everything and get some know-how along the way. See
Create storage volumes
docker volume create --name privacyidea_data docker volume create --name privacyidea_log docker volume create --name privacyidea_mariadb
Prepare your ldap proxy configuration
On your Zimbra server find out on what IP ldap listens
netstat -tulpn | grep 389
and find out your LDAP settings (run as zimbra user):source ~/bin/zmshutil zmsetvars echo $zimbra_ldap_password echo $zimbra_ldap_userdn
As root:
mkdir -p /opt/privacyIdeaLDAPProxy cd /opt/privacyIdeaLDAPProxy wget
Open the config.ini and set the
and set the correct IP inendpoint
. It is the IP from the netstat result, it must not be or 172.* or so. If your ldap listens on, do azmcontrol stop
set the correct ip in /etc/hosts and thenzmcontrol start
. -
Add your SSL certificates
If you use a Zimbra self signed SSL cert:
cp /opt/zimbra/ssl/zimbra/server/server.key /opt/privacyIdeaLDAPProxy/server.key cp /opt/zimbra/conf/nginx.crt /opt/privacyIdeaLDAPProxy/server.crt
If you have deployed a real certificate:
cp /opt/zimbra/ssl/zimbra/commercial/commercial.key /opt/privacyIdeaLDAPProxy/server.key cp /opt/zimbra/conf/nginx.crt /opt/privacyIdeaLDAPProxy/server.crt
Run the privacy-idea container
docker network create --subnet= zimbradocker docker pull zetalliance/privacy-idea:latest docker run --init --net zimbradocker --ip -p 5000:443 --name privacyidea --restart=always -v privacyidea_data:/etc/privacyidea -v privacyidea_log:/var/log/privacyidea -v privacyidea_mariadb:/var/lib/mysql -v /opt/privacyIdeaLDAPProxy:/opt/privacyIdeaLDAPProxy -d zetalliance/privacy-idea:latest
You should be able to see PrivacyIDEA at https://yourzimbra:5000/ it can take a couple of minutes for it to start.
Configure PrivacyIDEA
Create a new admin user on PrivacyIDEA
docker exec -it privacyidea /usr/bin/pi-manage admin add admin -e [email protected]
.On your Zimbra allow the docker container to access the Zimbra ldap.
firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --add-rich-rule=' rule family="ipv4" source address="" port protocol="tcp" port="389" accept' firewall-cmd --reload
Do not create the Initial Realm if PrivacyIDEA asks you! On your Zimbra server find out on what IP ldap listens
netstat -tulpn | grep 389
and configure PrivacyIDEA as in the screenshots. To find out your LDAP settings (run as zimbra user):source ~/bin/zmshutil zmsetvars echo $zimbra_ldap_password echo $zimbra_ldap_userdn ldapsearch -x -H $ldap_master_url -D $zimbra_ldap_userdn -w $zimbra_ldap_password "mail=*"
This will allow you to find your base DN as well. Usually something like
don't forget to hit thePreset OpenLDAP
Only use alpabethical characters for resolver/realm name no special characters (including .-) etc, or it will break.
Only use alpabethical characters for resolver/realm name no special characters (including .-) etc, or it will break.
Go to config -> policies -> create new policy and set a policy with scope authentication
and set passthru->userstore and otppin->userstore. Realm: Zimbra, Resolver: Zimbra. See the documentation:
You can now enroll TOTP tokens for the users
Try and see if it works by doing LDAP searches
You must append to OTP code to the password like so:
ldapsearch -x -H ldap://zimbraserver:389 -D uid=user2,ou=people,dc=zimbradev,dc=barrydegraaff,dc=tk -w "PASSWORD HERE" "mail=*" ldapsearch -x -H ldap:// -D uid=user2,ou=people,dc=zimbradev,dc=barrydegraaff,dc=tk -w "PASSWORD HERE***OTP HERE***" "mail=*"
If it does not work, check if PrivacyIDEA works directly using the API
curl -d "user=user1&pass=testabc387223" -X POST https://zimbraserver:5000/validate/check
or from the Zimbra servercurl -d "user=user1&pass=testabc944412" -X POST
. -
Debug and reading the logs
You can run commands in the docker container by doing docker exec -it privacyidea bash
and you can see the logs using tail -f /var/lib/docker/volumes/privacyidea_log/_data/privacyidea.log
on the Zimbra server. And docker container logs privacyidea
Now you can configure your Zimbra Domain with external authentication, basically pointing it to the LDAP Proxy
Follow the steps in the screenshots like so, you must set Zimbra to use a bind dn, even a bind dn that is not privileged will work. You may need to create one in the correct domain. And you should repeat these steps for each domain you want to have 2FA.
Please note there is a bug in Zimbra, if the test keeps failing, just continue and finish the setup wizard. Then try again. Usually that is when the test starts working.
If it all works, don't forget to run as Zimbra user:
zmprov md zimbraAuthFallbackToLocal FALSE
Create the following optional PrivacyIDEA policies
Admin account and 2FA
At this time, Zimbra will still allow using only a password for admin accounts, this is a bug. See Zimbra/zm-mailbox#448 and this means, you need to create a separate admin account, put a long password on it, and don't use it for day-to-day work.
- Update the Zimbra login screen
Open the file the patch needs to go in /opt/zimbra/jetty/webapps/zimbra/public/login.jsp the patch needs to be added just before the tag. You need to repeat this whenever you upgrade Zimbra to a new version.
- Update the Zimbra change password dialog
Open the file the patch needs to go in /opt/zimbra/jetty/webapps/zimbra/h/changepass the patch needs to be added just before the tag. You need to repeat this whenever you upgrade Zimbra to a new version.
- Install the Zimlets
The admin Zimlet only contains a patch that will enable the Change password
right-click menu option, that is otherwise disabled for external authentication.
As Zimbra user:
cd /tmp
wget -O /tmp/
wget -O /tmp/
zmzimletctl deploy
zmzimletctl deploy
- Install Java extension
As root:
mkdir /opt/zimbra/lib/ext/zimbraprivacyidea
wget -O /opt/zimbra/lib/ext/zimbraprivacyidea/privacyIdeazimbra.jar
If you want to set-up a single domain
cd /opt/zimbra/lib/ext/zimbraprivacyidea
wget -O /opt/zimbra/lib/ext/zimbraprivacyidea/
If you want to set-up multiple domains
cd /opt/zimbra/lib/ext/zimbraprivacyidea
wget -O /opt/zimbra/lib/ext/zimbraprivacyidea/
As zimbra zmmailboxdctl restart
to load the extension.
Configure the Java extension
Open /opt/zimbra/lib/ext/zimbraprivacyidea/ using nano or vi and add admin tokens for each of your PrivacyIDEA docker containers. You can get an admin token by running.
docker container exec -it privacyidea /usr/bin/pi-manage api createtoken -r admin -d 7200
In the properties file you can set the following properties
Property Description Example/comments apiURI the url to the PrivacyIDEA instance token the admin token docker container exec -it privacyidea /usr/bin/pi-manage api createtoken -r admin -d 7200
initJSON the JSON string that holds the settings for creation of the token {"timeStep":30,"otplen":6,"genkey":true,"description":"zimbratokendescr","type":"totp","radius.system_settings":true,"2stepinit":false,"validity_period_start":"","validity_period_end":"","user":"zimbrauserdonotchangethis","realm":"zimbra"}
deviceJSON the JSON string that holds the settings for creation of device/application passcodes {"otpkey":"zimbradevicepasscode","description":"zimbratokendescr","type":"pw","radius.system_settings":true,"2stepinit":false,"validity_period_start":"","validity_period_end":"","user":"zimbrauserdonotchangethis","realm":"zimbra"}
accountname_with_domain boolean, if set to false, the username will be passed to PrivacyIDEA excluding the domainname. Aka [email protected] will be looked up as info. When set to true, [email protected] needs to exist as a user in PrivacyIDEA In case you want/need a configuration per domain, you can add the properties by appending the domain name like so:
The extension will first look for if that cannot be found, it will use property. So if is present, it will use that for users in If there is no it will use apiURI for users in See the example config files
How to revoke API tokens created with
pi-manage api createtoken
You cannot remove individual tokens, but you can invalidate them all by changing the "SECRET_KEY" in pi.cfg by running
docker container exec -it privacyidea nano /etc/privacyidea/pi.cfg
and thendocker container restart privacyidea
. -
Hide PrivacyIDEA UI
Since all tokens can be added/removed via Zimbra, you do not need the PrivacyIDEA web interface. You can remove the open port like so:
docker container stop privacyidea docker container rm privacyidea docker run --init --net zimbradocker --ip --name privacyidea --restart=always -v privacyidea_data:/etc/privacyidea -v privacyidea_log:/var/log/privacyidea -v privacyidea_mariadb:/var/lib/mysql -v /opt/privacyIdeaLDAPProxy:/opt/privacyIdeaLDAPProxy -d zetalliance/privacy-idea:latest
Copyright (C) 2015-2019 Barry de Graaff Zeta Alliance
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see