- Fixed render restore defaults button restoring defaults.
- Fixed clickbot restore defaults button NOT restoring defaults.
- Fixed tps bug? lets find out.
- Added restore button for clickbot click settings.
- Fixed seed again cus i forgot sometinhg.
- Fixed android render trying to record audio even though it cant add it to the video.
- Fixed buttons scale JUST for viper.
- Fixed tps bypass speedups maybe.
- R
- Fixed tps bypass bug when at 240 and enabled so that this lucalwise kid can play with tps enabled but at 240tps.
- Made android video args empty by default cus dffmpeg api dies with them i think.
- Fixed some tps thing and some macro offset thing.
- Fixed macro death bug with other bot's macros.
- Fixed tps input bugs.
- Made render use video args if using ffmpeg api.
- Made render settings that dont work gray out if youre using ffmpeg api.
- Improved compatibility with other bot's macros (Pathfinder, Eclipse).
- Added render warning.
- Fixed clickbot not working.
- Fixed render audio recording bugs.
- Fixed on level end auto save not working.
- Fixed render green video?.
- Fixed android render inputs length being limited to 3 or 2 idk.
- Fixed macro autosaving on level end even if autosave was not enabled.
- Fixed android default render codec.
- Fixed android width input length being limited to 3.
- Fixed macros folder not creating automatically if not found.
- Fixed song file not found on android render (it cant do audio at all).
- Fixed renders folder not creating automatically if not found.
- Added TPS Bypass.
- Added Android Renderer support with FFmpeg API.
- Added autoclicker.
- Added Clickbot "Hold Only" setting.
- Added auto disable speedhack setting.
- Added inverted mirror input setting.
- Added macros save folder setting.
- Added autosaves folder setting.
- Added Input Fixes setting.
- Added Frame Fixes Limit setting.
- Added restore button in android button edit layer.
- Added warning when disabling button in pause menu.
- Added auto save on level end.
- Added auto save on time interval.
- Fixed Clickbot ignoring clicks on the same frame.
- Fixed 2 player macro bugs when "flip 2 player controls" was enabled.
- Fixed crash when renders folder path was invalid.
- Fixed BetterInputs incompatibility.
- Fixed render volume setting not working in legacy audio mode.
- Fixed Disable Shaders working weird.
- Fixed input bug when resuming pause with space bar.
- Fixed macro merge not working properly.
- Fixed crash with invalid macro files.
- Fixed layout mode crash in certain levels that use particles.
- Fixed android crash on edit macro.
- Fixed android speedhack only allowed 1 decimal digit.
- Removed some debug logs that i forgot to remove.
- Removed keybinds button warning.
- Removed herobrine.
- Improved seed to be more random xD.
- Improved Clickbot performance.
- Improved render hide level complete setting.
- Changed Clickbot default sounds.
- Changed render default codec.
- Changed render codec popup.
- Swapped positions of sfx and music volume in render settings.
- Changed discord server popup message.
- Re-added .gdr save toggle.
- Re-added xdBot menu button in mod settings.
- Moved Show Trajectory extra settings to its own UI.
- Moved Auto Stop Playing setting to more settings.
- Moved Lock Delta setting to more settings.
- Possibly optimized a few things i forgot what it was.
- Made settings page also save after reopening.
- Made disable shaders trigger auto safe mode.
- Made auto saved macros have description for no reason xd.
- Slightly changed extra hack settings button looks.
- Fixed discord link.
- Discord.
- Fixed render fade out not re encoding with the original bitrate.
- nose
- Fix
- Fixed layout mode returning "Load Failed!" on robtop levels.
- Fixed crazy layout mode bug idk how it didnt get reported before.
- Fixed render args not allowing some characters.
- Fixed fade out not re-encoding with the selected codec.
- Fixed render restore defaults button not restoring defaults.
- Added render file extension setting.
- Added render info popups for the audio settings.
- Renamed render "Only Add Song" to "Legacy Audio".
- Added renders folder button back but inside the render presets menu.
- Added pause retention while recording audio (spam it to actually pause).
- Made it so render audio recording stops when the player dies.
- Fixed dash trail looking weird with show trajectory on.
- Fixed render audio recording not stopping on 60fps.
- Fixed render fade out not working i think.
- Fixed being able to type anything in fade inputs.
- Fixed render not working when fade out time was longer than the video length.
- Changed the default of restore page setting.
- Fixed play button sound appearing in renders.
- Fixed keybinds button opening mobile keybinds in pc.
- Fixed render width and height inputs being on low opacity for some people.
- Fixed follow trigger bug, this might break some macros in timewarp.
- Added render fade in and fade out.
- Added render volume settings.
- Added render hide endscreen setting.
- Added render hide level complete setting.
- Added render presets.
- Added trajectory on both sides setting.
- Added input mirror.
- Added disable shaders.
- Added instant mirror portal.
- Added no mirror portal.
- Added custom respawn time.
- Added lock delta (filler lmao).
- Added optional button at level settings.
- Added my ko-fi.
- Fixed GUI being shy and running a way.
- Made BetterInputs warning only happen for the first time.
- gode 4.0.0-beta.1
- 2.207
- Fixed render record audio desync i think xD.
- Added render audio record.
- Improved render shaders.
- Made it possible to continue platformer macros.
- Fixed crash if some macro info was null for whatever reason.
- Fixed macro bot info saving bug.
- Fixed practice rotation bug.
- Actually capped render fps to 240 now lmao.
- I think render fps were never saving so it was always 60 no matter what u set it to.
- Changed render FPS cap to 240 (more than 240 fps would need tps bypass lol).
- Changed speedhack limit to 10 (it was 9 for some reason).
- Changed frame offset setting limit to 8 instead of 60.
- Changed render error id 12 message.
- Made speedhack work everywhere.
- Fixed macros importing as .gdr instead of .gdr.json.
- Added warning when rendering if CBF is loaded.
- Added render save location setting.
- Fixed show trajectory not working.
- Fixed spider being flipped when show trajectory is on.
- Fixed more settings popup being brown.
- Fixed crash when searching macros in the merge layer.
- Added recording only keybinds setting.
- Added button in endscreen setting.
- Added fade in and fade out to renderer videos if the level has it.
- Made auto safe mode text hide when hiding the endscreen.
- Fixed render restore defaults button setting the wrong args.
- Fixed triggers stopping on death when not recording a macro.
- Fixed crash on level complete if you had practice attempts installed.
- Fixed holding on checkpoint respawn bug.
- Made auto safe mode text appear instantly instead of dropping down and lowered its opacity.
- Fixed dual bug when replaying a macro.
- Fixed not being able to import .json macros (with the import button).
- Fixed rotation bug.
- Fixed crash on load macro if node ids wasnt installed.
- Fixed a few undisclosed bugs.
- Added Alt modifier to default keybinds.
- A bunch of small changes that are not even worth putting here.
- Remove NodeIDs dependency.
- Actually remove Click on Steps incompatibility.
- Fixed Macro Editor and Noclip Settings popups not changing color.
- Remove click on steps incompatibility and replaced it for a warning.
- Fixed speedhack bug.
- Added Noclip settings.
- Fixed bug when toggling "Fix Shaders".
- Fixed bug when replaying macros on the first attempt.
- Fixed bug where the player wouldn't do the first jump of the macro.
- Fixed render song being offsync when starting from a startpos.
- Fixed render recording frames while player is dead.
- Added Macro Editor.
- Added macro count in load macro layer.
- Added render video args.
- Added render restore default settings button.
- Added incompatibility warning if BetterInputs is installed.
- Added click on steps incompatibility just in case lol.
- Added GDH Tps Bypass incompatibility.
- Improved .xd macros compatibility a bit.
- Improved layout mode load time.
- Made layout mode hide solid objects with negative scales.
- Removed JSON toggle (now it always saves as JSON).
- Slightly decreased respawn lag while recording.
- Fixed crash when trying to record or play a macro.
- Removed tps bypass detector because it was NOT detecting.
- Added Prism Menu TPS bypass to incompatibilities;
- Fixed freezing when recording in platformer mode.
- Fixed crash when opening menu after switching scene while it was open.
- Fixed crash when opening the menu after closing it with back button in android.
- Fix QOLMod tps bypass detector being inverted.
- Fixed koad.
- Fixed load layer button touch priority bug.
- Fixed "always practice fixes" not working (no one noticed).
- Fixed clear button not working.
- Added sort direction button in load layer.
- Added extension text when loading macros.
- Added TPS / Physics bypass DETECTOR.
- Made macros save as .gdr.json when saving as json.
- Improved incompatibility system.
- Removed Android custom keybinds dependency.
- Removed Windows-only settings on Android.
- Removed Old Loading setting.
- Fixed crash with death replay on platformer mode.
- Fixed level restarting when toggling playing on after finishing the level.
- Fixed layout mode removing deco objects that are linked to a teleport orb or portal.
- Fixed crash when loading a macro in android.
- Fixed some inconsistent casing xd.
- Fixed default clickbot click sound only sounding on the left.
- Made layout mode remove objects with "NoTouch" on.
- Fixed visual bug in load macro list with happy textures mod.
- Fixed screen freezing when opening a level while frame stepper was on.
- Fixed pause not unpausing visually when frame stepper was on.
- Fixed editor playtest freezing when frame stepper was on.
- Fixed occasional crash when typing in any of the render inputs.
- Fixed crash when rendering.
- Fixed bug where layout mode would remove orange portal.
- Added page indicator dots.
- Added Button Editor for Android users.
- Added speedhack and coin finder to auto safe mode too.
- Made it so frame stepper auto disables when opening a level to avoid confusion.
- Fixed crash on android when respawning from a checkpoint.
- Fixed renderer song offset.
- Fixed percentage bug.
- Fixed crash on checkpoint restart for some users.
- Fixed one of the crashes when searching for a macro.
- Fixed checkpoint incompatibility with QOLMod.
- Fixed crash when loading a macro on Android.
- Fixed robot sprite transferring to player 2 when show trajectory is on.
- Fixed speed changing when show trajectory is on.
- Fixed player sprite flipping vertically when show trajectory goes through a gravity portal.
- Fixed music sounding strange when rendering.
- Fixed bug where replaying macros only worked in the same session.
- Fixed macro breaking when respawning in speed portals.
- Fixed .xd macros loading incorrectly.
- Fixed error when saving or loading for some users.
- Fixed frame stepper advancing two frames instead of one.
- Fixed frame stepper behaving strangely with speedhack on.
- Fixed frame stepper not freezing robot/spider animation.
- Fixed layout mode occasionally breaking rotate triggers.
- Fixed menu color looking weird for the first time after applying changes.
- Fixed some touch priority issue after loading a macro.
- Added Coin Finder.
- Added JSON saving toggle.
- Added render codec info popup.
- Added button to open menu in mod settings.
- Added song re-sync when toggling frame stepper off.
- Added ffmpeg download link popup.
- Removed "Lock Delta FPS" setting because it was unnecessary.
- Improved layout mode load time.
- Changed how frame stepper keybinds work, now one key toggles and another advances frame.
- Slightly increased frame advance repeat speed when holding.
- Completely rewrote the bot.
- Now saves macros as '.gdr' instead of '.xd' (you are still able to load '.xd' files, but not save them).
- Added Practice Pixes.
- Added Auto Saving.
- Added Renderer.
- Added a basic ClickBot.
- Added Seed Modifier.
- Added Show Trajectory.
- Added Frame Offset setting.
- Added Customizable Keybinds.
- Plus every feature from xdBot v1 (except frame fixes).
- geode 3.0.0 beta 1
- Frame fixes for android
- Pc macros work on android
- Old macros dont work cus i changed the frames thing
- broke settings button position
- got rid of a bunch of stuff
- geode 3.0.0 alpha 2
- Fixed spider animation not showing when playing a frame fixes macro.
- Added layout mode.
- Added search button.
- Slightly improved respawn lag when recording.
- Made safe mode better in Android (thanks to viper).
- Fixed settings button position.
- Fixed player death being called twice or something.
- Remove Discord.
- Temporarily disabled Ignore Inputs on Android to fix major bugs, will re-implement in the future.
- Added NoClip setting.
- Added Instant Respawn setting.
- Added Instant Mirror Portal setting.
- Added Instant Disable Death Effect setting.
- Added Ignore Inputs setting.
- Added Clear All Macros button.
- Added ignore click on play on Android.
- Added Auto Safe Mode on Android.
- Added a warning when saving a macro with an existing name.
- Made Android buttons slightly bigger.
- Fixed frame label sometimes not showing.
- Fixed some platformer macro bugs.
- Slightly improved Android performace when loading frame fixes macros.
- Possibly fixed one more crash on restart.
- Fixed some macro bugs on Android.
- Added Auto Safe Mode setting.
- Fixed speedhack audio staying after toggling play macro.
- Fixed macro not recording a release when you place a checkpoint while holding.
- Fixed occasional crash on restart.
- Fixed macros ignoring frame fixes when loaded.
- Made it so speedhack sets to 1 when you play a macro to avoid confusion.
- Made it so xdBot button always appears at the end screen if the setting is enabled.
- Fixed some Android macros crashing.
- Fixed frame stepper button being misaligned on Android.
- Fixed music unsyncing when resuming the game.
- Fixed music unsyncing when using speedhack.
- Added Speedhack Audio setting.
- Added Show Button at End setting.
- Added ignore click on play on Windows.
- You can now hold the frame stepper key on Windows.
- Made speedhack limit 2 instead of 1.
- Speedhack now also works while playing a level.
- Fixed Android macros recording incorrectly.
- Re-worked FPS selector.
- Fixed frame stepper buttons conflicting with platformer buttons on Android.
- Fixed incompatibility with BetterPause.
- Added FPS selector to both platforms. Higher FPS might make the game slow down on Android.
- Fixed not being able to hold at the beginning of an attempt on Android.
- Moved the disable button away from the advance frame one to prevent misclicks on Android.
- Removed size macro info because it was too cluttered.
- Fixed layering issues with labels and 2.2 shaders.
- Fixed playing label not working on Windows.
- Fixed Vanilla macros not saving correctly.
- Fixed Android buttons staying after completing a level.
- Fixed spider teleport animation not showing on Android.
- Added android support.
- Slightly improved respawn lag while recording.
- Changed the menu button sprite.
- Added discord button.
- Fixed macros working different when loaded.
- Fixed crash i think xd
- You can now add inputs to a macro by recording over it (again).
- Fixed occasional crash on restart again.
- Added bugs.
- Fixed mysterious bug.
- Removed some features temporarily to fix mysterious bug.
- Air update.
- Fixed macros saving with "WA" at the end lmao.
- Fixed Delete Macro pop up title being Load Macro instead of Delete Macro.
- Fixed macros not saving if the path contains non-english characters.
- Fixed crash when opening the pause menu.
- Fixed occasional crash when restarting in practice mode.
- Added auto music sync (bad) while playing a macro.
- User inputs now are ignored while playing a macro.
- You can now add inputs to a macro by recording over it (macro merger soon).
- Added override macro mode setting.
- Fixed labels not disappearing after disabling recording or playing.
- Previous version never came out but fixed a crash xd.
- Added version label on the menu.
- Saved macros list is now in the correct alphabetical order.
- Fixed rotation bug on input fix and frame fix modes.
- Added "Auto-Enable Play" setting.
- Speedhack shortcut value now saves after restarting the game.
- Fixed frame stepper advancing two frames instead of one.
- Added toggleable frame and macro state labels.
- Vanilla and Frame Fix settings now also change the way the macro plays.
- Removed lock delta (it was useless).
- Added clicks to the macro info label.
- Added Input Fixes and Frame Fixes. Input Fixes is on by default, "vanilla" option disables it.
- Fixed teleport orb bug for real.
- Added (forced) safe mode when playing a macro.
- Added speedhack key shortcut.
- Added Frame Stepper.
- Small bugfixes.
- Added speedhack.
- Added lock delta.
- Bugfixes.
- Reworked the macro saving and loading system.
- Fixed teleport orb not working while playing a macro.
- Now targetting correct geode version.
- Fixed GUI breaking on different aspect ratios.
- Improved macro recording accuracy.
- Made code look less ugly.
- First release