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                          MNSIM version1.1 ReadMe


We have uploaded a high-level modeling tool and please use this version:

---------------------------------Update Information--------------------------------------

  1. Update the input parameters settings.
  2. Fix several bugs.

----------------------------------Running MNSIM------------------------------------------

  1. Windows / MacOS: Create a project with all of the source files, set simulation configuration file (sim-config) and output results file address in argv[]; Linux: Build the project with $ make. If no sim-config and result files are specified, MNSIM will load the default (SimConfig.txt and result.txt), run MNSIM with $ ./MNSIM. If users specify their own configurations / result file by passing the ".txt" argument:$ ./MNSIM .txt .txt

  2. Input Parameters Setting (MNSIM version 1.1):

Config part:

Simulation_Level: Estimation                                                        
Target_Outputs: Area/Latency/Power/Energy (Optimization Targets)                   
Application: CNN or BNN

Application_Scale: Number of Layers (conv + fully-connected)                                                                    
Weight_Polarity: 2                                                              
Cell_Type: 1T1R                                                                 
RRAM_Model: ideal                                                                   
RRAM_Bit_Levels: 8                                                              
Transistor_Tech(nm): 130                                                            
Min_Crossbar_Size & Max_Crossbar_Size: 2^k, MNSIM will find the optimal design   
Max_Crossbar_Size 1024                                                              
Write_Method: ideal                                                                 
Action_Type: Calculation                                                            
Pipeline: 0-not pipelined, 1-pipelined  

Network part:

#: Layer number, from 1 to Application_Scale    

Convolutional Layer:
Layer# {
    Name Conv
    Inputsize: input feature map size
    Outputsize: output feature map size
Fully-connected Layer:
Layer# {
    Name FC

  1. Unit of the outputs: area: m^2, energy: J, power: W, latency: s.

----------------------------------Future Work and Update---------------------------------

  1. Support for different cell types: 0T1R and 1T1R
  2. Support for different bit levels of RRAM
  3. Add accuracy simulation of matrix-vector multiplications and CNN


MNSIM version1.1 is only a test version. If you have any questions and suggestions about MNSIM please contact us via email.

Lixue Xia: [email protected] Zhenhua Zhu: [email protected]