This is the quick and dirty way to see if this approach resonates with you.
Let's map out a to-do list and see how quickly your thoughts can be captured, processed, organized, reflected upon, and engaged with.
As an ambitious organized person you have an immediate thought you'd like to capture. You are uncertain if it is a very involved project or something that only takes 2 minutes.
Since this Obsidian vault is already open, let's create it here...
Let's create a note in a new pane. Hotkey to follow later, but for now we can use the button at left to "Open command palette".
and start typing, "note pane" (because we want to create a note in a new pane). Notice how the options available change as you type "note pane"
Once you hit the enter/return key, a new note to the right of this is created.
Let's replace the "Untitled" heading with the thought you had, "Take over the world" and hit enter.
You've just captured your thought. Congratulations. Your mind is for having ideas, not holding them. Your attention can now focus on capturing the next thought instead of trying to remember one.
Let's continue to make progress. Let's [[process your note]]