The comma operator in C++ is one of those little-known gems that, when used properly, can make you look like a genius—or a complete madman, depending on your audience. In this post, we’ll explore:
- A brief history of the comma operator
- How it works and when to use it
- Why you’d want to use it
- How to troll your colleagues by overloading it
The comma operator has been around since C, and like many other C operators, it was passed down to C++ like a family heirloom you didn’t ask for but now have to deal with.
In C++, the comma operator is a binary operator that lets you evaluate two expressions in a single statement. It evaluates the left expression and discards it (because, who cares?), then evaluates the right expression and returns it. The syntax is straightforward:
int main() {
int a = 0;
int b = 2;
return ++a, b; // evaluates '++a', discards it, then evaluates 'b' and returns it (main returns 2)
// a = 1
But here's something funny: the comma operator can be chained.
#include <iostream>
int main() {
int a, b, c;
a = 0, b = 1, c = 2, std::cout << a << ' ' << b << ' ' << c;
// prints: 0 1 2
Yea quite funny I recommend using your enter key instead.
Let’s say you need to increment two variables at once in a for
loop. Sure, you could have 2 separate statements, but my enter key is broken. So, why not use the comma operator to get them both in one line? It’s like multi-tasking for C++.
for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < N && j < M; ++i, ++j) {
// ^ not a comma operator ^ comma operator
Notice how the first comma is just separating things. It's not the comma operator—it’s just a separator. It’s all about context bringing us to the next point.
It’s easy to get confused. Not every comma you see in your code is actually the comma operator. For instance:
- When we pass parameters to functions, those commas are just separators.
int calc(int a, int b, int c);
// declarator separator, not a comma operator
// ^ grammar comma, not the comma operator
// when calling
calc(1, 2, 3); // still not a comma operator, just a separator
- The commas in template argument lists are also not comma operators:
template<typename T, typename U>
// ^^^ not a comma operator, still a separator
int calcUltimate(T a, U b);
// vvv not a comma operator, still a separator
calcUltimate<int, long>(1, 2);
- Declaring multiple variables in one line (just don’t do it, please):
int a, *b, &c,&&d;
These are not using the comma operator.
But wait! If you really want to use the comma operator, just throw some parentheses around it. It’s like a magic trick.
calc((2, 1), 3); // evaluates to calc(1, 3);
// ^ comma operator
When passing arguments to functions, since the comma operator isn't always used, the evaluation order is not guaranteed and can cause undefined behavior.
int calc(int a, int b);
int a;
calc(a = 1, a = 2);
// Is a == 1 or a == 2?
// Answer: It’s undefined behavior becuase you are modifying the same variable with no sequence point
// unless you’re using C++17, then it’s implementation-defined.
// So don’t do this.
Okay, maybe by now you’re thinking, “Why would I bother with this operator? Seems kind of useless when I have this handy enter key on my keyboard.” And, for most developers, it is. But for template wizards, it’s like an all-powerful spell to write 10x uglier code. Let’s dive into some cool uses that will certainly get your PR rejected.
Before C++17, you could just as easily write the void_t
template from the standard library:
using void_t = void; // Ta-Da! 2 lines!
But where’s the fun in that? As template wizards, we like to write ugly, unreadable code. So, instead, we can abuse the comma operator to convert expressions to void
template<typename T, typename = void> // default case, false
struct has_addressof_operator : std::false_type {};
// using std::void_t
template<typename T>
struct has_addressof_operator<T, std::void_t<decltype(&std::declval<T>()>> : std::true_type {};
// using comma
template<typename T>
struct has_addressof_operator<T, decltype(&std::declval<T>(), void())> : std::true_type {};
Now it’s even more obscure, and that’s what we love.
Okay, now we're talking. The comma operator is actually really useful when used in fold expressions (C++17 and up). This is where the operator shines!
Let’s say you want to print all the values in a variadic template. The comma operator helps you apply an expression to all the arguments:
template<typename... Ts>
void print_all(Ts... ts) {
((std::cout << ts << '\n'), ...);
print_all(1, 'a', "Hello World");
/* Output:
Hello World
See? The comma operator can be your friend. It’s not all about chaos.
Not using C++17 yet? No problem! You can still use an old-school trick to simulate fold expressions with the comma operator.
template<typename... Ts>
void print_all(Ts... ts) {
int exprs[] = {0, (std::cout << ts << '\n', 0)...};
// The first 0 is necessary because one may call print_all with 0 arguments and 0-sized arrays are not allowed in C++.
// The comma operator allows us to call an expression and return a value at the same time. Here, we return 0 because it is what the array type is.
(void)exprs; // silences unused variable warnings
Now, let's have some fun. The comma operator is one of the many operators in C++ that can be overloaded. And, it has really low precedence (value 15). That means we might need to add parenthesis sometimes
x = 1,5; // equal to (x=1),5;
x = (1,5); // equal to x = 5;
// `=` has higher precedence than `,`
Who needs std::initializer_list
when you have the ability to overload comma?
std::vector<int> operator,(std::vector<int> vec, int value)
return vec;
int main() {
std::vector<int> vec = (std::vector<int>{}, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6);
for (int val : vec) {
std::cout << val << '\n';
You could also ruin your colleague's day by overloading the comma operator for iterators in a for
loop. This will make them question their entire existence.
template<typename T>
std::vector<int>::iterator& operator,(std::vector<int>::iterator&& iter, const T& /*unused*/)
if (*iter % 16 == 0) // if divisible by 16
delete &iter; // this will *probably* crash
return iter;
std::vector<int> a, b;
for (auto iterA = a.begin(), iterB = b.begin(); iterA != a.end() && iterB != b.end(); iterA++, iterB++) {
// Our overloaded comma operator in action
And when your colleague complains about the random crash in their code, just tell them to use prefix increment to teach them a lesson about prefix operators.
Want to prevent yourself from being the one who’s trolled? Easy. Just use a prvalue (pure rvalue) void
to ensure the built-in comma operator is used.
expr1, void(), expr2
// or
expr1, void{}, expr2
Since you can't overload the comma operator with a void
argument, this trick always forces the use of the built-in comma operator. Phew!
C++11's constexpr
was, to say the least, really limiting.
Here are the limitations from note all these restrictions have been lifted since C++14 so these should not be applied in new C++14 and above constexpr code
The function body must be either deleted or defaulted or contain only the following:
- null statements (plain semicolons)
- static_assert declarations
- typedef declarations and alias declarations that do not define classes or enumerations
- using declarations
- using directives
- if the function is not a constructor, exactly one return statement
The last point is really limiting—only 1 return statement for your entire function??
How did people do awesome things like loops, branches, and local variables? The answer: tricks, and a lot of them.
For example, to work around no statements other than return, people used commas (to do more than 1 thing) and ternaries (to simulate if statements):
constexpr int print_and_calcCxx11(int x, bool print_result) {
return !print_result ? x * 5: ((std::cout << "Result was " << x * 5), x * 5);
// can be constant-evaluated if print_result is false
// otherwise not, since it calls std::cout
// C++14 version:
constexpr int print_and_calcCxx14(int x, bool print_result) {
int res = x * 5;
if (print_result)
std::cout << "Result was " << res; // not constexpr branch
return res;
As you can see, the C++11 version is certainly a ride to read through, and quite ugly—it puts everything on a single line.
This is all I have for the comma operator it is certainly special.
Inspired by this reddit post