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Week 1

Welcome to Week 1 of ROS training exercises! I will first give a brief overview of what ROS is, then we will learn the basics of ROS nodes and learn how to launch nodes.

What is ROS?

ROS stands for Robotic Operating System. It's a very convenient framework for programming robots.

That was a short and probably not very useful explanation of what ROS is, but throughout the coming exercises we'll learn more about what ROS is by using its core features, and hopefully you'll gain a better understanding of what it is, but for now:

How does ROS work?

The core of ROS deals with multiple small programs, called nodes, which communicate with each other. The important thing is that each node is only responsible for one aspect of the robot, which helps make the entire stack much cleaner.

For example, we might have a nodes for identifying barrels, mapping, localization (finding out where the robot is) and path planning.

ROS Nodes and Launching Buzzsim

Before we write our own node, let's first launch an existing node. Because the ROS ecosystem is quite large, we can easily use ROS nodes which other people have written for our own projects.

The first thing we need to do is run roscore:


Don't worry about what roscore is. You can think of it as something that handles all the ros functionality behind the scenes. Without launching roscore first, you'll see an error along the lines of:

[ERROR] [1567021515.828919061]: [registerPublisher] Failed to contact master at [localhost:11311].  Retrying...

Let's start by launching the buzzsim simulator that we will make use of the coming few weeks. Run this in another window:

rosrun igvc_buzzsim buzzsim

Here, buzzsim is the name of the executable, while igvc_buzzsim is the name of the ROS package which the buzzsim executable is from.

You can think of a ROS package as an organizational unit under which we can put ROS nodes, libraries, scripts and more.

If you get the error:

[rospack] Error: package 'igvc_buzzsim' not found

then this means that you have not sourced the file at catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash (or catkin_ws/devel/setup.zsh if you're using zsh):

cd catkin_ws # Or wherever your catkin_ws is located
source devel/setup.bash

You can do the following to have the command run for you automatically, replacing catkin_ws with the path to where your catkin_ws is located.

echo "source catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash" >> ~/.bashrc

After launching the node, you should see the simulator window open up: buzzsim

ROS Topics and Keyboard Teleop

Now that we've got the simulator up and running, let's try moving the turtle around. To do that, we need to communicate to the simulator node. ROS does this through the use of topics and messages.

You can think of a ROS topic as an address that messages are sent to, and ROS messages as the actual messages that are sent to those topics.

For example, the simulator node listens to messages on the /oswin/velocity topic, makes the turtle move depending on what message was sent. This means that we can control the turtle by sending a message on the /oswin/velocity topic.

Let's try this. Open up another terminal window, and launch the teleop_twist_keyboard node like so:

rosrun teleop_twist_keyboard cmd_vel:=/oswin/velocity

Ignore the details of the syntax for now, but this launches the teleop_twist_keyboard node from the teleop_twist_keyboard package. You should see something like this in the terminal window: keyboard_teleop

Try pressing the keys in the image. You should see the turtle in the simulator start to move around.

What's happening is that the teleop_twist_keyboard node publishes the velocity commands to the /oswin/velocity topic and because buzzsim node subscribes to the same topic, it is able to receive those messages and move the turtle. We call the teleop_twist_keyboard a ROS Publisher and the buzzsim node a ROS Subscriber.

The rostopic tool

To look more into this, we can use the rostopic tool. Close the teleop_twist_keyboard node with Ctrl-C, and type the following:

rostopic --help

The help screen of rostopic should show, listing out the different commands that are possible with rostopic. Let's try out the list options:

rostopic list

You should see a few topics:


Notice that the /oswin/velocity topic is shown here. We can get more information about a ROS topic with the info command:

Type: geometry_msgs/Twist

Publishers: None

 * /buzzsimsim (http://{YOUR USER NAME HERE}:36899/)

Here, we can see that this topic is of type geometry_msgs/Twist, has no Publishers, and has one Subscriber, which is the buzzsim node. The type of a topic is the type of message of that topic. In this case, it is geometry_msgs/Twist, which contains information about the velocity of the robot.

Since geometry_msgs/Twist, which comes from the package geometry_msgs package from ROS, we can lookup the definition in the ROS docs (Google "geometry_msgs/Twist" and it should show up)

rostopic echo

We can see exactly what is being sent on a topic with the echo command:

rostopic echo /oswin/velocity

You should see nothing being printed out: That's because nothing is being published to the this topic right now. Let's publish something to this topic. Open up another terminal window, and open up the teleop_twist_keyboard node again:

rosrun teleop_twist_keyboard cmd_vel:=/oswin/velocity

This time when you move the turtle around using the keyboard teleop, you should see the exact messages being published in the terminal window with rostopic echo, something like:

  x: 0.5
  y: 0.0
  z: 0.0
  x: 0.0
  y: 0.0
  z: 0.0

rostopic pub

We can also publish the messages directly from the command line also, using the pub command. Close the teleop_twist_keyboard node again, and then run the following:

rostopic pub /oswin/velocity geometry_msgs/Twist "linear:
  x: 1.0
  y: 0.0
  z: 0.0
  x: 0.0
  y: 0.0
  z: 0.0"

Note that tab completion is really useful here. Type rostopic pub /oswin/velocity and then keep tabbing. Also, the identation matters (for those of you who know YAML, this is YAML).

The rostopic pub command will publish a message of type geometry_msgs/Twist to the /oswin/velocity topic, and you should now see the turtle begin to move forward. To stop it, run the same command, but with a 0 for the linear x velocity instead:

rostopic pub /oswin/velocity geometry_msgs/Twist "linear:
  x: 0.0
  y: 0.0
  z: 0.0
  x: 0.0
  y: 0.0
  z: 0.0"

Try playing around with the the x part of linear and the z part of angular, and seeing how the turtle moves.

ROS messages

Now that we've seen how to use the rostopic tool, let's look more at the ROS messages themselves. So far, we've seen the geometry_msgs/Twist message, but how do they work?

.msg files

ROS Messages are defined using .msg files. For example, the twist.msg looks like:

# This expresses velocity in free space broken into its linear and angular parts.
Vector3  linear
Vector3  angular

Each line represents one field in the message, with the type on the left and the name on the right. In this case, the twist.msg message has two fields: "linear" of type Vector3, and "angular" of type Vector3. The Vector3 type that this message refers to is another type that's defined somewhere else:

# This represents a vector in free space. 
# It is only meant to represent a direction. Therefore, it does not
# make sense to apply a translation to it (e.g., when applying a 
# generic rigid transformation to a Vector3, tf2 will only apply the
# rotation). If you want your data to be translatable too, use the
# geometry_msgs/Point message instead.

float64 x
float64 y
float64 z

In general, messages are described by other messages within them.

Exercise: Writing our own ROS message

Let's try writing our own ROS message now. Imagine that want to write a path planner node that publishes motor commands, and a motor controller node that subscribes to the motor commands.

We don't have a ROS message type for motor commands yet though, and so we need to make our own custom ROS message.

Some requirements for our message:

  1. Our robot has two motors, one for each wheel, so we need to be able to send each motor a separate command
  2. We want to know when the message was sent, so we can tell if the message is old or not.
  3. The command sent to the motor should be a float

Write your ROS message in the file igvc_training_msgs/msg/motor_command.msg.


  • Check out the std_msgs. It should contain everything you need

Remember to catkin_make to compile the message!

Try doing rostopic pub and rostopic echo to verify that your message works.


And that is it for week 1 of the exercises.

This week, we learnt about:

  • Launching ROS Nodes
    • rosrun <package-name> <node-name>, ie. rosrun igvc_buzzsim buzzsim
  • ROS Topics and teleop_twist_keyboard
    • A ROS topic is like an address that messages are sent to
    • A ROS node can subscribe and publish messages to any topic
    • Each topic has a message type.
  • The rostopic tool
    • rostopic list to list available topics
    • rostopic echo to listen to topics
    • rostopic pub to publish to topics
  • ROS messages
    • Describing a ROS message with a .msg file
    • Writing our own ROS message by using messages from std_msgs

In week2, we'll be looking at how to write ROS Publishers and ROS Subscribers in C++.