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Notes on Basefold (Part II): IOPP

Proof of Proximity

Below, we present a proof of implementing IOPP using Foldable codes.

Suppose there is an MLE polynomial $\tilde{f}(\mathbf{X})$ represented as follows:

$$ \tilde{f}(X_0, X_1, \ldots, X_{d-1}) = f_0 + f_1X_0 + f_2X_1 + f_3X_0X_1 + \cdots + f_{2^d-1}X_{d-1} $$

Since $\tilde{f}(X)$ is a multivariate polynomial, there are $d-1$ unknowns, making the length of its coefficient vector $2^d$. Note that we choose the Lexicographic Order as the sorting method for the polynomial.

We encode the coefficient vector $\mathbf{f}$ of $\tilde{f}(\mathbf{X})$ to obtain the codeword $c_\mathbf{f} = \mathsf{Enc}(\mathbf{f})$, which has a length of $n_d$. Then, we use a Hash-based Merkle Tree to generate the commitment:

$$ \mathbf{cm}(\mathbf{f}) = \mathsf{Merklize}(\mathsf{Enc}(f_0, f_1, f_2, \ldots, f_{2^d-1})) $$

Similar to the FRI protocol, the Basefold-IOPP protocol is used to prove that a commitment $\pi_d=\mathbf{cm}(\mathbf{f})$ is with high probability "close" to a vector encoded by $C_d$. Therefore, this protocol is called a Proof of Proximity. This protocol is one of the core protocols for constructing the Evaluation Argument.

Proof of Proximity leverages a remarkable property of linear codes: the "Proximity Gap." Specifically, if two vectors $\pi, \pi'$ are far from the legitimate codeword space, then their random linear combination $\pi+\alpha\cdot \pi'$ will either have a very low probability of becoming legitimate or will remain far from the legitimate codeword space:

$$ \begin{cases} \Delta(\pi_{i}, C_i) = 0 & \text{(with negligible probability)} \\ \Delta(\pi_{i}, C_i) \leq \Delta(\pi_{i+1}, C_{i+1}) & \text{(with non-negligible probability)} \\ \end{cases} $$

This indicates that the folding process of the codeword does not disrupt the distance between the vector and the legitimate codeword space. By folding the vector sufficiently, the Verifier can use a very short code to verify whether the final folded vector is a legitimate codeword, thereby determining whether the original vector is a legitimate codeword.

📖 Notes on Proximity Gap Proof of Proximity utilizes a remarkable property of linear codes: the "Proximity Gap." Specifically, for two vectors $\pi, \pi'$, folding them with a random scalar $\alpha \in \mathbb{F}$ yields a set $A = {\pi+\alpha\cdot \pi': \alpha \in \mathbb{F}}$. Different $\alpha$ correspond to different elements in set $A$. The "Proximity Gap" theorem states that the elements in this set are either all close to the legitimate codeword space $C_{i}$ or only a negligible fraction of the elements are close to $C_{i}$, while the majority are at a distance of $\delta$ from $C_{i}$. In probabilistic terms:

$$ \Pr_{a \in A}[\Delta(a, C_{i}) \le \delta] = \begin{cases} \epsilon \quad \text{(small enough)}\ 1 \end{cases} $$ Thus, the Verifier can confidently use a random scalar $\alpha$ for folding, because even if only one of the two vectors $\pi, \pi'$ provided by a cheating Prover is at a distance $\delta$ from $C_i$, the probability that the folded result is close to $C_i$ is only $\epsilon$, which is very small. In other words, a cheating Prover would need to be as lucky as winning the lottery to evade detection by the Verifier's scrutiny. Therefore, if the Prover initially selects a $\pi_d$ that is far from the legitimate codeword space, the Verifier selects a series of random scalars to iteratively fold it until obtaining $\pi_0$. During this process, there is a high probability that $\pi_0$ does not become close to the legitimate codeword space, allowing the Verifier to detect cheating.

The "Proximity Gap" theorem provides a significant advantage to the Verifier: instead of verifying all elements in the set $A = {\pi+\alpha\cdot \pi': \alpha \in \mathbb{F}}$ to check their proximity to the legitimate codeword space, the Verifier only needs to randomly select one point for verification. This greatly reduces the Verifier's computational load.

The Proof of Proximity protocol consists of two phases: the Commit-phase and the Query-phase. The former involves the subprotocol that performs multiple folding processes of the codeword and generates commitments (or oracles) for each folded codeword. The latter, the Query-phase, involves the Verifier performing random sampling to verify the legitimacy of each folding step.


First, we explain the Commit-phase. The Prover performs multiple foldings of the encoded $\pi_d$ (with length $n_d$), obtaining codewords of lengths $n_{d-1}, \ldots, n_0$, denoted as $(\pi_{d-1}, \pi_{d-2}, \ldots, \pi_0)$, and then sends them to the Verifier.

Remember that this is an interactive protocol with a total of $d$ rounds of interaction. In each round (assume the $i$-th round, $0 \leq i < d$), the Prover folds $\pi_{i+1}$ based on the random scalar $\alpha_{i}$ sent by the Verifier to obtain a new codeword, denoted as $\pi_{i}$. After $d$ rounds, the Prover obtains a codeword of length $n_0$, denoted as $\pi_0$. The Prover then commits to each $(\pi_d, \ldots, \pi_0)$ and sends $\mathsf{cm}(\pi_d), \ldots, \mathsf{cm}(\pi_0)$ as the output of $\mathsf{IOPP.Commit}$.

Next, we analyze the technical details of a single folding $\pi_{i}$. Suppose $\pi_{i}\in C_i$ is a legitimate codeword (i.e., satisfying $\pi_{i} = \mathbf{m}G_i$), with length $n_i$:

$$ \pi_i = (c_0, c_1, c_2, \ldots, c_{n_{i}-1}) $$

We split this vector into two parts and stack them:

$$ \left( \begin{array}{cccc} c_0, & c_1, & \ldots, & c_{n_{i-1}-1} \\ c_{n_{i-1}}, & c_{n_{i-1}+1}, & \ldots, & c_{n_{i}-1} \\ \end{array} \right) $$

At this point, the Verifier needs to provide a random scalar $\alpha^{(i)}$. We perform a random linear combination of the two rows, or in other words, fold them:

$$ \pi_{i-1} = \big(\mathsf{fold}{\alpha_i}(c_0, c{n_{i-1}}), \mathsf{fold}{\alpha_i}(c_1, c{n_{i-1}+1}), \ldots, \mathsf{fold}{\alpha_i}(c{n_{i-1}}, c_{n_{i}-1})\big) $$

The above is the folded vector $\pi_{i-1}$. Assuming the Prover is honest, the folded vector should be a legitimate $C_{i-1}$ codeword. The function $\mathsf{fold}_{\alpha_i}$ in the above equation is defined as follows:

$$ \mathsf{fold}{\alpha}(c_j, c{n_{i-1}+j}) = \frac{t_j\cdot c_{n_{i-1}+j} - t'j\cdot c{j} }{t_j + t'j} + \alpha\cdot \frac{(c{j} - c_{n_{i-1}+j})}{t_j - t'_j} $$

How should we understand the $\mathsf{fold}{\alpha}(\cdot, \cdot)$ function? It is essentially a polynomial interpolation process. We treat the two rows to be folded as sets of points on two separate domains, specifically the $\mathsf{diag}(T_i)=(t_0, t_1, \ldots, t{n_{i-1}-1})$ and $\mathsf{diag}(T'_i)=(t'0, t'1, \ldots, t'{n{i-1}-1})$ used in the recursive encoding process:

$$ \left( \begin{array}{cccc} (t_0, c_0), & (t_1, c_1), & \ldots, & (t_{i-1}, c_{n_{i-1}-1}) \ (t'0, c{n_{i-1}}), & (t'1, c{n_{i-1}+1}), & \ldots, & (t'{i-1}, c{n_{i}-1}) \ \end{array} \right) $$

We then interpolate each column of the above matrix over the domain $(t_j, t'j)$ to produce a set of $n{i-1}={n_i}/{2}$ polynomials, denoted as $p^{(i-1)}j(X)$, where $0\leq j < n{i-1}$. The Prover then evaluates each $p^{(i-1)}j(X)$ at $X = \alpha{i}$, resulting in $n_{i-1}$ values at $X=\alpha_{i}$. These values constitute the new codeword $\pi_{i-1}$.

The definition of the folding function aligns with the linear polynomial interpolation process. We can manually derive the origin of the folding function definition. Since we are performing a half-folding of $\pi_{i}$, the folded codeword will have $n_{i-1}$ values corresponding to "linear polynomials." Suppose the $j$-th polynomial describes a line passing through two points $(x_0, y_0)$ and $(x_1, y_1)$. The interpolating polynomial $p(X)$ for these two points can be defined as:

$$ \begin{split} p(X) &= \frac{y_0}{x_0-x_1}(X-x_1) + \frac{y_1}{x_1-x_0}(X-x_0) \[2ex] &= \frac{x_0y_1-x_1y_0}{x_0-x_1} + \frac{y_0-y_1}{x_0-x_1}\cdot X \end{split} $$

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Substituting $x_0=t_j, x_1=t'j$, and $X=\alpha$ yields the definition of the folding function $\mathsf{fold}\alpha(y_0, y_1)$ as above.

$$ \begin{split} \mathsf{fold}_\alpha(y_0, y_1) = p(\alpha) &= \frac{t_j\cdot y_1 - t'_j\cdot y_0}{t_j - t'_j} + \frac{y_0-y_1}{t_j - t'_j}\cdot \alpha\\ \end{split} $$

If $x_0$ and $x_1$ are negatives of each other, i.e., $t_j=-t'j$, then $\mathsf{fold}\alpha(y_0, y_1)$ becomes the familiar definition from the FRI protocol:

$$ \mathsf{fold}_\alpha(y_0, y_1) = \frac{1}{2}(y_0 + y_1) + \alpha\cdot \frac{y_0-y_1}{2\cdot t_j} $$

Since we have defined the folded codeword $\mathbf{c}^{(i-1)}$, the definition of the folding function needs to be consistent with the codeword space generated by the generator matrix $G_{i-1}$. Continuing with this intuition, assume that in the $i$-th round, if $\mathbf{c}^{(i)}$ is indeed the encoding of $\mathbf{m}$, then by definition, it satisfies the properties of Foldable Codes:

$$ \begin{split} \pi_{i} &= \mathbf{m} G_i \ & = (\mathbf{m}l \parallel \mathbf{m}r)\begin{bmatrix} G{i-1} & G{i-1} \ G_{i-1}\cdot T_{i-1} & G_{i-1}\cdot T'{i-1} \end{bmatrix}\[4ex] &=\Big(\mathbf{m}l G{i-1} + \mathbf{m}r G{i-1}\circ \mathbf{diag}(T{i-1})\Big) \parallel \Big(\mathbf{m}l G{i-1} + \mathbf{m}r G{i-1}\circ \mathbf{diag}(T'_{i-1})\Big)\ \end{split} $$

The Prover folds it in half to obtain the new codeword:

$$ \begin{split} \mathsf{fold}\alpha(\pi{i}) &= \Big(\mathsf{fold}\alpha(\pi{i}[0], \pi_{i}[n_{i-1}]), \mathsf{fold}\alpha(\pi{i}[1], \pi_{i}[n_{i-1}+1]), \ldots, \mathsf{fold}\alpha(\pi{i}[n_{i-1}-1], \pi_{i}[n_{i}-1])\Big) \ \end{split} $$

We now verify that each $\mathsf{fold}\alpha(\pi{i}[j], \pi_{i}[n_{i-1}+j])$ is a linear combination of $\mathbf{m}lG{i-1}[j]$ and $\mathbf{m}rG{i-1}[j]$ with respect to $\alpha$:

$$ \begin{split} \mathsf{fold}\alpha(\pi{i}[j], \pi_{i}[n_{i-1}+j]) & = \frac{1}{t_j - t'_j}\cdot\Big( t_j\cdot (\mathbf{m}l G{i-1}[j] + t'_j\cdot \mathbf{m}r G{i-1}[j]) - t'_j\cdot(\mathbf{m}l G{i-1}[j] + t_j\cdot \mathbf{m}r G{i-1}[j]) \Big)\ & + \frac{\alpha}{t_j - t'_j}\cdot \Big(\mathbf{m}l G{i-1}[j] + t_j\cdot \mathbf{m}r G{i-1}[j] - \mathbf{m}l G{i-1}[j] - t'_j\cdot \mathbf{m}r G{i-1}[j] \Big) \ & = \mathbf{m}l G{i-1}[j] + \alpha\cdot \mathbf{m}r G{i-1}[j] \end{split} $$

Thus, the entire folding of $\pi_{i}$ is equivalent to a linear combination of $\mathbf{m}lG{i-1}$ and $\mathbf{m}rG{i-1}$ with respect to $\alpha$:

$$ \mathsf{fold}\alpha(\pi{i}) = \mathbf{m}l G{i-1} + \alpha\cdot \mathbf{m}r G{i-1} = (\mathbf{m}_l + \alpha\cdot \mathbf{m}r)G{i-1} $$

The folded codeword is exactly the half-folded version of $\mathbf{m}$ with respect to $\alpha$, denoted as $\mathbf{m}^{(i-1)}$, and then encoded with $G_{i-1}$ to obtain $\pi_{i-1}$. This is not surprising because Foldable Codes and the recursive folding of codewords are inverse processes, so the parameters $T_i$ and $T'_i$ introduced by the encoding are eliminated after folding.

Below, we walk through a simple example to illustrate how the Commit-phase of the Basefold-IOPP protocol operates.

Public Input

  • The codeword of the MLE polynomial $\tilde{f}$, $\pi_3=\mathsf{Enc}_3(\mathbf{f})=\mathbf{f}G_3$


  • The coefficient vector of the MLE polynomial $\tilde{f}$, $\mathbf{f} = (f_0, f_1, f_2, f_3, f_4, f_5, f_6, f_7)$

First Round: Verifier sends a random scalar $\alpha_2$

Second Round: Prover computes $\pi_2 = \mathsf{fold}_\alpha(\pi_3)$ and sends it to the Verifier

The process of computing $\pi_2$ is as follows:

$$ \pi_2[j] = \mathsf{fold}_\alpha(\pi_3[j], \pi_3[j+4]), \quad j\in{0, 1, 2, 3} $$

The computed $\pi_2 = \mathsf{Enc}_2(f^{(2)})$, meaning $\pi_2$ is the codeword of $f^{(2)}$, where $f^{(2)}$ is the folding of $f$ with respect to $\alpha_2$:

$$ f^{(2)}(X_0, X_1) = f(X_0, X_1, \alpha_2) = (f_0 + f_4\alpha_2) + (f_1 + f_5\alpha_2)X_0 + (f_2 + f_6\alpha_2)X_1 + (f_3 + f_7\alpha_2)X_0X_1 $$

Third Round: Verifier sends a random scalar $\alpha_1$

Fourth Round: Prover computes $\pi_1 = \mathsf{fold}_\alpha(\pi_2)$ and sends it to the Verifier

The process of computing $\pi_1$ is as follows:

$$ \pi_1[j] = \mathsf{fold}_\alpha(\pi_2[j], \pi_2[j+2]), \quad j\in{0, 1} $$

The computed $\pi_1 = \mathsf{Enc}_1(f^{(1)})$, meaning $\pi_1$ is the codeword of $f^{(1)}$, where $f^{(1)}$ is the folding of $f^{(2)}$ with respect to $\alpha_1$:

$$ f^{(1)}(X_0) = f(X_0, \alpha_1, \alpha_2) = (f_0 + f_4 \alpha_2 + \alpha_1 (f_2 + + f_6 \alpha_2)) + (f_1 + f_5 \alpha_2 + \alpha_1 (f_3 + + f_7 \alpha_2))X_0 $$

Fifth Round: Verifier sends a random scalar $\alpha_0$

Sixth Round: Prover computes $\pi_0 = \mathsf{fold}_\alpha(\pi_1)$ and sends it to the Verifier

The process of computing $\pi_0$ is as follows:

$$ \pi_0[j] = \mathsf{fold}_\alpha(\pi_1[j], \pi_1[j+1]), \quad j=0 $$

Similarly, $\pi_0 = \mathsf{Enc}_0(f^{(0)})$, meaning $\pi_0$ is the codeword of $f^{(0)}$, where $f^{(0)}$ is the folding of $f$ with respect to $(\alpha_0, \alpha_1, \alpha_2)$:

$$ f^{(0)} = f(\alpha_0, \alpha_1, \alpha_2) = f_0 + f_1\alpha_0 + f_2\alpha_1 + f_3\alpha_0 \alpha_1 + f_4\alpha_2 + f_5\alpha_0\alpha_2 + f_6\alpha_1\alpha_2 + f_7\alpha_0\alpha_1\alpha_2 $$

At this point, the Commit-phase ends, and the Prover has sent $(\pi_{2}, \pi_{1}, \pi_0)$ to the Verifier. Upon receiving them, the Verifier first checks whether $\pi_0$ is a constant polynomial. However, this alone is insufficient; the Verifier also needs to validate that the Prover's folding operations were honest. If all foldings $\pi_i$ were to be verified, the Verifier would lose succinctness and, consequently, verification efficiency. Due to the Proximity Gap property, the Verifier only needs to perform a limited number of validations to ensure that $\pi_i$ is a legitimate codeword.


Similar to the FRI protocol, in the Query-phase, the Verifier conducts multiple rounds of random sampling on the $(\pi_{d}, \pi_{d-1}, \ldots, \pi_0)$ sent by the Prover to verify the honesty of the folding process. We now discuss each round of the sampling process.

The Verifier will randomly select a position $\mu$ within $\pi_{d}$ and send it to the Prover, noting that $0\leq \mu &lt; n_{d-1}$, where $n_{d-1}$ pertains only to $\pi_{d}$. The Prover opens the points $\pi_{d}[\mu]$ and $\pi_{d}[\mu+n_{d-1}]$ and also sends the value at position $\mu$ in the folded codeword $\pi_{d-1}$, i.e., $\pi_{d-1}[\mu]$, along with the Merkle Path for these three points.

Upon receiving these, the Verifier first verifies that these three points correspond correctly to the codewords $\pi_{d}$ and $\pi_{d-1}$. Then, the Verifier checks whether they satisfy the folding relationship:

$$ \pi_{d-1}[\mu] \overset{?}{=} \mathsf{fold}{\alpha{d-1}}(\pi_{d}[\mu], \pi_{d}[\mu+n_{d-1}]) $$

Merely verifying the folding relationship from $\pi_d$ to $\pi_{d-1}$ is insufficient. The Verifier must also validate the folding relationships from $\pi_{d-1}$ to $\pi_{0}$. The Prover must additionally provide the points from $\pi_{d-1}$ to $\pi_{d-2}$. Here, the Verifier does not need to select new random scalars but continues to use $\mu$, because in the next round of folding, the position $\pi_{d-1}[\mu]$ will be folded with another symmetrical point regarding $\alpha_{d-2}$. The specific symmetrical position depends on the situation: if $\mu &lt; n_{d-2}$, then $\pi_{d-1}[\mu+n_{d-2}]$ is the symmetrical point; if $\mu \geq n_{d-2}$, then $\pi_{d-1}[\mu-n_{d-2}]$ is the symmetrical point. Assume $\mu \geq n_{d-2}$; then the Prover sends $\pi_{d-1}[\mu-n_{d-2}]$ and its Merkle Path to the Verifier to allow the Verifier to check the folding relationship from $\pi_{d-1}$ to $\pi_{d-2}$.

In this way, by providing a single random scalar $\mu$, the Verifier can verify all the folding relationships from $\pi_{d}$ to $\pi_{0}$. This verification process constitutes one round.

To elevate reliability to a sufficient level, the Verifier must perform multiple rounds to ensure that the Prover has no room to cheat. The Query-phase leverages the Proximity Gap property. A cheating Prover who alters the codeword is likely to be far from the legitimate encoding space, enabling the Verifier to detect cheating with only a small number of sampling attempts.


This article described the framework of the Commit-phase and Query-phase of the Basefold-IOPP protocol. This framework generalizes and extends the FRI protocol, expanding from RS-Codes to any Foldable Linear Codes. However, it is important to note that Basefold does not support codeword folding of degree greater than 2. This is because the Basefold-IOPP protocol must not only perform Proximity Testing but also provide an operational result of an MLE polynomial. This will be the topic of the next article in this series.


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