This is a quick benchmarking application for TRTorch. It lets you run supported TorchScript modules both in JIT and TRT and returns the average runtime and throughput.
Run with bazel:
Note: Make sure libtorch and TensorRT are in your LD_LIBRARY_PATH before running, if you need a location you can
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:[WORKSPACE ROOT]/bazel-TRTorch/external/libtorch/lib:[WORKSPACE ROOT]/bazel-TRTorch/external/tensorrt/lib
bazel run //cpp/benchmark --cxxopt="-DNDEBUG" --cxxopt="-DJIT" --cxxopt="-DTRT" -- [PATH TO JIT MODULE FILE] [INPUT SIZE (explicit batch)]
For example:
bazel run //cpp/benchmark --cxxopt="-DNDEBUG" --cxxopt="-DJIT" --cxxopt="-DTRT" -- $(realpath /tests/models/ "(32 3 224 224)"
You can run a module with JIT or TRT via TRTorch in either FP32 or FP16. These options are controlled by preprocessor directives.
To enable JIT profiling, add the argument
To enable TRT profiling, add the argument
To enable FP16 execution, add the argument
To also save the TRT engine, add the argument
It's suggested to also define
to supress debug information