Multiprocessing moguls - Conversation Catcher - The conversation catcher is used to record a conversation and convert it into structured text that can be analysed to extract the main and important ideas of the conversation.
Link where you can download the app (this is an apk file)
The following links are to our demo videos
Multiprocessing moguls - Demo 1 - link
Multiprocessing moguls - Demo 2 - link
Multiprocessing moguls - Demo 3 - link
Multiprocessing moguls - Demo 4 - link
Multiprocessing moguls - Project Day - link
Multiprocessing moguls - App Tutorial - link
Links to documentation
SRS Documentation
Coding standards document
Testing policy
Project Management
User manual
Team Members
Roles of Team Members Summary
Slideshow of our project
Video advertising our project
Additional information regarding the research
Deployment of our system
Technical installation manual
Instructions on how to participate in the development of your project
Extra links
Google drive used for this project
GitHub Project Board