- String manipulation (substrings)
- typealias protocol
- Given: Array of strings of various lengths
- Task: Return array of strings where the last 2 characters are uppercased
- Hint: Need at least 2 characters to perform this
- Hint: Write function to make this change to a single string
- Hint: String indexing requires .index, where you have to specify str.startIndex / .endIndex
- There is a variant of this function that takes an offset
extension String {
func length() -> Int {
return self.characters.count
func wholeStr() -> String {
let endStartIndex = index(endIndex, offsetBy: -2)
let firstRange = startIndex..<endStartIndex
let secondRange = endStartIndex..<endIndex
return String(self[firstRange] + self[secondRange].uppercased())
let strArr: [String?] = ["Do", "Connor", "Kyle", "A", "", nil]
print(strArr.flatMap { $0 }.filter { $0.length() >= 2 }.map { $0.wholeStr() })
Given a struct, typealias
it to another name
struct Connor {}
let a = Connor()
typealias Kyle = Connor
let b = Kyle()