Wikodit AIO Backup, simplifies backup through restic.
It handles the restic repository initialization, as well as easy restore and easy backup of a variety of sources.
Supported backup sources:
- MySQL database
- PostgreSQL database
- MongoDB database
- Filesystem
defaults to wik-aio-backup
You should specific the command and option depending on the action you want to perform.
This suppose, a ./wik-aio-backup.env
file exists and is correctly filled with the required environment variables.
docker run --rm -ti --env-file ./wik-aio-backup.env wik-aio-backup <command> [-- <options>]
docker run --rm -ti --env-file ./wik-aio-backup.env wik-aio-backup backup
- MySQL database
- PostgreSQL database
- MongoDB database
- Filesystem
wik-aio-backup [adapter] [options] [restic_additional_args] [ -- [adapter_additional_args]]
? [] denotes optional
"" can be : * backup - launch the backup, this command will also clean old backups if a retention policy has been set in the env. * restore - restore a specified snapshots * list - list all available snapshots (can use --tags to filter) * prune - forget all backups depending on the retention policy (do not clean anything if no retention policy) * forget - remove some snapshots
"[adapter]" can be 'mysql', 'pg', 'mongo', 'fs'
-h, --help show brief help
-a adapter, --adapter=adapter can be 'mysql', 'pg', 'mongo', 'fs'
-f, --force less safe, but force some actions even if not entirely possible, and avoid some checks
-m mode, --mode=mode can be 'files' or 'utility', default to 'utility' (no effect for 'fs' adapter). Utility uses mongodump, mysqldump, ... while 'files' backup database files. FS_ROOT is required with 'files' option
-s id, --snapshot-id=id use a specific snapshot (restore action only), "latest" is a valid value
-t tag, --tag=tag filer using tag (or tags, option can be used multiple time)
--no-clean prevent the cleaning after all actions (and act as a dry-run for prune action)
--fs-root check FS_ROOT
--fs-relative check FS_RELATIVE
--no-db-lock when using mode=files, disable the database lock (hot backup), may result in data lost if the database is in use. This can be useful to backup a database that is not running and thus not reachable
--clean trigger the cleaning after all action (or act as a dry-run for prune action), for use with WAIOB_DISABLE_AUTO_CLEAN env variable
-d, --debug set the logging level to debug (see WAIOB_SYSLOG_LEVEL)
-v, --verbose set the logging level to info (see WAIOB_SYSLOG_LEVEL)
--log-level=level set the logging level (see WAIOB_SYSLOG_LEVEL)
--json output json instead of human readable output
-, -- all other restic available options
-- * all other adapter available options (ex: mysqldump additional options if adapter is mysql)
is optional in options and can be replaced by the next argument
Note: those are considered permanent config options, and should not change through time
- AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: The S3 storage key id
- AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: The S3 storage secret id
- RESTIC_PASSWORD: An encryption password to write and read from the restic repository
- RESTIC_REPOSITORY: The repository to store the snapshosts, exemple: s3:s3.gra.perf.cloud.ovh.net/backups/my-namespace/mysql
- RESTIC_COMPRESSION: set compression level (repository v2), "auto", "max", "off"
- RESTIC_*: all other Restic possible env variables
- mysql - require mysqldump/mysql
- pg - require pg_dump/pg_restore
- mongo - require mongodump/mongorestore
- fs
- TAGS: list of tags to filter snapshots (ex: TAG="tag1 tag2")
FileSystem (FS):
- FS_ROOT: the root directory to backup from or restore to
- FS_RELATIVE: backup option, default to 0, if enabled, will not store the whole path in the archive. If this option is not enable, on restore FS_ROOT needs to be set to /, otherwise a backup of "/dir1/dir2/" will be restored like "/dir1/dir2/dir1/dir2/
- WAIOB_MODE: can be "files" or "utility", default to "utility", "utility" uses mongodump/mongorestore, and "files" backup database directory files. "files" is not compatible with DB_DATABASE, DB_TABLES, DB_COLLECTIONS...
- WAIOB_DB_LOCK: enable by default '1', disable to '0', with mode="files" it is strongly advised lock files to prevent data loss during backup (no effect for mode="utility")
- FS_ROOT: required only for mode=files, the root directory is necessary
- DB_CONFIG_HOST: the database host, default to database type default
- DB_CONFIG_PORT: the database port, default to database type default
- DB_CONFIG_USER: the database username, default to database type default
- DB_CONFIG_PASSWORD: the database password, default to database type default
- DB_DATABASE: the database to backup. For Postgres nothing means every database. For MySQL, if you want to backup all databases, pass '-- --all-databases' at the end of the command, or '-- --databases DB1 DB2 DB3'
- DB_TABLES: list of tables to backup, by default all tables are backed up
- DB_MONGO_URI: uri, like mongodb://[username:password@]host1[:port1][,host2[:port2],...[,hostN[:portN]]][/[database][?options]]
- DB_MONGO_PASSWORD: the database password (@todo, for now put it in DB_MONGO_URI)
Other optional envs:
- WAIOB_SYSLOG_FORCE_COLOR: pass 1 to force using color even when not in a tty
- WAIOB_SYSLOG_FACILITY: define facility for syslog, default to local0
- WAIOB_SYSLOG_LEVEL: define logging level, default to 5 "notice" (0=emergency, 1=alert, 2=crit, 3=error, 4=warning, 5=notice, 6=info, 7=debug), --verbose override the level to 7
- WAIOB_RESTIC_REPOSITORY_VERSION: default to 2 (restic >=v0.14), repository version
- WAIOB_DISABLE_AUTO_CLEAN: disabled by default, each action trigger an auto-clean of old snapshots if there is some retention policy, set to 1 to disable it by default, can still be enable afterwards with --clean
- WAIOB_RETENTION_POLICY: define retention policy, default to none, if some tags have been defined, they will be used and only the snapshot with the same tags may be removed. An exemple: "hourly=24 daily=7 weekly=5 monthly=12 yearly=10 tag=manual last=5", this will keep the latest backup for each hour in the last 24h, the last backup of each day in the last 7 days, the last backup each week in the last 5 weeks, last backup per month for a year, and the last backup of each year for 10 years, it also keep all backups with the tag "manual" and ensure the last 5 backups are also kept.
- WAIOB_PARENT_SNAPSHOT: define restic parent snapshots behavior, default to
but if set tolatest
will look for the latest snapshots with matching tags and use it as a parent
wik-aio-backup backup fs wik-aio-backup backup fs --no-clean --tag=2022 --tag=app --tag=manual-backup wik-aio-backup backup fs -t 2022 -t manual-backup -t app --no-clean --dry-run --verbose wik-aio-backup backup fs -t 2022 -t manual-backup -t app --no-clean --exclude="node_modules" wik-aio-backup backup mysql -t 2022 -t manual-backup -t db --dry-run -- -C --add-drop-database wik-aio-backup backup pg -t db:pg -- --clean wik-aio-backup list mysql -t=2022 --no-clean wik-aio-backup restore mysql -s 123456 --no-clean wik-aio-backup prune mysql --exclude-tag=periodic-backup wik-aio-backup forget mysql -t 2021 wik-aio-backup forget mysql -s 123456
When backuping large collections wik-aio-backup backup mongo --mode=files
When backuping all databases (recommended) wik-aio-backup backup mongo -- --oplog wik-aio-backup restore mongo -- --oplogReplay
When backuping to restore over, useful to be sure database/table are deleted before re-import : -- --clean
When backuping ALL databases (without specifing a db), it's important on the restore to pass the main db as underlying restore command args (usualy postgres). Furthermore, passing --clean ensure the postgres role will be re-created on restore Note: it's not recommended to backup all db, prefer specifying a db wik-aio-backup backup pg -- --clean wik-aio-backup restore pg -- postgres
docker build -f test.dockerfile -t waiob:test .
docker run --rm -ti waiob:test all
You can replace all
with a specific adapted:
docker run --rm -ti waiob:test mysql