issues Search Results · repo:WW-Digital/reactive-kinesis language:Scala
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inWW-Digital/reactive-kinesis (press backspace or delete to remove)Seems the 0.6.13 isn t available in for 2.12, the latest version for 2.12 is 0.6.11:
Please also publish a 2.12 version. Thanks!
- Opened on Jun 16, 2021
- #82
I noticed that you guys updated the AWS Kinesis Client library today (very recently), and I was wondering if you had
been seeing any strange behaviors with workers getting shut-down.
We have a consumer ...
- 6
- Opened on Apr 1, 2019
- #75
Looks like the library makes use of jodatime. Migration to java.time data types probably makes sense.
- 1
- Opened on Mar 1, 2019
- #73
The artifact was created for scala 2.11, but not 2.12. Can this please be republished for 2.12?
Looks it may be due to a similar issue as seen in #45 and #59
- 6
- Opened on Feb 21, 2019
- #72
Looks like the AWS guys improved KCL: KCL 2.0 uses async IO with HTTP/2. Would be great to see support in
reactive-kinesis for this.
Migration guide from 1.x to 2.x: ...
- 5
- Opened on Sep 3, 2018
- #68
I saw that issue #60 and the subsequent fix in #61 seemed to touch upon this problem, but I don t quite see how the
proposed solution allows one to grab a reference to a KinesisConsumer or ConsumerService. ...
- Opened on Jul 30, 2018
- #66
We are using reactive-kinesis for the time to consume from a stream. With 1 shard, everything works fine. When we bump
it up to 2 shards, the consumer shuts down soon after it starts. The log error is: ...
- 8
- Opened on May 9, 2018
- #63
We are using the Kinesis object to create a kinesis stream source:
When we shutdown ...
- 1
- Opened on Apr 17, 2018
- #60
Seems the 0.6.7 isn t available in for 2.11, the latest version for 2.11 is 0.6.6:
Please also publish a 2.11 version. Thanks!
- 7
- Opened on Mar 23, 2018
- #59

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