outer text
+ els.push(iel, oel);
+ }
+ else
+ els.push(oel);
+ }
+ else {
+ // we have just one or no elements
+ if (oel) els.push(oel);
+ if (iel) els.push(iel);
+ }
+ // ID is for inner if present, otherwise for outer
+ if (id) {
+ if (iel) iel.id = id;
+ else if (oel) oel.id = id;
+ // store id for futher use
+ uiObj.ID = id;
+ }
+ // store name for future use
+ if (name)
+ uiObj.NAME = name;
+ // add attributes to the inner element
+ if (iel) {
+ if (cli) iel.className = cli;
+ if (accK) iel.accessKey = accK;
+ if (classCodeDefined(ch)) iel.checked = ch;
+ iel.disabled = di;
+ if (classCodeDefined(ma)) iel.max = ma;
+ if (classCodeDefined(mal)) iel.maxLength = mal;
+ if (classCodeDefined(mi)) iel.min = mi;
+ if (plh) iel.placeholder = plh;
+ if (name) iel.name = name;
+ if (classCodeDefined(ro)) iel.readonly = ro;
+ if (classCodeDefined(step)) iel.step = step;
+ if (classCodeDefined(va)) iel.value = va;
+ if (classCodeDefined(oncl)) iel.onclick = oncl;
+ if (classCodeDefined(onch)) iel.onchange = onch;
+ if (classCodeDefined(onwa)
+ && uiObj.WARNING) iel.onchange = onwa;
+ if (sti) iel.style.cssText = sti;
+ }
+ // add attributes to the outer element
+ if (oel) {
+ if (classCodeDefined(onclo)) oel.onclick = onclo;
+ if (sto) oel.style.cssText = sto;
+ }
+ // add attributes to the first element
+ var fel = els[0];
+ if (fel) {
+ if (cl) fel.className = cl;
+ if (st) fel.style.cssText = st;
+ }
+ else
+ // if no elements - append subobjects directly to the parent
+ fel = parent;
+ // append all sub-objects
+ // save the defaults
+ var oldDef = deepCopy(_THUI.$def);
+ // set new defaults
+ if (classCodeDefined(_cl)) _THUI.$def._class = _cl;
+ if (classCodeDefined(_disc)) _THUI.$def._disclose = _disc;
+ if (classCodeDefined(_name)) _THUI.$def._name = _name;
+ if (classCodeDefined(_di)) _THUI.$def._disabled = _di;
+ if (classCodeDefined(_no)) _THUI.$def._nodisplay = _no;
+ if (classCodeDefined(_re)) _THUI.$def._reverse = _re;
+ if (classCodeDefined(_st)) _THUI.$def._style = _st;
+ if (classCodeDefined(_ty)) _THUI.$def._type = _ty;
+ if (_oncl) _THUI.$def._onclick = _oncl;
+ if (_onch) _THUI.$def._onchange = _onch;
+ if (_onwa) _THUI.$def._onwarning = _onwa;
+ for (var i in uiObj) {
+ if (!uiObj.hasOwnProperty(i))
+ continue;
+ var o = uiObj[i];
+ switch (classCode(o)) {
+ case CC_OBJECT:
+ fel = _THUI.appendUI(fel, o, uiPrefix + uiName, i);
+ break;
+ case CC_ARRAY:
+ for (var j = 0; j < o.length; j++)
+ if (classCodeIs(o[j], CC_OBJECT))
+ fel = _THUI.appendUI(fel, o[j], uiPrefix + uiName, i);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // restore the defaults
+ _THUI.$def = oldDef;
+ // add attributes to both elements and add it to the parent
+ els.forEach(function (e) {
+ if (no) e.style.display = "none"; else e.style.display = "";
+ if (classCodeDefined(ti)) e.title = ti;
+ if (e !== uiObj.IDOM && e !== uiObj.ODOM)
+ parent.appendChild(e);
+ });
+ // store elements for futher updates
+ uiObj.IDOM = iel;
+ uiObj.ODOM = oel;
+ // make IDOM/ODOM hidden for iterations
+ Object.defineProperties(uiObj, {
+ IDOM: { enumerable: false },
+ ODOM: { enumerable: false }
+ });
+ return parent;
diff --git a/src/login.js b/src/login.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1e21961
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/login.js
@@ -0,0 +1,1299 @@
+ * login.js -- WME Validator initialization on user login
+ * Copyright (C) 2013-2018 Andriy Berestovskyy
+ *
+ * This file is part of WME Validator: https://github.com/WMEValidator/
+ *
+ * WME Validator is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ * WME Validator is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with WME Validator. If not, see .
+ */
+ *************************************************************************/
+ * Login new user
+ */
+_WV.$functions[F_LOGIN] = function()
+ log("login " + WLM.user.userName);
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Support Functions
+ /**
+ * Parse access list and returns array of rules
+ */
+ _WV.parseAccessList = function(s)
+ {
+ var a = s.split(/\s*,\s*/)
+ var res = [];
+ a.forEach(function(r, i) {
+ var n = false;
+ if("!" === r.charAt(0))
+ n = true, r = r.slice(1);
+ res[i] = {$id: r, $not: n}
+ });
+ return res;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Check for list of rules
+ */
+ _WV.checkAccessFor = function(forStr, cmpFunc)
+ {
+ // empty list is true
+ if(!forStr)
+ return true;
+ var l = _WV.parseAccessList(forStr);
+ // empty list is true
+ if(!l.length)
+ return true;
+ for(var i = 0; i < l.length; i++)
+ {
+ var r = l[i];
+ if("*" === r.$id || cmpFunc(r.$id))
+ {
+ // match found
+ if(r.$not)
+ return false;
+ else
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ // non-empty list did not match - false
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Generate mirror checks
+ function mirrorChecks(defTranslation)
+ {
+ var allLabels = _RT.$otherLabels.concat(_RT.$textLabels);
+ for(var i = CK_MIRRORFIRST; i <= CK_MIRRORLAST; i++)
+ {
+ allLabels.forEach(function(l) {
+ var label = i + '.' + l;
+ if(!(label in defTranslation)) return;
+ var value = defTranslation[label];
+ var mLabel = (i + 100) + '.' + l;
+ switch(l)
+ {
+ case "title":
+ case "problem":
+ case "solution":
+ defTranslation[mLabel] = value.replace(/ A($|\b)/g, " B");
+ break;
+ case "params":
+ defTranslation[mLabel] = deepCopy(value);
+ break;
+ default:
+ defTranslation[mLabel] = value;
+ break;
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ } // mirorChecks
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Runtime private variables
+ /** @struct */
+ _RT = {
+ // package labels
+ $textLabels: ['title', 'problem', 'solution'],
+ $otherLabels: ['enabled', 'color', 'severity',
+ 'reportOnly', 'params', 'problemLink', 'solutionLink'],
+ // max severity possible
+ $curMaxSeverity: RS_ERROR,
+ // saved options
+ $RegExp1: '',
+ $RegExp2: '',
+ // hidden options
+ oReportWMECH: {
+ FORID: '_cbHighlightLocked',
+ CHECKED: false,
+ NA: true,
+ },
+ oReportToolbox: {
+ FORID: 'WMETB_NavBar',
+ CHECKED: false,
+ NA: true,
+ },
+ // map changed flag
+ $isMapChanged: false,
+ // current language
+ $lng: I18n.locale.toUpperCase(),
+ // cache for updated by filter
+ $includeUpdatedByCache: {},
+ // filter parsed time
+ $includeUpdatedSinceTime: 0,
+ // cache for city name filter
+ $includeCityNameCache: {},
+ // cache for checks filter
+ $includeChecksCache: {},
+ // switch Validator on/off
+ $switchValidator: false,
+ // HL layer
+ $HLlayer: null,
+ // array of objects to animate
+ $HLedObjects: {},
+ // global access flag
+ $isGlobalAccess: false,
+ // timer to measure ETA
+ $timer: { $secInRun: 0, $lastUpdate: 0 },
+ // current message to show
+ $curMessage: {TEXT: "", TITLE: "", CLASS: CL_MSG},
+ // top city and country
+ $topCity: null,
+ // cached top country code
+ $cachedTopCCode: "",
+ // top (logged in) user
+ $topUser: {
+ $userID: WLM.user.id,
+ $userName: WLM.user.userName,
+ $userLevel: WLM.user.normalizedLevel,
+ $isSuperUser: WLM.user.userName === GA_SUPERUSER,
+ $isCM: WLM.user.editableCountryIDs ?
+ 0 !== WLM.user.editableCountryIDs.length : false,
+ $countryIDs: WLM.user.editableCountryIDs ?
+ WLM.user.editableCountryIDs : [],
+ },
+ // top (current) map center
+ $topCenter: null,
+ // watch dog
+ $WDmoveID: -1,
+ $WDloadID: -1,
+ // current layers visibility
+ $layersVisibility: "",
+ // current state
+ $state: ST_STOP,
+ // current direction
+ $direction: DIR_L2R,
+ // first step
+ $firstStep: true,
+ // current map position
+ $startExtent: null,
+ $startCenter: null,
+ $startZoom: null,
+ $nextCenter: null,
+ $moveEndCenter: null,
+ // map of seen object IDs
+ $seen: {},
+ // map of segment IDs to revalidate
+ $revalidate: {},
+ // hax message number
+ $haxMessage: 0,
+ // current user
+ $curUserName: WLM.user.userName,
+ // error flag
+ $error: false,
+ // no editable segment was found - show a message
+ $reportEditableNotFound: false,
+ // unsorted checks
+ $checks: {},
+ // sorted checks
+ $sortedCheckIDs: null,
+ // WMECH colors
+ $WMECHcolors: {},
+ // untranslated languages
+// $untranslatedLocales: ["ja", "ro", "tr", "af",
+// "ko", "ms", "hu", "nl", "sv", "no",
+// "da", "lt", "zh"],
+ $untranslatedLngs: ["IT"],
+ };
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // WV Checks
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ _RT.$checks = {
+ // Global access
+ 0: {
+ REPORTONLY: false,
+ TITLE: 'Global access list to test before any of the checks below',
+ OPTIONS: {},
+ COLOR: '',
+ PROBLEM: '',
+ },
+ }; // _RT.$checks
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Locales
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // init I18n
+ _I18n.init({$lng: _RT.$lng});
+ /** @const */
+ var defTranslation = _translations[_I18n.$defLng];
+ // Generate Toolbox check descriptions in EN
+ /** @const */
+ var defTBProblem = "The segment is highlighted by WME Toolbox. It is not a problem";
+ /** @const */
+ var defTBProblemLink = "W:Community_Plugins,_Extensions_and_Tools#WME_Toolbox";
+ /** @const */
+ var TBchecks = [
+ // color, severity, reportOnly, title,
+ // problem, problemLink,
+ // solution, solutionLink
+ ["#3030FF", 'W', , "Roundabout which may cause issues",
+ "Junction IDs of the roundabout segments are not consecutive", "",
+ "Redo the roundabout", "W:Creating_and_Editing_a_roundabout#Improving_manually_drawn_roundabouts"
+ ],
+ ["#FF30FF", , , "Simple segment",
+ "The segment has unneeded geometry nodes", ,
+ "Simplify segment geometry by hovering mouse pointer and pressing \"d\" key",
+ "W:Creating_and_Editing_street_segments#Adjusting_road_geometry_.28nodes.29"
+ ],
+ ["#11F247", , true, "Lvl 2 lock"],
+ ["#71F211", , true, "Lvl 3 lock"],
+ ["#E2F211", , true, "Lvl 4 lock"],
+ ["#F29011", , true, "Lvl 5 lock"],
+ ["#F22011", , true, "Lvl 6 lock"],
+ ["#00A8FF", , true, "House numbers"],
+ ["#F7B020", , true, "Segment with time restrictions"]
+ ];
+ for(var i = CK_TBFIRST; i <= CK_TBLAST; i++)
+ {
+ var cc = TBchecks[i - CK_TBFIRST];
+ var cp = cc[4] || defTBProblem;
+ var cpl = cc[5];
+ if(!classCodeDefined(cpl))
+ cpl = defTBProblemLink;
+ defTranslation[i + '.enabled'] = true;
+ defTranslation[i + '.color'] = cc[0];
+ if(cc[1]) defTranslation[i + '.severity'] = cc[1];
+ if(cc[2]) defTranslation[i + '.reportOnly'] = cc[2];
+ defTranslation[i + '.title'] = "WME Toolbox: " + cc[3];
+ defTranslation[i + '.problem'] = cp;
+ if(cpl) defTranslation[i + '.problemLink'] = cpl;
+ if(cc[6]) defTranslation[i + '.solution'] = cc[6];
+ if(cc[7]) defTranslation[i + '.solutionLink'] = cc[7];
+ }
+ // Generate WMECH check descriptions in EN
+ /** @const */
+ var defWMECHProblem = "The segment is highlighted by WME Color Highlights. It is not a problem";
+ /** @const */
+ var defWMECHProblemLink = "W:Community_Plugins,_Extensions_and_Tools#WME_Color_Highlights_.28WMECH.29";
+ /** @const */
+ var WMECHchecks = [
+ // color, severity, reportOnly, title,
+ // problem, problemLink,
+ // solution, solutionLink
+ ["#000000", , true, "Editor lock"],
+ ["#0000FF", , true, "Toll road / One way road"],
+ ["#00FF00", , true, "Recently edited"],
+ ["#880000", , true, "Road rank"],
+ ["#888888", , true, "No city"],
+ ["#990099", , true, "Time restriction / Highlighted road type"],
+ ["#FFBB00", , true, "No name"],
+ ["#FFFF00", , true, "Filter by city"],
+ ["#FFFF01", , true, "Filter by city (alt. city)"],
+ ["#00FF00", , true, "Filter by editor"]
+ ];
+ for(var i = CK_WMECHFIRST; i <= CK_WMECHLAST; i++)
+ {
+ var cc = WMECHchecks[i - CK_WMECHFIRST];
+ /** @const */
+ var cp = defWMECHProblem;
+ /** @const */
+ var cpl = defWMECHProblemLink;
+ defTranslation[i + '.enabled'] = true;
+ defTranslation[i + '.color'] = cc[0];
+ if(cc[1]) defTranslation[i + '.severity'] = cc[1];
+ if(cc[2]) defTranslation[i + '.reportOnly'] = cc[2];
+ defTranslation[i + '.title'] = "WME Color Highlights: " + cc[3];
+ defTranslation[i + '.problem'] = cp;
+ if(cpl) defTranslation[i + '.problemLink'] = cpl;
+ }
+ /** @const */
+ var streetNames = ["Freeway", "Major Highway", "Minor Highway",
+ "Ramp", "Primary Street", "Street", "Parking Lot Road",
+ "Railroad"];
+ // Generate custom checks descriptions in EN
+ for(var i = CK_TYPEFIRST; i <= CK_TYPELAST; i++)
+ {
+ var streetName = streetNames[i - CK_TYPEFIRST];
+ defTranslation[i + '.severity'] = "W";
+ defTranslation[i + '.title'] = "Must be a " + streetName;
+ defTranslation[i + '.problem'] = "This segment must be a " + streetName;
+ defTranslation[i + '.solution'] = "Set the road type to "
+ + streetName + " or change the road name";
+ }
+ // Generate custom checks descriptions in EN
+ for(var i = CK_CUSTOMFIRST; i <= CK_CUSTOMLAST; i++)
+ {
+ defTranslation[i + '.title'] = "Custom check";
+ defTranslation[i + '.severity'] = "W";
+ defTranslation[i + '.problem'] = "The segment matched custom conditions";
+ defTranslation[i + '.solution'] = "Solve the issue";
+ defTranslation[i + '.params'] = {
+ "template.title": "{string} expandable template",
+ "template": "${street}",
+ "regexp.title": "{string} regular expression to match the template",
+ "regexp": "!/.+/",
+ "titleEN.title": "{string} check title in English",
+ "titleEN": "",
+ "problemEN.title": "{string} problem description in English",
+ "problemEN": "",
+ "solutionEN.title": "{string} solution instructions in English",
+ "solutionEN": "",
+ };
+ }
+ // Generate lock checks descriptions in EN
+ /** @const */
+ var lockLevels = {
+ 150: 5,
+ 151: 4,
+ 152: 3,
+ 153: 4,
+ 154: 2,
+ };
+ for(var i = CK_LOCKFIRST; i <= CK_LOCKLAST; i++)
+ {
+ var lockName = streetNames[i - CK_LOCKFIRST];
+ var lockLevel = lockLevels[i];
+ defTranslation[i + '.title'] = "No lock on " + lockName;
+ defTranslation[i + '.problem'] = "The " + lockName + " segment should be locked at least to Lvl ${n}";
+ defTranslation[i + '.solution'] = "Lock the segment";
+ defTranslation[i + '.params'] = {
+ "n.title": "{number} minimum lock level",
+ "n": lockLevel,
+ };
+ }
+ // Generate street type-names
+ /** @const */
+ var streetRegExps = {
+ 160: "!/^[AS][0-9]{1,2}/",
+ 161: "!/^[0-9]{1,2}/",
+ 162: "!/^[0-9]{1,3}/",
+ 163: "!/^[AS]?[0-9]* ?> /",
+ };
+ /** @const */
+ var streetDefRegExp = "!/.?/";
+ for(var i = CK_STREETTNFIRST; i <= CK_STREETTNLAST; i++)
+ {
+ var streetName = streetNames[i - CK_STREETTNFIRST];
+ var streetRegExp = streetRegExps[CK_STREETTNFIRST] || streetDefRegExp;
+ if(i < 165 || i > 167)
+ defTranslation[i + '.severity'] = "W";
+ defTranslation[i + '.title'] = "Incorrect " + streetName + " name";
+ defTranslation[i + '.problem'] = "The " + streetName
+ + " segment has incorrect street name";
+ defTranslation[i + '.solution'] = "Rename the segment in accordance with the guidelines";
+ defTranslation[i + '.params'] = {
+ "regexp.title": "{string} regular expression to match incorrect "
+ + streetName + " name",
+ "regexp": streetRegExp,
+ };
+ }
+ // Generate mirror checks
+ mirrorChecks(defTranslation);
+ // init internal translations
+ var listOfIntPacks = '';
+ for(var translationsKey in _translations)
+ {
+ var translation = _translations[translationsKey];
+ mirrorChecks(translation);
+ _I18n.addTranslation(translation);
+ // update listOfIntPacks
+ var country = translation[".country"];
+ if(!country) continue;
+ if(classCodeIs(country, CC_ARRAY))
+ country = country[0];
+ country = country.split(' ').join(' ')
+ if(listOfIntPacks)
+ listOfIntPacks += ', ';
+ if(".lng" in translation)
+ listOfIntPacks += '' + country + '*';
+ else
+ listOfIntPacks += country;
+ if(".author" in translation)
+ {
+ listOfIntPacks += ' by ' + translation[".author"];
+ }
+ if(".lng" in translation)
+ listOfIntPacks += ' ';
+ if(".updated" in translation)
+ listOfIntPacks += ' (' + translation[".updated"] + ')';
+ }
+ listOfIntPacks += '.';
+ listOfIntPacks += ' * localization pack with translations';
+ // add external translations
+ var listOfPacks = '';
+ for(var gObject in window)
+ {
+ if(!window.hasOwnProperty(gObject)) continue;
+ if(-1 !== gObject.indexOf(WV_NAME_))
+ {
+ var translation = window[gObject];
+ log("found localization pack: " + gObject.replace(WV_NAME_ + '_', ''));
+ mirrorChecks(translation);
+ _I18n.addTranslation(translation);
+ // update listOfPacks
+ if(".country" in translation)
+ {
+ var country = translation[".country"];
+ if(classCodeIs(country, CC_ARRAY))
+ country = country[0];
+ listOfPacks += '' + country;
+ if(".author" in translation)
+ listOfPacks += ' by ' + translation[".author"];
+ listOfPacks += ' ';
+ if(!(".lng" in translation))
+ listOfPacks += ' (does not include translations)';
+ if(".updated" in translation)
+ {
+ listOfPacks += ' Updated: ' + translation[".updated"];
+ if(".link" in translation
+ && translation[".link"])
+ listOfPacks += ' check for updates ';
+ }
+ listOfPacks += ' ';
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ listOfPacks = (listOfPacks ? listOfPacks : "No external localization packs found");
+ listOfPacks += 'See '
+ + 'how to create a localization pack ';
+ // Generate $checks
+ for(var i = 1; i < MAX_CHECKS; i++)
+ {
+ var check = {
+ ENABLED: {},
+ };
+ // set title
+ var label = i + '.title';
+ if(!_I18n.isLabelExist(label))
+ continue;
+ check.TITLE = trS(label);
+ label = i + '.color';
+ if(_I18n.isLabelExist(label))
+ {
+ var col = trS(label).toUpperCase();
+ check.COLOR = col;
+ // Generate $WMECHcolors
+ && CK_WMECHLAST >= i)
+ _RT.$WMECHcolors[col] = true;
+ }
+ label = i + '.problem';
+ if(_I18n.isLabelExist(label))
+ check.PROBLEM = trS(label);
+ label = i + '.solution';
+ if(_I18n.isLabelExist(label))
+ check.SOLUTION = trS(label);
+ label = i + '.reportOnly';
+ if(_I18n.isLabelExist(label))
+ check.REPORTONLY = trS(label);
+ label = i + '.severity';
+ var s = 'N';
+ if(_I18n.isLabelExist(label))
+ s = trS(label);
+ if(s)
+ {
+ switch(s.charAt(0))
+ {
+ case "w":
+ case "W":
+ break;
+ case "e":
+ case "E":
+ break;
+ case "1":
+ break;
+ case "2":
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ // set country-dependant params
+ label = i + '.enabled';
+ var labelP = i + '.params';
+ var labelPL = i + '.problemLink';
+ var labelSL = i + '.solutionLink';
+ var defEnabled = false;
+ var arrCodes = [];
+ for(var ccode in _I18n.$translations)
+ {
+ var translation = _I18n.$translations[ccode];
+ if(label in translation)
+ {
+ var e = translation[label];
+ check.ENABLED[ccode] = e;
+ // create FORCOUNTRY
+ if(_I18n.$defLng === ccode)
+ {
+ if(e) defEnabled = true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(e)
+ arrCodes.push(ccode);
+ else
+ arrCodes.push('!' + ccode);
+ }
+ }
+ if(labelPL in translation)
+ {
+ var l = translation[labelPL]
+ .replace('W:', PFX_WIKI)
+ .replace('F:', PFX_FORUM)
+ ;
+ check.PROBLEMLINK[ccode] = encodeURI(l);
+ if(-1 !== l.indexOf(PFX_WIKI))
+ check.PROBLEMLINKTEXT[ccode] = trS('report.link.wiki');
+ else
+ if(-1 !== l.indexOf(PFX_FORUM))
+ check.PROBLEMLINKTEXT[ccode] = trS('report.link.forum');
+ else
+ check.PROBLEMLINKTEXT[ccode] = trS('report.link.other');
+ }
+ if(labelSL in translation)
+ {
+ var l = translation[labelSL]
+ .replace('W:', PFX_WIKI)
+ .replace('F:', PFX_FORUM)
+ ;
+ check.SOLUTIONLINK[ccode] = encodeURI(l);
+ if(-1 !== l.indexOf(PFX_WIKI))
+ check.SOLUTIONLINKTEXT[ccode] = trS('report.link.wiki');
+ else
+ if(-1 !== l.indexOf(PFX_FORUM))
+ check.SOLUTIONLINKTEXT[ccode] = trS('report.link.forum');
+ else
+ check.SOLUTIONLINKTEXT[ccode] = trS('report.link.other');
+ }
+ if(labelP in translation)
+ {
+ var params = translation[labelP];
+ if(!check.OPTIONS)
+ check.OPTIONS = {};
+ if(!(ccode in check.OPTIONS))
+ check.OPTIONS[ccode] = params;
+ if(params["template"])
+ check.OPTIONS[ccode][CO_STRING] = params["template"];
+ if(params["regexp"])
+ _WV.buildRegExp(i, check.OPTIONS[ccode], params["regexp"]);
+ if(params["n"])
+ check.OPTIONS[ccode][CO_NUMBER] = +params["n"];
+ } // .params
+ } // for codeKeys
+ // create FORCOUNTRY
+ if(defEnabled)
+ {
+ if(arrCodes.length)
+ check.FORCOUNTRY = arrCodes.join(',') + ',*';
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(arrCodes.length)
+ check.FORCOUNTRY = arrCodes.join(',');
+ else
+ check.FORCOUNTRY = '!*';
+ }
+ _RT.$checks[i] = check;
+ }
+// window.console.log(_RT.$checks);
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // User interface
+ var dir = _I18n.getDir();
+ var dirLeft = trLeft(dir);
+ var dirRight = trRight(dir);
+ // Waze-styled tabs
+ var cssRules, cssRules2, cssRulesA = ">a{text-decoration:underline;cursor:pointer;pointer-events:auto}";
+ _THUI.addElemetClassStyle("div", CL_TABS, "{border-bottom:2px solid #ddd;height:29px}");
+ _THUI.addElemetClassStyle("div", CL_TABS, ">input{display:none}");
+ _THUI.addElemetClassStyle("div", CL_TABS, ">label{white-space:nowrap;overflow:hidden;max-width:100px;text-overflow:ellipsis;cursor:pointer;display:inline-block;margin:0px;margin-" + dirRight + ":3px;padding:4px 12px;border-radius:4px 4px 0 0;background-color:#dadbdc}");
+ _THUI.addElemetClassStyle("div", CL_TABS, ">input:checked+label{font-weight:normal;margin:-2px;min-height:31px;margin-" + dirRight + ":2px;cursor:default;border:2px solid #ddd;border-bottom-color:#fff;background-color:#fff}");
+ // !important for WME beta
+ _THUI.addElemetClassStyle("div", CL_TABS, ">input:disabled+label{font-weight:bold !important;padding-" + dirLeft + ":0px;color:#333;cursor:default;background-color:transparent}");
+ _THUI.addElemetClassStyle("div", CL_TABS, ">input:enabled+label:hover{background-color:#fff}");
+ _THUI.addElemetClassStyle("div", CL_TABS, ">input:checked+label:hover{background-color:#fff}");
+ _THUI.addElemetClassStyle("div", CL_TABS, ">input:enabled+label>span>span.c" + CL_COLLAPSE + "{display:none}");
+ _THUI.addElemetClassStyle("div", CL_TABS, ">input:checked+label>span>span.c" + CL_COLLAPSE + "{display:inline}");
+ // Collapsing tab
+ // _THUI.addElemetClassStyle("ul", "nav", ">li.active>a>span+span.c" + CL_COLLAPSE + "{display:inline}");
+ // _THUI.addElemetClassStyle("ul", "nav", ">li>a>span+span.c" + CL_COLLAPSE + "{display:none}");
+ // fixed height panel
+ _THUI.addElemetClassStyle("div", CL_PANEL, "{background-color:#fff;padding:4px;margin:0;margin-bottom:4px;border-bottom:2px solid #ddd;white-space:nowrap;overflow-x:hidden;overflow-y:auto;text-overflow:ellipsis;width:100%;height:" + SZ_PANEL_HEIGHT + "px}");
+ _THUI.addElemetClassStyle("div", CL_PANEL, ">span" + cssRulesA);
+ _THUI.addElemetClassStyle("div", CL_PANEL, ">label>span" + cssRulesA);
+ _THUI.addElemetClassStyle("div", CL_PANEL, ">span>p" + cssRulesA);
+ // custom color markers
+ cssRules = ">span{border-radius:5px;background-color:";
+ _THUI.addElemetClassStyle("label", "c1", cssRules
+ + GL_CUSTOM1COLOR + ";color:" + GL_CUSTOM1BGCOLOR + "}");
+ _THUI.addElemetClassStyle("label", "c2", cssRules
+ + GL_CUSTOM2COLOR + ";color:" + GL_CUSTOM2BGCOLOR + "}");
+ cssRules = ">span>a{color:white}";
+ _THUI.addElemetClassStyle("label", "c1", cssRules);
+ _THUI.addElemetClassStyle("label", "c2", cssRules);
+ // buttons
+// "{white-space:nowrap;overflow:hidden;text-overflow:ellipsis}");
+ _THUI.addElemetClassStyle("div", CL_BUTTONS, "{overflow:hidden;margin-bottom:1em}");
+ _THUI.addElemetClassStyle("div", CL_BUTTONS, ">button{font-weight:normal;padding:4px 12px;white-space:nowrap;overflow:hidden;text-overflow:ellipsis}");
+ _THUI.addElemetClassStyle("div", CL_BUTTONS, ">button>i{pointer-events:none}");
+ _THUI.addElemetClassStyle("div", CL_BUTTONS, ">button:disabled{background-color:#eee;border-bottom:0px;cursor:default;pointer-events:auto}");
+ // checkboxes
+ _THUI.addElemetClassStyle("div", CL_PANEL, ">label.checkbox{display:block;height:24px;font-weight:normal;margin:0}");
+ _THUI.addElemetClassStyle("div", CL_PANEL, ">label.checkbox>span{display:inline-block;height:20px;width:100%;white-space:nowrap;overflow:hidden;text-overflow:ellipsis}");
+ // date
+ _THUI.addElemetClassStyle("div", CL_PANEL, ">label.date{display:block;height:32px;font-weight:normal;margin:0;padding-" + dirRight + ":155px}");
+ _THUI.addElemetClassStyle("div", CL_PANEL, ">label.date>span{display:inline-block;line-height:28px;vertical-align:middle;width:100%;white-space:nowrap;overflow:hidden;text-overflow:ellipsis}");
+ _THUI.addElemetClassStyle("div", CL_PANEL, ">label.date>input[type=date]{box-sizing:border-box;height:28px;padding:2px 10px;padding-" + dirRight + ":2px;float:" + dirRight + ";margin-" + dirRight + ":-155px;width:150px}");
+ // text
+ _THUI.addElemetClassStyle("div", CL_PANEL, ">label.text{display:block;height:30px;font-weight:normal;margin:0;padding-" + dirRight + ":155px}");
+ _THUI.addElemetClassStyle("div", CL_PANEL, ">label.text>span{display:inline-block;line-height:28px;vertical-align:middle;width:100%;white-space:nowrap;overflow:hidden;text-overflow:ellipsis}");
+ _THUI.addElemetClassStyle("div", CL_PANEL, ">label.text>input[type=text]{box-sizing:border-box;height:28px;padding:2px 10px;float:" + dirRight + ";margin-" + dirRight + ":-155px;width:150px}");
+ // number inputs
+// _THUI.addElemetClassStyle("div", CL_PANEL, ">label.number{font-weight:normal;display:block;line-height:28px;white-space:nowrap;overflow:hidden;text-overflow:ellipsis;}");
+// _THUI.addElemetClassStyle("div", CL_PANEL, ">label.number>span{float:" + dirLeft + "}");
+// _THUI.addElemetClassStyle("div", CL_PANEL, ">label.number>input[type=number]{box-sizing:border-box;display:inline-block;width:64px;height:26px;line-height:20px;border-width:1px;float:" + dirRight + ";padding:2px 6px;margin:0}");
+ // password inputs
+// _THUI.addElemetClassStyle("div", CL_PANEL, ">input[type=password]{box-sizing:border-box;width:270px;height:28px}");
+// cssRules = ''
+ // show translate and report banner
+ cssRules = "{position:relative;height:2em;width:100%;margin-bottom:";
+ cssRules2 = ">span{position:absolute;" + dirLeft + ":0;bottom:0;display:inline-block;padding:4px 12px;margin:0px;border-radius:8px;border-bottom-" + dirLeft + "-radius:0;box-shadow:3px 3px 3px #aaa;border:1px solid ";
+ _THUI.addElemetClassStyle("div", CL_TRANSLATETIP, cssRules + "12px}");
+ _THUI.addElemetClassStyle("div", CL_TRANSLATETIP, cssRules2 + "#aea;background-color:#cfc;" + dirLeft + ":auto;" + dirRight + ":0;border-radius:8px;border-bottom-" + dirRight + "-radius:0}");
+ _THUI.addElemetClassStyle("div", CL_TRANSLATETIP, ">span" + cssRulesA);
+ // message box
+ _THUI.addElemetClassStyle("div", CL_MSG, cssRules + "1em}");
+ _THUI.addElemetClassStyle("div", CL_MSG, cssRules2 + "#ded;background-color:#efe}");
+ _THUI.addElemetClassStyle("div", CL_MSGY, cssRules + "1em}");
+ _THUI.addElemetClassStyle("div", CL_MSGY, cssRules2 + "#ee9;background-color:#ffa}");
+ // segment properties
+ _THUI.addElemetIdStyle("div", ID_PROPERTY, "{padding-bottom:5px}");
+ _THUI.addElemetIdStyle("div", ID_PROPERTY, ">b" + cssRulesA);
+ cssRules = '{color:' + GL_NOTECOLOR + '}';
+ _THUI.addElemetClassStyle("div", CL_NOTE, cssRules);
+ _THUI.addElemetClassStyle("a", CL_NOTE, cssRules);
+ cssRules = '{color:' + GL_WARNINGCOLOR + '}';
+ _THUI.addElemetClassStyle("div", CL_WARNING, cssRules);
+ _THUI.addElemetClassStyle("a", CL_WARNING, cssRules);
+ cssRules = '{color:' + GL_ERRORCOLOR + '}';
+ _THUI.addElemetClassStyle("div", CL_ERROR, cssRules);
+ _THUI.addElemetClassStyle("a", CL_ERROR, cssRules);
+ cssRules = '{color:' + GL_CUSTOM1COLOR + '}';
+ _THUI.addElemetClassStyle("div", CL_CUSTOM1, cssRules);
+ _THUI.addElemetClassStyle("a", CL_CUSTOM1, cssRules);
+ cssRules = '{color:' + GL_CUSTOM2COLOR + '}';
+ _THUI.addElemetClassStyle("div", CL_CUSTOM2, cssRules);
+ _THUI.addElemetClassStyle("a", CL_CUSTOM2, cssRules);
+ _THUI.addElemetClassStyle("div", CL_RIGHTTIP, "{white-space:nowrap;position:relative;cursor:help}");
+ _THUI.addElemetClassStyle("div", CL_RIGHTTIP, ">span{display:inline-block;overflow:hidden;text-overflow:ellipsis;width:279px}");
+ _THUI.addElemetClassStyle("div", CL_RIGHTTIP, ">span" + cssRulesA);
+ cssRules = ';z-index:1000000;position:absolute;visibility:hidden;opacity:0;transition:0.1s ease;' + dirLeft + ':30px;top:-1.7em;cursor:default}';
+ _THUI.addElemetClassStyle('div', CL_RIGHTTIP, ':before{content:"";position:absolute;border:1em solid transparent;border-' + dirRight + '-color:#ddd;margin-' + dirLeft + ':-2em;margin-top:1.5em' + cssRules);
+ _THUI.addElemetClassStyle('div', CL_RIGHTTIPPOPUP, '{white-space:normal;background-color:#fafafa;padding:1em;width:230px;box-shadow:3px 3px 3px #aaa;border-radius:1em;border:1px solid #ddd' + cssRules);
+ _THUI.addElemetClassStyle('div', CL_RIGHTTIPDESCR, '{margin-' + dirLeft + ':2em}');
+ _THUI.addElemetClassStyle('div', CL_RIGHTTIPDESCR, cssRulesA);
+ _THUI.addElemetClassStyle('div', CL_RIGHTTIPDESCR, '>p{color:black;margin-top:0.5em;margin-bottom:0.5em !important}');
+ _THUI.addElemetClassStyle('div', CL_RIGHTTIPDESCR, '>p' + cssRulesA);
+ cssRules = '{visibility:visible;opacity:1}';
+ _THUI.addElemetClassStyle('div', CL_RIGHTTIP, ':hover:before' + cssRules);
+ _THUI.addElemetClassStyle('div', CL_RIGHTTIP, ':hover>div' + cssRules);
+ _UI = {
+ // set to defaults to suppress warnings
+ _DISABLED: undefined,
+ _NODISPLAY: undefined,
+ MAXLENGTH: undefined,
+ REVERSE: undefined,
+ WARNING: undefined,
+ TYPE: undefined,
+ FORUSER: undefined,
+ FORCITY: undefined,
+ FORCOUNTRY: undefined,
+ FORLEVEL: undefined,
+ ACCESSKEY: undefined,
+ STYLEI: "",
+// STYLEO: "",
+ _NAME: "",
+ _STYLE: "",
+ ONWARNING: null,
+ ONCHANGE: null,
+ _ONCHANGE: undefined,
+ ONCLICKO: undefined,
+ MIN: undefined,
+ MAX: undefined,
+ STEP: undefined,
+ // global params
+ _ONWARNING: onWarning,
+ pTips: {
+ },
+ pTranslateBanner: {
+ TEXT: "Please help to "
+ + ''
+ + 'translate Validator! ',
+ TITLE: trS("about.tip"),
+ },
+ pNoAccess: {
+ STYLE: 'text-align:center',
+ TEXT: trS("noaccess.text"),
+ TITLE: trS("noaccess.tip"),
+ },
+ pMain: {
+ pTabs: {
+ _ONCLICK: onUpdateUI,
+ tMain: {
+ // text and title update automatically
+ TEXT: '',
+ TITLE: '',
+ STYLEO: "cursor:pointer;max-width:97px",
+ ONCLICKO: onUpdateUI
+ },
+ tFilter: {
+ TEXT: ' ' + " " + trS("tab.filter.text") + " ",
+ TITLE: trS("tab.filter.tip"),
+ },
+ tSearch: {
+ TEXT: ' ' + " " + trS("tab.search.text") + " ",
+ TITLE: trS("tab.search.tip"),
+ },
+ tHelp: {
+ TEXT: ' ' + " " + trS("tab.help.text") + " ",
+ TITLE: trS("tab.help.tip"),
+ STYLEO: "float:" + dirRight
+ },
+ }, // pMain.pTabs
+ pFilter: {
+ _CLASS: "checkbox",
+ _REVERSE: 1,
+ _ONCHANGE: onUpdateUI,
+ oExcludeNonEditables: {
+ TEXT: trS("filter.noneditables.text"),
+ TITLE: trS("filter.noneditables.tip"),
+ },
+ oExcludeDuplicates: {
+ TEXT: trS("filter.duplicates.text"),
+ TITLE: trS("filter.duplicates.tip"),
+ },
+ oExcludeStreets: {
+ TEXT: trS("filter.streets.text"),
+ TITLE: trS("filter.streets.tip"),
+ },
+ oExcludeOther: {
+ TEXT: trS("filter.other.text"),
+ TITLE: trS("filter.other.tip"),
+ },
+ oExcludeNotes: {
+ TEXT: trS("filter.notes.text"),
+ TITLE: trS("filter.notes.tip"),
+ },
+ }, // pMain.pFilter
+ pSearch: {
+// _CLASS: "checkbox",
+ _REVERSE: 1,
+ _ONCHANGE: onUpdateUI,
+ oIncludeYourEdits: {
+ TEXT: trS("search.youredits.text"),
+ TITLE: trS("search.youredits.tip"),
+ CLASS: "checkbox",
+ },
+ oIncludeUpdatedBy: {
+ TEXT: trS("search.updatedby.text"),
+ TITLE: trS("search.updatedby.tip"),
+ PLACEHOLDER: trS("search.updatedby.example"),
+ CLASS: "form-label text",
+ CLASSI: "form-control",
+ },
+ oIncludeUpdatedSince: {
+ TEXT: trS("search.updatedsince.text"),
+ TITLE: trS("search.updatedsince.tip"),
+ PLACEHOLDER: trS("search.updatedsince.example"),
+ CLASS: "form-label date",
+ CLASSI: "form-control",
+ },
+ oIncludeCityName: {
+ TEXT: trS("search.city.text"),
+ TITLE: trS("search.city.tip"),
+ PLACEHOLDER: trS("search.city.example"),
+ CLASS: "form-label text",
+ CLASSI: "form-control",
+ },
+ oIncludeChecks: {
+ TEXT: trS("search.checks.text"),
+ TITLE: trS("search.checks.tip"),
+ PLACEHOLDER: trS("search.checks.example"),
+ CLASS: "form-label text",
+ CLASSI: "form-control",
+ },
+ }, // pMain.pSearch
+ pHelp: {
+ TEXT: trS("help.text"),
+ TITLE: trS("help.tip"),
+ }, // pMain.pHelp
+ pButtons: {
+ _CLASS: "btn btn-default",
+ _ONCLICK: onUpdateUI,
+ bScan: {
+ TEXT: "\uf04b",
+ // title updates automatically
+ TITLE: "",
+ STYLE: "float:" + dirLeft + ";width:38px;font-family:FontAwesome"
+ },
+ bPause: {
+ TEXT: "\uf04c",
+ TITLE: trS("button.pause.tip"),
+ STYLE: "float:" + dirLeft + ";width:38px;font-family:FontAwesome"
+ },
+ bContinue: {
+ TEXT: "\uf04b",
+ TITLE: trS("button.continue.tip"),
+ STYLE: "float:" + dirLeft + ";width:38px;font-family:FontAwesome"
+ },
+ bStop: {
+ TEXT: "\uf04d",
+ TITLE: trS("button.stop.tip"),
+ STYLE: "float:" + dirLeft + ";width:38px;font-family:FontAwesome;margin-" + dirRight + ":10px"
+ },
+ bClear: {
+// TEXT: "\uf016",
+ TEXT: "\u2718",
+ // title updates automatically
+ TITLE: "",
+ STYLE: "float:" + dirLeft + ";width:38px;margin-" + dirRight + ":10px"
+ },
+ bReport: {
+ TEXT: trS("button.report.text"),
+ TITLE: trS("button.report.tip"),
+ STYLE: "float:" + dirLeft + ";max-width:110px",
+ ONCLICK: onShowReport
+ },
+ bReportBB: {
+// TEXT: "\uf003",
+ TEXT: "\uf0e0",
+ TITLE: trS("button.BBreport.tip"),
+ ONCLICK: onShareReport,
+ STYLE: "float:" + dirLeft + ";width:38px;font-family:FontAwesome"
+ },
+ bSettings: {
+ TEXT: "\uf013",
+ TITLE: trS("button.settings.tip"),
+ STYLE: "float:" + dirRight + ";width:38px;font-family:FontAwesome"
+ },
+ } // pMain.pButtons
+ }, // pMain
+ pSettings: {
+ pTabs: {
+ _ONCLICK: onUpdateUI,
+ tMain: {
+ TEXT: trS("tab.settings.text") + ':',
+ TITLE: WV_NAME + " Version " + WV_VERSION,
+ STYLEO: "max-width:85px",
+ },
+ tCustom: {
+ TEXT: ' ' + " " + trS("tab.custom.text") + " ",
+ STYLEO: "max-width:110px",
+ TITLE: trS("tab.custom.tip"),
+ },
+ tScanner: {
+ TEXT: ' ' + " " + trS("tab.scanner.text") + " ",
+ TITLE: trS("tab.scanner.tip"),
+ STYLEO: "max-width:110px",
+ },
+ tAbout: {
+ TEXT: ' ' + " " + trS("tab.about.text") + " ",
+ TITLE: trS("tab.about.tip"),
+ STYLEO: "float:" + dirRight + ";max-width:110px"
+ }
+ }, // pSettings.pTabs
+ pCustom: {
+ _CLASS: "form-label text",
+ _REVERSE: 1,
+ _ONCHANGE: onUpdateUI,
+ oTemplate1: {
+ TEXT: ' ' + trS("custom.template.text"),
+ TITLE: trS("custom.template.tip"),
+ PLACEHOLDER: trS("custom.template.example"),
+ CLASS: "form-label text c1",
+ CLASSI: "form-control",
+ },
+ oRegExp1: {
+ TEXT: ' ' + trS("custom.regexp.text"),
+ TITLE: trS("custom.regexp.tip"),
+ PLACEHOLDER: trS("custom.regexp.example"),
+ CLASSI: "form-control",
+ },
+ oTemplate2: {
+ TEXT: ' ' + trS("custom.template.text"),
+ TITLE: trS("custom.template.tip"),
+ PLACEHOLDER: trS("custom.template.example"),
+ CLASS: "form-label text c2",
+ CLASSI: "form-control",
+ },
+ oRegExp2: {
+ TEXT: ' ' + trS("custom.regexp.text"),
+ TITLE: trS("custom.regexp.tip"),
+ PLACEHOLDER: trS("custom.regexp.example"),
+ CLASSI: "form-control",
+ },
+ }, // pSettings.pCustom
+ pScanner: {
+ _CLASS: "checkbox",
+ _REVERSE: 1,
+ _ONCHANGE: onUpdateUI,
+ oSlowChecks: {
+ TEXT: trS("scanner.slow.text"),
+ TITLE: trS("scanner.slow.tip"),
+ },
+ oReportExt: {
+ TEXT: trS("scanner.ext.text"),
+ TITLE: trS("scanner.ext.tip"),
+ },
+ oHLReported: {
+ TEXT: trS("scanner.highlight.text"),
+ TITLE: trS("scanner.highlight.tip"),
+ },
+ oSounds: {
+ TEXT: trS("scanner.sounds.text"),
+ TITLE: trS("scanner.sounds.tip"),
+ NATITLE: trS("scanner.sounds.NA"),
+ },
+ }, // pSettings.pScanner
+ pAbout: {
+ TEXT: '' + WV_NAME + ' '
+ + ' Version ' + WV_VERSION + ' check for updates '
+ + ' Expiration date: ' + WV_RELEASE_VALID
+ + ' © 2013-2016 berestovskyy
+ + 'Built-in localization packs for: '
+ + listOfIntPacks
+ + '
External localization packs for: '
+ + listOfPacks
+ + '
+ + 'Special thanks to: OyyoDams, Timbones, paulkok_my, petervdveen, MdSyah, sketch, AlanOfTheBerg, arbaot, Zniwek, orbitc, robindlc, fernandoanguita, BellHouse, vidalnit, Manzareck, gad_m, Zirland and YOU!
+ TITLE: trS("about.tip"),
+ STYLE: 'direction:ltr;text-align:center;white-space:normal'
+ }, // pSettings.pAbout
+ pButtons: {
+ _CLASS: "btn btn-default",
+ _ONCLICK: onUpdateUI,
+ bReset: {
+ TEXT: ' ' + trS("button.reset.text"),
+ TITLE: trS("button.reset.tip"),
+ STYLE: "float:" + dirLeft + ";max-width:165px",
+ },
+ bList: {
+ TEXT: ' ' + trS("button.list.text"),
+ TITLE: trS("button.list.tip"),
+ STYLE: "float:" + dirLeft + ";max-width:165px",
+ ONCLICK: onShowChecks
+ },
+ bWizard: {
+ TEXT: ' ',
+ TITLE: trS("button.wizard.tip"),
+ STYLE: "float:" + dirLeft + ";margin-" + dirLeft + ":6px;width:38px",
+ ONCLICK: onCreatePack
+ },
+ bBack: {
+ TEXT: ' ' + trS("button.back.text"),
+ TITLE: trS("button.back.tip"),
+ STYLE: "float:" + dirRight + ";max-width:70px"
+ }
+ } // pSettings.pButtons
+ } // pSettings
+ }; // _UI
+ // init report
+ clearReport();
+ // check if user is a country manager
+ if(_RT.$topUser.$isCM || _RT.$topUser.$isSuperUser)
+ {
+ _UI.pMain.pSearch.oIncludeYourEdits.NODISPLAY = 1;
+ _UI.pMain.pSearch.oIncludeUpdatedBy.NODISPLAY = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ _UI.pMain.pSearch.oIncludeYourEdits.NODISPLAY = 0;
+ _UI.pMain.pSearch.oIncludeUpdatedBy.NODISPLAY = 1;
+ }
+ // show translate banner
+ if(-1 !== _RT.$untranslatedLngs.indexOf(_RT.$lng.split('-')[0]))
+ _UI.pTranslateBanner.NODISPLAY = 0;
+ else
+ _UI.pTranslateBanner.NODISPLAY = 1;
+ // check for AudioContext
+ if(!classCodeDefined(UW.AudioContext)
+ && !classCodeDefined(UW.webkitAudioContext))
+ {
+ _UI.pSettings.pScanner.oSounds.CHECKED = false;
+ _UI.pSettings.pScanner.oSounds.NA = true;
+ }
+ // reset defaults
+ resetDefaults();
+ // load saved values from local storage
+ var storageObj = null;
+ var s = null;
+ try
+ {
+ s = window.localStorage.getItem(AS_NAME);
+ storageObj = s ? JSON.parse(Tea.decrypt(s, AS_PASSWORD)) : null;
+ }
+ catch (e) {}
+ if(!storageObj || WV_LICENSE_VERSION !== storageObj[AS_LICENSE])
+ {
+ if(!confirm(WV_LICENSE))
+ {
+ // destroy UI
+ _UI = {};
+ // uninstall login/logout handler
+ WLM.events.un({
+ "afterloginchanged": onLogin,
+ "login": onLogin
+ });
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ var showWhatsNew = false;
+ if(s && !storageObj)
+ {
+ warning("\nDue to the major changes in Validator, all filter options\nand settings have been RESET to their DEFAULTS.");
+ showWhatsNew = true;
+ }
+ if(storageObj && WV_VERSION !== storageObj[AS_VERSION])
+ showWhatsNew = true;
+ if(showWhatsNew)
+ info(WV_WHATSNEW);
+ _THUI.loadValues(_UI, storageObj);
+ // create a styleMap with a custom default symbolizer
+ var styleMap = new OpenLayers.StyleMap({
+ strokeWidth: HL_WIDTH,
+ });
+ // create a lookup table with different symbolizers for 0, 1 and 2
+ var lookup = {};
+ lookup[RS_NOTE] = {
+ strokeColor: GL_NOTECOLOR,
+ graphicZIndex: 10,
+ };
+ lookup[RS_WARNING] = {
+ strokeColor: GL_WARNINGCOLOR,
+ graphicZIndex: 20,
+ };
+ lookup[RS_ERROR] = {
+ strokeColor: GL_ERRORCOLOR,
+ graphicZIndex: 30,
+ };
+ lookup[RS_CUSTOM2] = {
+ strokeColor: GL_CUSTOM2COLOR,
+ graphicZIndex: 40,
+ };
+ lookup[RS_CUSTOM1] = {
+ strokeColor: GL_CUSTOM1COLOR,
+ graphicZIndex: 50,
+ };
+ // add rules from the above lookup table, with the keyes mapped to
+ // the "type" property of the features, for the "default" intent
+ styleMap.addUniqueValueRules("default", 0, lookup);
+ _RT.$HLlayer = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector(GL_LAYERNAME, {
+ displayInLayerSwitcher: true,
+ renderers: [R("Waze/Renderer/ExtendedSVG")],
+ // enable the indexer by setting zIndexing to true
+ rendererOptions: {zIndexing: true},
+ uniqueName: GL_LAYERUNAME,
+ shortcutKey: GL_LAYERSHORTCUT,
+ accelerator: GL_LAYERACCEL,
+ units: "m",
+ styleMap: styleMap,
+ projection: new OpenLayers.Projection("EPSG:4326"),
+ visibility: _UI.pSettings.pScanner.oHLReported.CHECKED,
+ });
+ I18n.translations.en.layers.name[GL_LAYERUNAME] = GL_LAYERNAME;
+ _RT.$HLlayer.setOpacity(HL_OPACITY);
+ WM.addLayer(_RT.$HLlayer);
+ _RT.$HLlayer.setVisibility(_UI.pSettings.pScanner.oHLReported.CHECKED);
+ WM.raiseLayer(_RT.$HLlayer, 99);
+ // Create Validator tab
+ $('#user-tabs ul').append(''
+ + ''
+ + ' '
+ // + ' ' + WV_SHORTNAME + ': '
+ + ' ' + WV_SHORTNAME
+ + ' '
+ );
+ $('#user-tabs+div.tab-content').append(
+ '
+ );
+ // append user interface after the details or ad the bottom
+ _THUI.appendUI(document.getElementById("sidepanel-" + ID_PREFIX),
+ _UI, "i" + ID_PREFIX);
+ async(F_UPDATEUI);
+ // for the highlights
+ async(ForceHLAllSegments, null, 700);
+ // register event handlers
+ WMo.events.on({
+ "mergeend": onMergeEnd,
+ });
+ WM.events.on({
+ "moveend": onMoveEnd,
+ "zoomend": HLAllSegments,
+ "changelayer": onChangeLayer,
+ });
+ WSM.events.on({
+ "selectionchanged": ForceHLAllSegments
+ });
+ WC.events.on({
+ "loadstart": onLoadStart,
+ });
+ // monitor segments and nodes changes
+ // TODO: fix me to WMo.segments.on
+ // WMo.segments.events.on({
+ // "objectsadded": onSegmentsAdded,
+ // "objectschanged": onSegmentsChanged,
+ // "objectsremoved": onSegmentsRemoved,
+ // });
+ // WMo.nodes.events.on({
+ // "objectschanged": onNodesChanged,
+ // "objectsremoved": onNodesRemoved,
+ // });
diff --git a/src/release.js b/src/release.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8a23d0f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/release.js
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
+ * release.js -- WME Validator release information
+ * Copyright (C) 2013-2018 Andriy Berestovskyy
+ *
+ * This file is part of WME Validator:
+ *
+ * GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA
+ *
+ * Note: This code is heavily based on the GNU MP Library.
+ * Actually it's the same code with only minor changes in the
+ * way the data is stored; this is to support the abstraction
+ * of an optional secure memory allocation which may be used
+ * to avoid revealing of sensitive data due to paging etc.
+ * The GNU MP Library itself is published under the LGPL;
+ * however I decided to publish this code under the plain GPL.
+ */
+ *************************************************************************/
+ */
+/** CHECKSUM @const */
+var CF_SUMBLUE = 329630;
+/** @const */
+var WV_SHORTNAME = "Validator";
+/** @const */
+/** @const */
+var WV_NAME_ = WV_NAME.split(" ").join("_");
+/** @const */
+var WV_NAME_NO_SPACE = WV_NAME.split(" ").join("");
+/** @const */
+/** @const */
+var WV_RELEASE_DATE = "2016-11-03";
+/** @const */
+var WV_RELEASE_VALID = "2017-07-01";
+/* Version: 1.1.20 */
+/** @const */
+var WV_MAJOR = "1.1";
+/** @const */
+var WV_MINOR = "20";
+/** Auto-save password @const */
+var AS_PASSWORD = "3";
+/** @const */
+/** @const */
+var WV_WHATSNEW = ""
+ + "- Fixed #23 Unconfirmed road"
+ + "\n"
+ + "\n04.06.2016 v1.1.19:"
+ + "\n- Fixed WME Beta"
+ + "\n- Fixed icons in segment properties"
+ + "\n- The work is still in progress..."
+ + "\n"
+ + "\n02.06.2016 v1.1.18:"
+ + "\n- Fixed Firefox browser"
+ + "\n- Added Validator tab"
+ + "\n"
+ + "\n01.06.2016 v1.1.17:"
+ + "\n- Fixed (some) icons"
+ + "\n- Fixed (some) event handlers"
+ + "\n"
+ + "\n29.01.2016 v1.1.16:"
+ + "\n- Fixed Firefox browser (thanks to Glodenox)"
+ + "\n- Updated CZ localizations"
+ + "\n"
+ + "\n13.12.2015 v1.1.15:"
+ + "\n- Updated US and CZ localizations"
+ ;
+/** @const */
+/** @const */
+var WV_LICENSE = ""
+ + "\nLICENSE:"
+ + "\nThis script has some features locked for certain"
+ + "\ncountries/editor levels, so there are 2 restrictions:"
+ + "\n"
+ + "\n1. You may not modify or reverse engineer the script."
+ + "\n2. You may not use the script for commercial purposes."
+ + "\n"
+ + "\nThe script is distributed 'as is'. No warranty of any"
+ + "\nkind is expressed or implied. You use at your own risk."
+ + "\n"
+ + "\nIf you do not agree with the terms of this license,"
+ + "\nyou must remove the script files from your storage"
+ + "\ndevices and cease to use " + WV_NAME + '.'
+ + "\n"
+ + "\nNote: " + WV_NAME + " uses local storage to remember"
+ + "\nyour choices and preferences."
+ ;
+ * WV global access lists
+ */
+/** @const */
+var GA_FORLEVEL = 1;
+/** @const */
+var GA_FORUSER = "!Dekis,*";
+/** @const */
+var GA_LEVEL1 = 1;
+ * Users allowed to lookup other users
+ * @const
+ */
+var GA_SUPERUSER = "berestovskyy";
+/** @const */
+var GA_FORCOUNTRY = "";
+/** @const */
+//var GA_FORCITY = "";
+var GA_FORCITY = "!Kraków,*";
+/** @const */
+var LIMIT_TOTAL = 2e4;
+//var LIMIT_TOTAL = 2e6;
+ * Maxs
+ */
+/** @const */
+var MAX_CHECKS = 310;
+ * URLs
+ *************************************************************************/
+/** @const */
+var PFX_WIKI = 'https://www.waze.com/wiki/';
+/** @const */
+var PFX_FORUM = 'https://www.waze.com/forum/viewtopic.php?';
+/** @const */
+var FORUM_HOME = 't=76488';
+/** @const */
+var FORUM_FAQ = 't=76488&p=666476#p666476';
+/** @const */
+var FORUM_LOCAL = 't=76488&p=661300#p661185';
+/** @const */
+var FORUM_CUSTOM = 't=76488&p=749456#p749456';
diff --git a/src/report.js b/src/report.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c15a546
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/report.js
@@ -0,0 +1,1498 @@
+ * report.js -- WME Validator report support
+ * Copyright (C) 2013-2018 Andriy Berestovskyy
+ *
+ * This file is part of WME Validator: https://github.com/WMEValidator/
+ *
+ * WME Validator is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ * WME Validator is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with WME Validator. If not, see .
+ */
+ *************************************************************************/
+ * Show generated report
+ */
+_WV.$functions[F_SHOWREPORT] = function (reportFormat) {
+ // shortcuts
+ /** @const */
+ var _now = new Date();
+ /** @const */
+ var _nowISO = _now.toISOString().slice(0, 10);
+ /** @const */
+ var _repU = _REP.$users;
+ /** @const */
+ var _repC = _REP.$cities;
+ /** @const */
+ var _repCC = _REP.$cityCounters;
+ /** @const */
+ var _repRC = _REP.$reportCounters;
+ /** @const */
+ var _repS = _REP.$streets;
+ /** @const */
+ var isBeta = -1 !== window.location.href.indexOf("beta");
+ // false if at least one filter or search set
+ var noFilters = true;
+ // final report data
+ var FR = '';
+ var FRheader = '';
+ var FRfooter = '';
+ // window object
+ var newWin = null;
+ // layers value
+ var layersParam = getLayerParam();
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Format strings
+ // h1
+ var Bh1, Eh1;
+ // h2
+ var Bh2, Eh2;
+ // small
+ var Bsmall, Esmall;
+ // big
+ var Bbig, Ebig;
+ // link
+ var Ba, Ca, Ea;
+ // link target Validator
+ var BaV;
+ // color
+ var Bcolor, Ccolor, Ecolor;
+ // bold
+ var Bb, Eb;
+ // p
+ var Bp, Ep;
+ // br
+ var Br;
+ // ol
+ var Bol, Eol;
+ // ul
+ var Bul, Eul;
+ // li
+ var Bli, Eli;
+ // code
+ var Bcode, Ecode;
+ // —
+ var Mdash, Nbsp;
+ // current format
+ var curFormat;
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Support functions
+ function getLayerParam() {
+ var mask;
+ if (WME_BETA)
+ return W.map.mapState._getLayerVisibilityBitmask();
+ return W.map.mapState.getLayerVisibilityBitmask();
+ }
+ function setFormat(fmt) {
+ curFormat = fmt;
+ switch (fmt) {
+ case RF_HTML:
+ Bh1 = '\n', Eh1 = ' \n \n';
+ Bh2 = '\n\n', Eh2 = ' \n';
+ Bsmall = '', Esmall = ' ';
+ Bbig = '', Ebig = ' ';
+ Ba = '', Ea = ' ';
+ BaV = ''
+ + '\n'
+ + '\n' + strTitle + " " + _nowISO + ' '
+ + '\n '
+ // + '\n '
+ + '\n'
+ ;
+ }
+ // returns natural list
+ function getNaturalList(arr) {
+ if (1 === arr.length)
+ return arr[0];
+ var ret = '';
+ arr.forEach(function (e, i) {
+ if (arr.length - 1 === i)
+ ret += ' ' + trS("report.and") + ' ';
+ else if (0 !== i)
+ ret += ', ';
+ ret += e;
+ });
+ return ret;
+ }
+ // returns document header
+ function getHeader(strTitle) {
+ var ret = Bh1 + strTitle + Eh1;
+ if (RF_LIST !== reportFormat
+ && RF_CREATEPACK !== reportFormat) {
+ ret += Bsmall + trS("report.generated.by")
+ + ' ' + _RT.$curUserName + ' '
+ + trS("report.generated.on")
+ + ' '
+ + _nowISO + Esmall + Br
+ + Br + Bb
+ + trS("report.source")
+ + ' ' + Eb + Ba + getTopPermalink() + Ca
+ + checkNoCity(getReportSource())
+ + Ea + Br
+ ;
+ var filters = [];
+ if (_UI.pMain.pFilter.oExcludeDuplicates.CHECKED)
+ filters.push(trS("report.filter.duplicate"));
+ if (_UI.pMain.pFilter.oExcludeStreets.CHECKED)
+ filters.push(trS("report.filter.streets"));
+ if (_UI.pMain.pFilter.oExcludeOther.CHECKED)
+ filters.push(trS("report.filter.other"));
+ if (_UI.pMain.pFilter.oExcludeNonEditables.CHECKED)
+ filters.push(trS("report.filter.noneditable"));
+ if (_UI.pMain.pFilter.oExcludeNotes.CHECKED)
+ filters.push(trS("report.filter.notes"));
+ if (filters.length) {
+ noFilters = false;
+ ret += Bb + trS("report.filter.title")
+ + ' ' + Eb + getNaturalList(filters)
+ + ' '
+ + trS("report.filter.excluded")
+ + Br;
+ }
+ filters = [];
+ if (!_UI.pMain.pSearch.oIncludeYourEdits.NODISPLAY
+ && _UI.pMain.pSearch.oIncludeYourEdits.CHECKED)
+ filters.push(trS("report.search.updated.by")
+ + ' ' + _RT.$curUserName);
+ if (!_UI.pMain.pSearch.oIncludeUpdatedBy.NODISPLAY
+ && _UI.pMain.pSearch.oIncludeUpdatedBy.VALUE)
+ filters.push(trS("report.search.updated.by")
+ + ' ' + _UI.pMain.pSearch.oIncludeUpdatedBy.VALUE);
+ if (_UI.pMain.pSearch.oIncludeUpdatedSince.VALUE)
+ filters.push(trS("report.search.updated.since")
+ + ' ' + _UI.pMain.pSearch.oIncludeUpdatedSince.VALUE);
+ if (_UI.pMain.pSearch.oIncludeCityName.VALUE)
+ filters.push(trS("report.search.city")
+ + ' ' + _UI.pMain.pSearch.oIncludeCityName.VALUE);
+ if (_UI.pMain.pSearch.oIncludeChecks.VALUE)
+ filters.push(trS("report.search.reported")
+ + ' ' + _UI.pMain.pSearch.oIncludeChecks.VALUE);
+ if (filters.length) {
+ noFilters = false;
+ ret += Bb + trS("report.search.title")
+ + Eb + ' ' + trS("report.search.only")
+ + ' ' + getNaturalList(filters)
+ + ' ' + trS("report.search.included") + Br;
+ }
+ if (isBeta)
+ ret += Br + Bb + trS("report.beta.warning") + Eb + Br
+ + trS("report.beta.text")
+ + Br + Bb + trS("report.beta.share") + Eb + Br
+ ;
+ }
+ return ret;
+ }
+ // returns document sub header
+ function getSubHeader(strTitle) {
+ return Bh2 + strTitle + Eh2;
+ }
+ // returns text representation of access list
+ function getTextACL(acl) {
+ if (acl)
+ return acl.split(',').join(', ');
+ else
+ return '*';
+ }
+ // returns check properties
+ function getCheckProperties(checkID, ccode, showSeverity, showCountry) {
+ var check = _RT.$checks[checkID];
+ var ret = "";
+ if (showSeverity && check.SEVERITY && RS_MAX > check.SEVERITY)
+ ret += Bb
+ + trS("report.list.severity") + ' ' + Eb + getTextSeverity(check.SEVERITY)
+ + (check.REPORTONLY ?
+ " (" + trS("report.list.reportOnly") + ")" : "")
+ + Br;
+ if (1 < check.FORLEVEL)
+ ret += Bb + trS("report.list.forEditors")
+ + ' ' + Eb + check.FORLEVEL + ' '
+ + trS("report.list.andUp") + Br;
+ if (showCountry)
+ ret += Bb + trS("report.list.forCountries")
+ + ' ' + Eb + getTextACL(check.FORCOUNTRY) + Br;
+ if (check.FORCITY)
+ ret += Bb + trS("report.list.forCities")
+ + ' ' + Eb + getTextACL(check.FORCITY) + Br;
+ var options;
+ if (check.OPTIONS && (options = getCheckOptions(checkID, ccode))) {
+ var defParams = ccode === _I18n.$defLng;
+ var arrParams = [];
+ for (var optionName in options) {
+ // skip options with dots and numbers
+ if (!/^[a-z]+$/i.test(optionName))
+ continue;
+ var optionTitle = options[optionName + '.title'];
+ if (defParams && !optionTitle)
+ continue;
+ arrParams.push({
+ $name: optionName,
+ $title: optionTitle,
+ $value: options[optionName]
+ });
+ }
+ if (arrParams.length) {
+ ret += Bb;
+ var country = _I18n.getCapitalizedCountry(ccode) || ccode;
+ if (defParams)
+ ret += trS("report.list.params");
+ else
+ ret += trSO("report.list.params.set", { "country": country });
+ ret += Eb + Bcode + '"' + checkID + '.params": {\n';
+ for (var i = 0; i < arrParams.length; i++) {
+ var param = arrParams[i];
+ if (defParams)
+ ret += ' // ' + param.$title + '\n';
+ ret += ' "' + param.$name + '": '
+ + JSON.stringify(param.$value) + ',' + '\n';
+ }
+ ret += "}," + Ecode;
+ }
+ }
+ return ret;
+ }
+ function addTextLabels(pack, label, defSet, oldPack) {
+ var defData = (defSet[label] || '')
+ .replace(new RegExp('^W:'), PFX_WIKI)
+ .replace(new RegExp('^F:'), PFX_FORUM)
+ ;
+ var origData = (oldPack[label] || '');
+ if (origData) {
+ var oldData = origData
+ .replace(new RegExp('^' + GL_TODOMARKER), '')
+ .replace(new RegExp('^W:'), PFX_WIKI)
+ .replace(new RegExp('^F:'), PFX_FORUM)
+ ;
+ // preserve old data
+ var oldDataEN = (oldPack[label + '.en'] || '')
+ .replace(new RegExp('^W:'), PFX_WIKI)
+ .replace(new RegExp('^F:'), PFX_FORUM)
+ ;
+ if (oldDataEN) {
+ if (oldDataEN === defData) {
+ // no changes
+ pack[label + '.en'] = defData;
+ pack[label] = origData;
+ }
+ else {
+ // new default string
+ pack[label + '.en'] = defData;
+ pack[label] = GL_TODOMARKER + oldData;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ // no english data
+ // we assume no changes
+ pack[label + '.en'] = defData;
+ pack[label] = origData;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ // no old data
+ // mark line for translation
+ pack[label + '.en'] = defData;
+ pack[label] = GL_TODOMARKER + defData;
+ }
+ }
+ // returns new pack header
+ function getPackHeader(country, lng) {
+ return '// ==UserScript==' + Br
+ + '// @name ' + WV_NAME + ' Localization for ' + country + Br
+ + '// @version ' + WV_VERSION + Br
+ + '// @description This script localizes ' + WV_NAME + ' for ' + country
+ + '. You also need main package (' + WV_NAME + ') installed.' + Br
+ + '// @match https://editor-beta.waze.com/*editor/*' + Br
+ + '// @match https://www.waze.com/*editor/*' + Br
+ + '// @grant none' + Br
+ + '// @run-at document-start' + Br
+ + '// ==/UserScript==' + Br
+ + '//' + Br
+ + '/*' + Br
+ + (lng ?
+ ' Please translate all the lines marked with "' + GL_TODOMARKER + '"' + Br
+ + ' Please DO NOT change ".en" properties. To override english text use "titleEN",' + Br
+ + ' "problemEN" and "solutionEN" properties (see an example below).' + Br
+ + Br
+ : '')
+ + ' See Settings->About->Available checks for complete list of checks and their params.' + Br
+ + Br
+ + ' Examples:' + Br
+ + Br
+ + ' Enable #170 "Lowercase street name" but allow lowercase "exit" and "to":' + Br
+ + ' "170.enabled": true,' + Br
+ + ' "170.params": {' + Br
+ + ' "regexp": "/^((exit|to) )?[a-z]/",' + Br
+ + ' "},' + Br
+ + Br
+ + ' Enable #130 "Custom check" to find a dot in street names, but allow dots at Ramps:' + Br
+ + ' "130.enabled": true,' + Br
+ + ' "130.params": {' + Br
+ + ' "titleEN": "Street name with a dot",' + Br
+ + ' "problemEN": "There is a dot in the street name (excluding Ramps)",' + Br
+ + ' "solutionEN": "Expand the abbreviation or remove the dot",' + Br
+ + ' "template": "${type}:${street}",' + Br
+ + ' "regexp": "D/^[^4][0-9]?:.*\\\\./",' + Br
+ + ' },' + Br
+ + ' *Note: use D at the beginning of RegExp to enable debugging on JS console.' + Br
+ + ' *Note: do not forget to escape backslashes in strings, i.e. use "\\\\" instead of "\\".' + Br
+ + '*/' + Br
+ ;
+ }
+ // returns new pack
+ function getPack(country, ccode, lng) {
+ var ucountry = country.toUpperCase();
+ var _country = country.split(' ').join('_');
+ var oldPack = _I18n.$translations[ccode] || {};
+ var ret = ''
+ + Br
+ + 'window.' + WV_NAME_ + '_' + _country + ' = '
+ ;
+ var newCountries = [];
+ for (var k in _I18n.$country2code) {
+ if (ccode === _I18n.$country2code[k]
+ && ucountry !== k)
+ newCountries.push(_I18n.capitalize(k));
+ }
+ // add current country to the top of the list
+ newCountries.unshift(country);
+ // add current user to authors
+ var newAuthor = oldPack[".author"] || _RT.$topUser.$userName;
+ if (-1 === newAuthor.indexOf(_RT.$topUser.$userName))
+ newAuthor += " and " + _RT.$topUser.$userName;
+ var newLink = oldPack[".link"] || GL_TODOMARKER;
+ var pack = {
+ ".country": (1 === newCountries.length ?
+ newCountries[0]
+ : newCountries),
+ ".codeISO": ccode,
+ ".author": newAuthor,
+ ".updated": _nowISO,
+ ".link": newLink,
+ };
+ if (ccode in _I18n.$code2code)
+ pack[".fallbackCode"] = _I18n.$code2code[ccode];
+ if (lng) {
+ if (ccode in _I18n.$code2dir)
+ pack[".dir"] = _I18n.$code2dir[ccode];
+ var newLngs = [];
+ for (var k in _I18n.$lng2code) {
+ if (ccode === _I18n.$lng2code[k]
+ && k !== lng)
+ newLngs.push(k);
+ }
+ // add current lng to the top of the list
+ newLngs.unshift(lng);
+ pack[".lng"] = (1 === newLngs.length ?
+ newLngs[0]
+ : newLngs);
+ }
+ // compare and add UI strings
+ if (lng) {
+ for (var label in _I18n.$defSet) {
+ // skip meta labels and checks
+ if (/^\./.test(label)
+ || /^[0-9]/.test(label))
+ continue;
+ // get data
+ addTextLabels(pack, label, _I18n.$defSet, oldPack);
+ }
+ }
+ // compare and add checks
+ var allLabels = _RT.$otherLabels.concat(_RT.$textLabels);
+ var arrDepCodes = _I18n.getDependantCodes(ccode);
+ for (var i = 1; i < MAX_CHECKS; i++) {
+ // skip mirror checks
+ if ((CK_MIRRORFIRST + 100) <= i
+ && (CK_MIRRORLAST + 100) >= i)
+ continue;
+ // check is enabled?
+ var label = i + '.enabled';
+ var checkEnabled = false;
+ if (_I18n.$defSet[label] || oldPack[label])
+ checkEnabled = true;
+ if (!checkEnabled) {
+ // check dependant countries
+ for (var depC = 0; depC < arrDepCodes.length; depC++) {
+ var depCode = arrDepCodes[depC];
+ if (_I18n.$translations[depCode]
+ && _I18n.$translations[depCode][label])
+ checkEnabled = true;
+ }
+ }
+ // check if check is no longer exist
+ if (checkEnabled && !((i + '.title') in _I18n.$defSet)) {
+ pack[i + '.note'] = GL_TODOMARKER + "The check #" + i + " is no longer exist. See the forum thread for more details.";
+ continue;
+ }
+ for (var j = 0; j < allLabels.length; j++) {
+ var labelSfx = allLabels[j];
+ label = i + '.' + labelSfx;
+ var defData = _I18n.$defSet[label];
+ var oldData = oldPack[label];
+ if (classCodeDefined(defData) || classCodeDefined(oldData)) {
+ if (-1 !== _RT.$textLabels.indexOf(labelSfx)) {
+ // text label
+ if (lng && checkEnabled)
+ addTextLabels(pack, label, _I18n.$defSet, oldPack);
+ }
+ else {
+ // copy and clear compiled params
+ if ("params" === labelSfx) {
+ if (!classCodeDefined(oldData))
+ continue;
+ defData = deepCopy(defData || {});
+ oldData = deepCopy(oldData);
+ for (var k = CO_MIN; k <= CO_MAX; k++) {
+ delete defData[k];
+ delete oldData[k];
+ }
+ for (var k in defData) {
+ if (!defData.hasOwnProperty(k)) continue;
+ if (/\.title$/.test(k))
+ delete defData[k];
+ }
+ }
+ // non-text label
+ if (!deepCompare(defData, oldData))
+ pack[label] = oldData;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ret += JSON.stringify(pack, null, ' ') + ';\n';
+ return ret;
+ }
+ // returns list of checks
+ function getListOfChecks(countryID, country) {
+ var ucountry = country.toUpperCase();
+ var ccode = "";
+ if (countryID)
+ ccode = _I18n.getCountryCode(ucountry);
+ var ret = trS("report.list.see") + ' ' + Bb
+ + trS("report.list.checks") + Eb + Br + Br;
+ var fallbacks = '';
+ if (ccode)
+ for (var i in _I18n.$country2code) {
+ if (!_I18n.$country2code.hasOwnProperty(i)) continue;
+ if (i === ucountry)
+ continue;
+ var acode = _I18n.$country2code[i];
+ if (ccode && acode !== ccode)
+ continue;
+ fallbacks += _I18n.capitalize(i)
+ + ' \u2192 '
+ + country + Br;
+ }
+ for (var i in _I18n.$code2code) {
+ if (!_I18n.$code2code.hasOwnProperty(i)) continue;
+ var countryFrom = _I18n.getCapitalizedCountry(i);
+ var countryTo = _I18n.getCapitalizedCountry(_I18n.$code2code[i]);
+ if (ccode && i !== ccode && _I18n.$code2code[i] !== ccode)
+ continue;
+ if (country && countryFrom !== country && countryTo !== country)
+ continue;
+ fallbacks += countryFrom + ' (' + i + ') \u2192 '
+ + countryTo
+ + ' (' + _I18n.$code2code[i] + ')' + Br;
+ }
+ if (fallbacks)
+ ret += Bb + trS("report.list.fallback") + Eb + Br
+ + fallbacks;
+ var sortedIDs = getSortedCheckIDs();
+ if (ccode) {
+ // country
+ var enabledIDs = [];
+ var disabledIDs = [];
+ // check if enabled for country
+ sortedIDs.forEach(function (cid) {
+ var c = _RT.$checks[cid];
+ if (!c) return;
+ // do not show global access
+ if (RS_MAX === c.SEVERITY) return;
+ var en = true;
+ var forCountry = c.FORCOUNTRY;
+ if (forCountry) {
+ if (!_WV.checkAccessFor(forCountry, function (e) {
+ if (e in _I18n.$code2country)
+ return _I18n.$code2country[e] === ucountry;
+ error("Please report: fc=" + e);
+ return false;
+ }))
+ en = false;
+ }
+ if (en)
+ enabledIDs.push(cid);
+ else
+ disabledIDs.push(cid);
+ });
+ ret += Bh2 + trSO("report.list.enabled", { "n": enabledIDs.length })
+ + ' ' + country + ":" + Eh2 + Bul;
+ enabledIDs.forEach(function (cid) {
+ ret += Bli + getCheckDescription(cid, countryID, Bb, Eb + Br)
+ + Bsmall;
+ ret += getCheckProperties(cid, ccode, false, false);
+ ret += Esmall + Eli;
+ });
+ ret += Eul;
+ ret += Bh2 + trSO("report.list.disabled", { "n": disabledIDs.length })
+ + ' ' + country + ":" + Eh2 + Bul;
+ disabledIDs.forEach(function (cid) {
+ ret += Bli + getCheckDescription(cid, 0, Bb, Eb + Br) + Bsmall;
+ ret += getCheckProperties(cid, _I18n.$defLng, false, true);
+ ret += Esmall + Eli;
+ });
+ ret += Eul;
+ }
+ else {
+ // no country
+ ret += Bh2 + trSO("report.list.total", { "n": sortedIDs.length }) + ':'
+ + Eh2 + Bul;
+ sortedIDs.forEach(function (cid) {
+ var c = _RT.$checks[cid];
+ if (!c) return;
+ // do not show global access
+ if (RS_MAX === c.SEVERITY) return;
+ ret += Bli + getCheckDescription(cid, 0, Bb, Eb + Br) + Bsmall;
+ ret += getCheckProperties(cid, _I18n.$defLng, false, true);
+ ret += Esmall + Eli;
+ });
+ ret += Eul;
+ }
+ return ret;
+ }
+ // returns HTML footer
+ function getHTMLFooter() {
+ return '\n '
+ + '\n' + WV_NAME + ' v' + WV_VERSION + ' © 2013-2016 berestovskyy '
+ + '\n