\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Assignment 3/CMakeLists.txt b/Assignment 3/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b88e73c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assignment 3/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.3)
+include_directories("C:/Users/joshu/Desktop/Assignment 3/reader")
+link_directories("C:/Users/joshu/Desktop/Assignment 3/reader")
+set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -std=c++11")
+set(SOURCE_FILES main.cpp reader.h)
+add_executable(Driver ${SOURCE_FILES})
+target_link_libraries(Driver )
diff --git a/Assignment 3/main.cpp b/Assignment 3/main.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..078255f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assignment 3/main.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,245 @@
+#include "./reader.h"
+using std::cout;
+using std::cin;
+using std::string;
+using std::endl;
+void Initialization() {
+ string Username = "";
+ do {
+ cout << "Enter your name(first and last)" << endl;
+ getline(cin, Username);
+ } while (Username == "");
+ string Email = "";
+ do {
+ cout << "Enter your Email address" << endl;
+ getline(cin, Email);
+ } while (Email == "");
+ string Pass = "";
+ do {
+ cout << "Enter your password" << endl;
+ getline(cin, Pass);
+ } while (Pass == "");
+ string Timezone = "";
+ do {
+ cout << "Enter your timezone" << endl;
+ getline(cin, Timezone);
+ } while (Timezone == "");
+ //Asks for a file location ***WIP*** (right now just names file)
+ string Location = "";
+ cout << "Enter file name (example 'document.txt') leave blank for default" << endl;
+ getline(cin, Location);
+ if (Location == "") {
+ Location = "Config.txt";
+ }
+ //Saves the data to a text file named by "location"
+ std::ofstream textfile;
+ textfile.open(Location);
+ textfile << "[Username]" << endl << Username << endl;
+ textfile << "[Email]" << endl << Email << endl;
+ textfile << "[Password]" << endl << Pass << endl;
+ textfile << "[Timezone]" << endl << Timezone << endl;
+ textfile.close();
+void EditFile() {
+//asks for file name same as above
+ string Location = "";
+ cout << "Enter file name, leave blank for default" << endl;
+ getline(cin, Location);
+ if (Location == "") {
+ Location = "Config.txt";
+ }
+ //retrieves data currently saved in file and prints for user
+ string Saved_Username = "";
+ string Saved_Email = "";
+ string Saved_Password = "";
+ string Saved_Timezone = "";
+ string line;
+ std::ifstream myfile(Location);
+ while (!myfile.eof()) {
+ for (int lineno = 0; getline(myfile, line) && lineno < 8; lineno++) {
+ if (lineno == 1) {
+ Saved_Username = line;
+ }
+ if (lineno == 3){
+ Saved_Email = line;
+ }
+ if (lineno == 5){
+ Saved_Password = line;
+ }
+ if (lineno == 7){
+ Saved_Timezone = line;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ cout << "Saved Username: " << Saved_Username << endl;
+ cout << "Saved Email: " << Saved_Email << endl;
+ cout << "Saved Password: " << Saved_Password << endl;
+ cout << "Saved Timezone: " << Saved_Timezone << endl;
+ myfile.close();
+ std::ofstream textfile;
+ textfile.open(Location);
+ //asks user which variable to edit in the config file
+ string Edit_Variable = "";
+ do {
+ cout << "Enter a variable to edit (Username, Email, Password, or Timezone" << endl;
+ getline(cin, Edit_Variable);
+ }while (Edit_Variable == "");
+ //prompts the user to enter a new variable and replaces the old one in the text file.
+ if (Edit_Variable == "Username") {
+ string New_Username = "";
+ do {
+ cout << "Enter new Username" << endl;
+ getline(cin, New_Username);
+ } while (New_Username == "");
+ textfile << "[Username]" << endl << New_Username << endl;
+ textfile << "[Email]" << endl << Saved_Email << endl;
+ textfile << "[Password]" << endl << Saved_Password << endl;
+ textfile << "[Timezone]" << endl << Saved_Timezone << endl;
+ textfile.close();
+ cout << "Edits Complete" << endl;
+ }else if (Edit_Variable == "Email"){
+ string New_Email = "";
+ do {
+ cout << "Enter new Email" << endl;
+ getline(cin, New_Email);
+ } while (New_Email == "");
+ textfile << "[Username]" << endl << Saved_Username << endl;
+ textfile << "[Email]" << endl << New_Email << endl;
+ textfile << "[Password]" << endl << Saved_Password << endl;
+ textfile << "[Timezone]" << endl << Saved_Timezone << endl;
+ textfile.close();
+ cout << "Edits Complete" << endl;
+ }else if (Edit_Variable == "Password"){
+ string New_Password = "";
+ do {
+ cout << "Enter new Password" << endl;
+ getline(cin, New_Password);
+ } while (New_Password == "");
+ textfile << "[Username]" << endl << Saved_Username << endl;
+ textfile << "[Email]" << endl << Saved_Email << endl;
+ textfile << "[Password]" << endl << New_Password << endl;
+ textfile << "[Timezone]" << endl << Saved_Timezone << endl;
+ textfile.close();
+ cout << "Edits Complete" << endl;
+ }else if (Edit_Variable == "Timezone"){
+ string New_Timezone = "";
+ do {
+ cout << "Enter new Timezone" << endl;
+ getline(cin, New_Timezone);
+ } while (New_Timezone == "");
+ textfile << "[Username]" << endl << Saved_Username << endl;
+ textfile << "[Email]" << endl << Saved_Email << endl;
+ textfile << "[Password]" << endl << Saved_Password << endl;
+ textfile << "[Timezone]" << endl << New_Timezone << endl;
+ textfile.close();
+ cout << "Edits Complete" << endl;
+ }else{
+ cout << "Unknown Input";
+ }
+ //Reads and displays the new data
+ myfile.open (Location);
+ while (!myfile.eof()) {
+ for (int lineno = 0; getline(myfile, line) && lineno < 8; lineno++) {
+ if (lineno == 1) {
+ Saved_Username = line;
+ }
+ if (lineno == 3){
+ Saved_Email = line;
+ }
+ if (lineno == 5){
+ Saved_Password = line;
+ }
+ if (lineno == 7){
+ Saved_Timezone = line;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ cout << "Saved Username: " << Saved_Username << endl;
+ cout << "Saved Email: " << Saved_Email << endl;
+ cout << "Saved Password: " << Saved_Password << endl;
+ cout << "Saved Timezone: " << Saved_Timezone << endl;
+ myfile.close();
+void ConfigGenerator(){
+ //Asks the user what they want to do. create a config file or edit one
+ //leaving Menu blank will ask the question again
+ string Menu = "";
+ do {
+ cout << "Enter 'init' to enter data, or 'edit' to edit existing data" << endl;
+ getline(cin, Menu);
+ } while (Menu == "");
+ // Asks the user to fill in each category for the config file
+ if (Menu == "init") {
+ Initialization();
+ //typing Edit in the menu allows you to change data
+ }else if (Menu == "edit") {
+ EditFile();
+ }
+namespace ConfigReader{
+ string *ReadConfig(string config_file_path) {
+ string Location = "";
+ cout << "Enter file name, leave blank for default" << endl;
+ getline(cin, Location);
+ if (Location == "") {
+ Location = "Config.txt";
+ }
+ //retrieves data currently saved in file and prints for user
+ string Saved_Username = "";
+ string Saved_Email = "";
+ string Saved_Password = "";
+ string Saved_Timezone = "";
+ string line;
+ std::ifstream myfile(Location);
+ myfile.open(Location);
+ while (!myfile.eof()) {
+ for (int lineno = 0; getline(myfile, line) && lineno < 8; lineno++) {
+ if (lineno == 1) {
+ Saved_Username = line;
+ }
+ if (lineno == 3) {
+ Saved_Email = line;
+ }
+ if (lineno == 5) {
+ Saved_Password = line;
+ }
+ if (lineno == 7) {
+ Saved_Timezone = line;
+ }
+ }
+ string SavedData[4] = {Saved_Username, Saved_Email, Saved_Password, Saved_Timezone};
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/Assignment 3/reader.h b/Assignment 3/reader.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aee64a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assignment 3/reader.h
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+void Initialization();
+void EditFile();
+void ConfigGenerator();
+namespace ConfigReader{
+ std::string* ReadConfig(std::string config_file_path);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
deleted file mode 100644
index f638eeb..0000000
--- a/README.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
-### Assignment 3
-##### What aside from executable binaries can we make
-Something to consider is that we have a lot of important logic baked into assignment 2 regarding how our config file is being read.
-It would be best if all of our future applications could read our config file with out having to copy the code directly. One major concern
-is that if we duplicate code and then need to make a change to that logic in a systemic way we might have to open a number of projects and
-make a series of changes. That sounds painful to me!
-In the world of C++ it is trivial to combine code into a library as a binary and access it in any other application. To do this we need to
-employ some new incantations in cmake.
-First lets create a library that has a single function which carries this signature.
-string* read_config(string config_file_path);
-A signature is a unique series of identifiers that a computer can use to identify a specific function. This signature will:
-- return a string pointer
-- accept a string argument for a file path
-The string pointer will hold the memory location of an array of strings which will hold the data within our config file.
-You will need to open a file and read its contents into an array. If the tricky part doesn't slap you in the face here it is. To declare an
-array we need to know its size. You have to figure out a way to identify the number of lines in the file and then create an array to hold
-those values of the correct size.
-I would start by building this project as a normal executable with a `main` function so you can test its inner workings. Once you are confident
-that you libary works correctly you will need to rename the function to match the signature above and create a header file to expose our
-function to the rest of the world. Its easy to create the header file in CLion. You should move your function prototype to the header and
-include the header in your cpp file with a new include statement like `#include "./reader.h"`
-Make sure that your library lives in its own namespace by wrapping your function and using statements like this
-namespace config_reader{
- using ...
- ...
-You will need to do the same thing to your header file.
-Finally you need to update your CMakeLists.txt to create a library instead of an executable. The line goes at the bottom of your CMakeLists.txt
-and looks like this
-add_library ( ${SOURCE_FILES})
-replacing `` with what is in is in the `project` line of the same file.
-Next you need to test your library. To do so open the projects build directory and copy the .a file and the .h file from your project directory
-to a new folder on your computer.
-- Put them in the same folder and in a location that has an easy to remember path.
-- Create a new project
-- Open the CMakeLists.txt and edit it by adding the following lines
- ```
- project()
- include_directories( )
- link_directories( )
- set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -std=c++11")
- set(SOURCE_FILES main.cpp)
- add_executable( ${SOURCE_FILES})
- # The library_name is the .a file without the lib prefix and extension
- target_link_libraries()
- ```
-- Once CMakeLists.txt is reloaded you should be able to `#include` the header file you created in your project and access your function as usual
-by prefixing it with your `::`
-- You must give your second project a config file that you program can read and then display its contents
-- Commit your lib project and driver project to seperate folders in the same repo.
- - There are two folders already in this repo you can use to create your projects inside of to help.
-Good Luck :)
diff --git a/driver/.gitkeep b/driver/.gitkeep
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
diff --git a/driver/.idea/.name b/driver/.idea/.name
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ebf312e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/driver/.idea/.name
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/driver/.idea/Driver.iml b/driver/.idea/Driver.iml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7b4be19
--- /dev/null
+++ b/driver/.idea/Driver.iml
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/driver/.idea/encodings.xml b/driver/.idea/encodings.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..97626ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/driver/.idea/encodings.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/driver/.idea/misc.xml b/driver/.idea/misc.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3eb495b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/driver/.idea/misc.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/driver/.idea/modules.xml b/driver/.idea/modules.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aa9846a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/driver/.idea/modules.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/driver/.idea/workspace.xml b/driver/.idea/workspace.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1815e6e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/driver/.idea/workspace.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,266 @@