diff --git a/docs/api/objects/MorphAnimMesh.html b/docs/api/objects/MorphAnimMesh.html
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index 808e110accc78e..00000000000000
--- a/docs/api/objects/MorphAnimMesh.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,181 +0,0 @@
- [page:Object3D] →
- [name]
- Play a sequence of morphs in a smooth animation sequence.
- Examples
- [example:webgl_lights_hemisphere lights / hemisphere ]
- [example:webgl_morphtargets_md2 morphtargets / md2 ]
- [example:webgl_loader_json_blender loader / json / blender ]
- var meshAnim;
- loader.load( "models/animated/flamingo.js", function( geometry ) {
- meshAnim = new THREE.MorphAnimMesh( geometry, material );
- meshAnim.duration = 1000;
- scene.add( meshAnim );
- }
- function update() {
- var delta = clock.getDelta();
- meshAnim.updateAnimation( 1000 * delta );
- }
- Constructor
- [name]( [page:Geometry geometry], [page:Material material] )
- geometry — An instance of [page:Geometry].
- material — An instance of [page:Material] (optional).
- Properties
- [property:Boolean directionBackwards]
- Animation is playing backwards
- [property:Float direction]
- 1 if playing forward, -1 if playing backwards
- [property:Integer startKeyframe]
- The first keyframe (morph) of the sequence
- [property:Integer endKeyframe]
- The last keyframe (morph) of the sequence
- [property:Boolean mirroredLoop]
- Loop animation back and forth
- [property:Integer lastKeyframe]
- The index of the last keyframe played.
- [property:Integer currentKeyframe]
- The index of the current frame being played.
- [property:Integer length]
- The number of frames (morphs)
- [property:Float time]
- The current playback position of the animation in milliseconds.
- [property:Float duration]
- The length of the animation in milliseconds.
- Methods
- [method:null setDirectionForward]()
- Sets the animation to play forwards
- [method:null setDirectionBackward]()
- Set the animation to play backwards.
- [method:null playAnimation]( [page:String label], [page:Float fps] )
- label -- The label of the animation
- fps -- The frames per second (in seconds)
- Starts playing a labeled animation. Animations are defined by calling [page:MorphAnimMesh.parseAnimations parseAnimations].
- [method:null setFrameRange]( [page:Integer start], [page:Integer end] )
- start -- The starting frame (morph) index
- end -- The ending frame (morph) index
- Sets the range of morphs to be played
- [method:null parseAnimations]()
- Goes through the geometry's morphTargets and generates animations based on the morphTargets' names (morph.name). Names
- are of the form "walk_01", "walk_02", "walk_03", etc or "run001", "run002", "run003". The animation label is then
- the part before the underscore and number, so "walk" or "run" in the examples.
- This function changes the underlying geometry object by adding the animations property to it. This property
- is set to an object of key/pair values, with the key being the label and the value being an object with
- a start and end property that represents the frame index.
- [method:null updateAnimation]( [page:Float delta] )
- delta -- The change in time in milliseconds
- Update the morphTargetInfluences array on the MorphAnimMesh.
- [method:null setAnimationLabel]( [page:String label], [page:Integer start], [page:Integer end] )
- label -- The name of the animation
- start -- The starting frame index
- end -- The ending frame index
- Defines an animation. Sets the geometry.animations[label] to be an object with the start and end properties.
- [method:Object3D clone]( [page:Object3D object] )
- object -- (optional) Object3D which needs to be cloned. If undefined, clone method will create a new cloned MorphAnimMesh Object.
- Clone a MorphAnimMesh Object.
- Source
- [link:https://github.com/mrdoob/three.js/blob/master/src/[path].js src/[path].js]
diff --git a/docs/list.js b/docs/list.js
index e96fe80f794c36..13a1ffa286c026 100644
--- a/docs/list.js
+++ b/docs/list.js
@@ -114,10 +114,9 @@ var list = {
[ "LineSegments", "api/objects/LineSegments" ],
[ "LOD", "api/objects/LOD" ],
[ "Mesh", "api/objects/Mesh" ],
- [ "MorphAnimMesh", "api/objects/MorphAnimMesh" ],
[ "Points", "api/objects/Points" ],
- [ "SkinnedMesh", "api/objects/SkinnedMesh" ],
[ "Skeleton", "api/objects/Skeleton" ],
+ [ "SkinnedMesh", "api/objects/SkinnedMesh" ],
[ "Sprite", "api/objects/Sprite" ]
@@ -196,10 +195,10 @@ var list = {
[ "BoxGeometry", "api/extras/geometries/BoxGeometry" ],
[ "CircleBufferGeometry", "api/extras/geometries/CircleBufferGeometry" ],
[ "CircleGeometry", "api/extras/geometries/CircleGeometry" ],
- [ "CylinderBufferGeometry", "api/extras/geometries/CylinderBufferGeometry" ],
- [ "CylinderGeometry", "api/extras/geometries/CylinderGeometry" ],
[ "ConeBufferGeometry", "api/extras/geometries/ConeBufferGeometry" ],
[ "ConeGeometry", "api/extras/geometries/ConeGeometry" ],
+ [ "CylinderBufferGeometry", "api/extras/geometries/CylinderBufferGeometry" ],
+ [ "CylinderGeometry", "api/extras/geometries/CylinderGeometry" ],
[ "DodecahedronGeometry", "api/extras/geometries/DodecahedronGeometry" ],
[ "ExtrudeGeometry", "api/extras/geometries/ExtrudeGeometry" ],
[ "IcosahedronGeometry", "api/extras/geometries/IcosahedronGeometry" ],