The back end server is a cloud platform that is integrated with the TCU software to extend it's functionalities in order to
Connect his smart device to his vehicle's TCU from multiple devices.
- Constraints
- Each vehicle has a Unique Identification number.
- Each User has a unique Identification number.
- Each User has multiple devices where 1 device only can share access to other devices.
- All the requests a responses data are in Json format
- When the User purchase his new vehicle, An account is created and registered to the purchased vehicle as it's owner.
- After the initial login, the user will be asked to activate his account using the verification method provided on the account creation.
- After account activation the User is now connected to his vehicle and can access it's features.
- The device is giving permission to allow sharing vehicle access with other devices and will be called the primary device from here on out.
- Constraints
Share vehicle access with other devices using the primary device
- A request is sent to the server containing the vehicle ID + device ID requesting to share it's access.
- The server will check if the device is the primary device
- If the device can share access
- create a new device connection request record that contains :
- Device Id
- User Id
- creationTime
- State
- token (Hashed)
- The reply with a randomly generated token that will be used to authenticate the new Device connection.
- create a new device connection request record that contains :
- Else
- Return error 403 (Forbidden)
- If the device can share access
- The new device will send the token + it's information to the server in a POST request to connect it's self to the vehicle.
- The server will check that token a find if a device connection request has the same token
- if a request is found
- if the difference between the request time and the creation time exceeds the timeout period
- Change the state of the request to expired
- Return error 400 (Bad request)
- if the request state in pending state
- Create a new device record with the User's account
- deny that device to share access with other devices
- Connect the device to vehicle
- Return code 200 (Successful request)
- else
- Return error 400 (Bad request)
- if the difference between the request time and the creation time exceeds the timeout period
- else
- Return error 400 (Bad request)
- if a request is found
Request a live location of his vehicle.
- will use google geoLocation API.
Access live diagnostics information from his vehicles.
- Constraints
- The diagnostic information has a standard form through out all TCUs.
- All the requests a responses data are in Json format.
- When a User wants to access his device diagnostic information
- he sends a request to the server containing the vehicle ID requesting the vehicle diagnostic information.
- The server will lookup the vehicle using it's ID to get it's IP address.
- The server will send a get request to the vehicle using the recovered IP asking for it's diagnostic information.
- If the vehicle replies with code 200 (success)
- The server will deserialize the the response a process the information and extract the status codes in the requests.
- The server will get the status codes descriptions from the data base and generate a Json response containing this descriptions and the severity of the code.
- The server will return that response to the User.
- Else
- return error 504 (Gate way time out)
- Constraints
Receive an alert instant if any malfunction occurs.
- Constraints
- The alert information has a standard form through out all TCUs.
- All the requests a responses data are in Json format.
- When any malfunction occurs
- the vehicle sends a request to the server containing the error code to the server.
- The server will get the status codes descriptions from the data base and generate a Json response containing this descriptions.
- The server will lookup the devices connected to that vehicle ID to get their IP address.
- The server will send a POST request to the vehicle using the recovered IP to notify the device.
- If the vehicle replies with code != 200 (success)
- The server schedule sending those alerts the next time the device is connected to the internet.
- Constraints
Be warned if the vehicle is being accessed when his phone is away from his vehicle.
- when the vehicle is turned on.
- A the vehicle will send a POST request to the server containing it's location to check if a device connected to it is nearby.
- The server will lookup the last known location of the devices connected to that vehicle and find the distance between them and the vehicle
- If the distance between any device and the vehicle exceeds a certain tolerance
- An alert will be sent to that device to check if that is okay
- if The device responds saying that something is wrong
- if the device can trigger crisis management protocol
- Apply that protocol
- else
- re-notify the users that can trigger the crisis management protocol
- if the device can trigger crisis management protocol
- when the vehicle is turned on.
Monitor his vehicle's TCU software updates and get notified when ever a new update is launched.
- when the TCU starts or the TCU software is updated
- the TCU will send to the server a POST request containing the vehicle ID and RXSWIN of it's software version
- If the RXWIN sent != the stored RXWIN then an update has occured
- Create a SUMLOG record containing
- vehicle ID
- update time stamp
- Overwrite the Old RXWIN in the vehicle record and update the software last update time stamp
- Create a SUMLOG record containing
- when the TCU starts or the TCU software is updated
Connect the vehicle owner's primary device to vehicle on purchase.
- the manufacturer receives the owner information
- the manufacturer sends a POST request to the server containing the vehicle ID and the User information
- The server will create a new user record and register this user as the owner to vehicle requested.
Register that a new software update has been released
- when an update is released
- the manufacturer sends a POST request to automation server with the RXWIN of the new update.
- the automation server will iterate through all the vehicles and send a request to devices connected to that vehicle telling them to update their vehicles software.
- the server will notify the automation server that an updated version of the software has been released
- each 24 hours the automation server will repeat the previous step
- when an update is released