A collection of external resources, aka blog posts, tutorials, videos created by the community.
Any level of complexity is appreciated as long as it's an effective way to explain concepts of ros_control
- The quintessential presentation by Adolfo: https://vimeo.com/107507546
ROS wiki pages- ROS Control, An Overview: summary of Adolfo's ROSCon presentation (edit on github).
: ROS wiki, Understanding trajectory replacement- ros_control tutorials ROS wiki page
- ros_control github wiki on basics
github wikicombined_robot_hw
ROS wikicontroller_manager
ROS wikirealtime_tools
ROS wikitransmission interface
ROS wiki and C++ doxy pages- NASA's How To Write A Controller For Valkyrie
- Getting started with a custom RobotHW: https://slaterobots.com/blog/5abd8a1ed4442a651de5cb5b/how-to-implement-ros_control-on-a-custom-robot