From 7e14df1034d35e8d423fc403a8db6c8b06b00e11 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Richardas Kuchinskas <> Date: Fri, 2 Feb 2024 17:30:31 +0300 Subject: [PATCH] updated builtin functions (#48) * Removed deleted functions from KPHP * added new kphp native functions * added new custom handled and native KPHP functions --- .../kphpstorm/helpers/KphpNativeFunctions.kt | 128 +++++++----------- .../typeProviders/FunctionsTypeProvider.kt | 60 +++++++- 2 files changed, 107 insertions(+), 81 deletions(-) diff --git a/src/main/kotlin/com/vk/kphpstorm/helpers/KphpNativeFunctions.kt b/src/main/kotlin/com/vk/kphpstorm/helpers/KphpNativeFunctions.kt index cae4e7f3..c70eaa9e 100644 --- a/src/main/kotlin/com/vk/kphpstorm/helpers/KphpNativeFunctions.kt +++ b/src/main/kotlin/com/vk/kphpstorm/helpers/KphpNativeFunctions.kt @@ -18,14 +18,23 @@ val KPHP_NATIVE_FUNCTIONS: SortedSet = sortedSetOf( // from functions.txt — addons to php standard library "warning", + "require_lib", + "critical_error", "register_kphp_on_warning_callback", + "register_kphp_on_oom_callback", "kphp_backtrace", "kphp_set_context_on_error", - "require_lib", + "kphp_get_runtime_config", "memory_get_total_usage", "memory_get_static_usage", - "memory_perform_defragmentation", "estimate_memory_usage", + "memory_get_detailed_stats", + "memory_get_allocations", + "ffi_memcpy_string", + "ffi_cast_ptr2addr", + "ffi_cast_addr2ptr", + "ffi_array_set", + "ffi_array_get", "get_global_vars_memory_stats", "get_net_time", "get_script_time", @@ -46,7 +55,11 @@ val KPHP_NATIVE_FUNCTIONS: SortedSet = sortedSetOf( "array_keys_as_ints", "array_swap_int_keys", "array_reserve", + "array_reserve_vector", + "array_reserve_map_int_keys", + "array_reserve_map_string_keys", "array_reserve_from", + "array_unset", "array_is_vector", "array_filter_by_key", "vk_utf8_to_win", @@ -61,31 +74,16 @@ val KPHP_NATIVE_FUNCTIONS: SortedSet = sortedSetOf( "vk_sp_to_upper", "vk_sp_to_lower", "vk_sp_sort", - "vk_stats_merge_deviation", - "vk_stats_add_deviation", - "vk_stats_decompress_sample", - "vk_stats_merge_samples", - "vk_stats_parse_sample", "vk_stats_hll_merge", "vk_stats_hll_count", "vk_stats_hll_create", "vk_stats_hll_add", "vk_dot_product", - "vkext_full_version", "likely", "unlikely", "err", "fetch_int", - "fetch_UInt", - "fetch_Long", - "fetch_ULong", - "fetch_unsigned_int", "fetch_long", - "fetch_unsigned_long", - "fetch_unsigned_int_hex", - "fetch_unsigned_long_hex", - "fetch_unsigned_int_str", - "fetch_unsigned_long_str", "fetch_double", "fetch_string", "fetch_string_as_int", @@ -100,23 +98,13 @@ val KPHP_NATIVE_FUNCTIONS: SortedSet = sortedSetOf( "store_start_gzip_pack", "store_finish_gzip_pack", "rpc_clean", - "rpc_get_clean", - "rpc_get_contents", "store_header", "store_error", "store_raw", "store_int", - "store_UInt", - "store_Long", - "store_ULong", - "store_unsigned_int", "store_long", - "store_unsigned_long", - "store_unsigned_int_hex", - "store_unsigned_long_hex", "store_double", "store_string", - "store_many", "store_finish", "rpc_send", "rpc_send_noflush", @@ -129,16 +117,8 @@ val KPHP_NATIVE_FUNCTIONS: SortedSet = sortedSetOf( "rpc_queue_empty", "rpc_queue_next", "rpc_queue_next_synchronously", + "rpc_wait_concurrently", "rpc_wait", - "rpc_wait_multiple", - "rpc_mc_get", - "rpc_mc_multiget", - "rpc_mc_delete", - "rpc_mc_add", - "rpc_mc_set", - "rpc_mc_replace", - "rpc_mc_decrement", - "rpc_mc_increment", "rpc_mc_parse_raw_wildcard_with_flags_to_array", "rpc_tl_query_one", "rpc_tl_query", @@ -153,7 +133,6 @@ val KPHP_NATIVE_FUNCTIONS: SortedSet = sortedSetOf( "typed_rpc_tl_query_result_synchronously", "rpc_server_fetch_request", "rpc_server_store_response", - "rpc_get_last_send_error", "set_fail_rpc_on_int32_overflow", "wait_multi", "wait_synchronously", @@ -167,49 +146,7 @@ val KPHP_NATIVE_FUNCTIONS: SortedSet = sortedSetOf( "sched_yield_sleep", "get_running_fork_id", "get_fork_stat", - "labs", - "ldiv", - "lmod", - "lpow", - "ladd", - "lsub", - "lmul", - "lshl", - "lshr", - "lnot", - "lor", - "land", - "lxor", - "lcomp", - "new_Long", - "uldiv", - "ulmod", - "ulpow", - "uladd", - "ulsub", - "ulmul", - "ulshl", - "ulshr", - "ulnot", - "ulor", - "uland", - "ulxor", - "ulcomp", - "new_ULong", - "uidiv", - "uimod", - "uipow", - "uiadd", - "uisub", - "uimul", - "uishl", - "uishr", - "uinot", - "uior", - "uiand", - "uixor", - "uicomp", - "new_UInt", + "get_hash_of_class", "instance_cast", "instance_to_array", "instance_cache_fetch", @@ -228,4 +165,35 @@ val KPHP_NATIVE_FUNCTIONS: SortedSet = sortedSetOf( "profiler_is_enabled", "profiler_set_function_label", "profiler_set_log_suffix", + "to_array_debug", + "classof", + "curl_exec_concurrently", + "is_kphp_job_workers_enabled", + "get_job_workers_number", + "get_webserver_stats", + "get_kphp_cluster_name", + "kphp_job_worker_start", + "kphp_job_worker_start_multi", + "kphp_job_worker_start_no_reply", + "kphp_job_worker_fetch_request", + "kphp_job_worker_store_response", + "thread_pool_test_load", + "vk_dot_product", + "send_http_103_early_hints", + "dbg_echo", + "crc32_file", + "ip2ulong", + "thread_pool_test_load", + "fetch_int", + "fetch_long", + "fetch_double", + "fetch_float", + "fetch_string", + "fetch_string_as_int", + "fetch_memcache_value", + "fetch_eof", + "fetch_end", + "fetch_lookup_int", + "fetch_lookup_data", + "rpc_parse" ) diff --git a/src/main/kotlin/com/vk/kphpstorm/typeProviders/FunctionsTypeProvider.kt b/src/main/kotlin/com/vk/kphpstorm/typeProviders/FunctionsTypeProvider.kt index e3200fd4..ca65435a 100644 --- a/src/main/kotlin/com/vk/kphpstorm/typeProviders/FunctionsTypeProvider.kt +++ b/src/main/kotlin/com/vk/kphpstorm/typeProviders/FunctionsTypeProvider.kt @@ -62,30 +62,86 @@ class FunctionsTypeProvider : PhpTypeProvider4 { // "array_find" to "manual", // php stdlib functions which return type is different from kphp's one + "ob_clean" to "void", + "ob_get_contents" to "string", + "print_r" to "string", + "ob_start" to "void", + "ob_flush" to "void", + "sort" to "void", + "rsort" to "void", + "usort" to "void", + "asort" to "void", + "arsort" to "void", + "uasort" to "void", + "ksort" to "void", + "krsort" to "void", + "uksort" to "void", + "natsort" to "void", + "openssl_pkey_get_private" to "string|false", + "openssl_pkey_get_public" to "string|false", + "openssl_verify" to "int", + "openssl_random_pseudo_bytes" to "string|false", + "openssl_x509_parse" to "kmixed[]|false", + "openssl_x509_checkpurpose" to "kmixed", + "openssl_get_cipher_methods" to "string[]", + "headers_list" to "string[]", + "hash_algos" to "string[]", + "hash_hmac_algos" to "string[]", + "setcookie" to "void", + "setrawcookie" to "void", + "ini_set" to "bool", "bcdiv" to "string", "bcmod" to "string", "get_class" to "string", "date" to "string", "gmdate" to "string", "hex2bin" to "string", - "pack" to "string", "ob_get_contents" to "string", "substr_replace" to "string", "var_export" to "string", "explode" to "string[]", "unserialize" to "kmixed", // not 'mixed' "json_decode" to "kmixed", + "error_get_last" to "kmixed", "mysqli_query" to "kmixed", "getimagesize" to "kmixed", "array_rand" to "kmixed", "parse_url" to "kmixed", "preg_replace" to "kmixed", "preg_replace_callback" to "kmixed", + "array_merge_recursive" to "kmixed[]", + "array_search" to "kmixed", + "array_keys" to "kmixed[]", + "array_flip" to "kmixed[]", + "range" to "kmixed[]", + "getdate" to "kmixed[]", + "localtime" to "kmixed[]", + "gmmktime" to "int", + "microtime" to "kmixed", + "mktime" to "kmixed", + "strftime" to "string", + "hrtime" to "kmixed", + "date_parse" to "kmixed[]", + "date_parse_from_format" to "kmixed[]", + "debug_backtrace" to "string[][]", + "posix_getpwuid" to "kmixed[]|false", + "getopt" to "kmixed[]|false", + "gethostbynamel" to "string[]|false", + "array_count_values" to "int[]", + "unpack" to "kmixed[]|false", + "array_sum" to "float", "curl_init" to "int", "bindec" to "int", "mysqli_insert_id" to "int", "floor" to "float", "round" to "float", + "count_chars" to "kmixed", + "get_magic_quotes_gpc" to "bool", + "php_sapi_name" to "string", + "fgetcsv" to "kmixed[]|false", + "getimagesize" to "kmixed", + "stream_context_create" to "kmixed", + "stream_socket_client" to "kmixed", // php stdlib functions as replacement of phpstorm.meta.php "str_replace" to "^3", @@ -100,6 +156,8 @@ class FunctionsTypeProvider : PhpTypeProvider4 { "array_diff_assoc" to "^1", "array_reverse" to "^1", "array_shift" to "^1[*]", + "max" to "^1[*]", + "abs" to "^1|int", "array_values" to "^1", "array_unique" to "^1", "array_fill" to "^3[]",