diff --git a/.pre-commit-config.yaml b/.pre-commit-config.yaml
index 03ceb2c3..b9fd67e9 100644
--- a/.pre-commit-config.yaml
+++ b/.pre-commit-config.yaml
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
# INSTALL .: `pre-commit install --overwrite --install-hooks`
# UPDATE ..: `pre-commit autoupdate`
- python: python3.10
+ python: python3
exclude: '\.svg$'
- repo: https://github.com/pre-commit/pre-commit-hooks
diff --git a/runtime.txt b/runtime.txt
index cc1923a4..00750edc 100644
--- a/runtime.txt
+++ b/runtime.txt
@@ -1 +1 @@
diff --git a/source/_static/images/healthchecks.svg b/source/_static/images/healthchecks.svg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7cc6a6c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/_static/images/healthchecks.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
diff --git a/source/guide_healthchecks.rst b/source/guide_healthchecks.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fd687b29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/guide_healthchecks.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,499 @@
+.. highlight:: console
+.. author:: MetroMarv
+.. categorize your guide! refer to the current list of tags: https://lab.uberspace.de/tags
+.. tag:: lang-python
+.. tag:: web
+.. tag:: django
+.. tag:: monitoring
+.. sidebar:: About
+ .. image:: _static/images/healthchecks.svg
+ :align: center
+.. tag_list::
+`Healthchecks `_ allows you to monitor your periodically run jobs (e.g. CronJobs). It will inform you via different channels (mail, Mattermost,
+Slack, Signal, ...) if your job didn't execute on time. To track execution HTTP request or mails may be used.
+It offers a web interface to manage your jobs to be monitored.
+.. note::
+ This guide is based upon the `selfhost documentation`_ of the Healthchecks maintainers.
+.. note:: For this guide you should be familiar with the basic concepts of
+ * :manual:`Python `
+ * :manual:`MySQL ` or :manual:`PostgreSQL ` (not used in this guide)
+ * :manual:`supervisord `
+ * :manual:`domains `
+All relevant legal information can be found here
+ * https://github.com/healthchecks/healthchecks/blob/master/LICENSE
+First of all we create a new :manual:`MySQL ` database, that our Healthchecks instance will use:
+ [isabell@stardust ~]$ mysql -e "CREATE DATABASE isabell_healthchecks"
+ [isabell@stardust ~]$
+If you'd like to use :manual:`PostgreSQL ` instead. Please see the respective
+:manual:`manual entry `.
+.. include:: includes/my-print-defaults.rst
+Second we create a :manual_anchor:`new mailbox `, that we'll use to send alerts to our private email
+address if one of our jobs failed to run. You'll have to interactively provide a password. Please choose a secure one and remember the
+password, you'll need it later.
+ [isabell@stardust ~]$ uberspace mail user add healthchecks
+ Enter a password for the mailbox:
+ Please confirm your password:
+ New mailbox created for user: 'healthchecks', it will be live in a few minutes...
+ [isabell@stardust ~]$
+Third of all your URL needs to be setup:
+.. include:: includes/web-domain-list.rst
+We're using :manual:`Python ` in the currently latest version 3.11:
+ [isabell@stardust ~]$ python3.11 --version
+ Python 3.11.7
+ [isabell@stardust ~]$
+Download the source
+In the following steps we'll create a separate folder for this app and future apps, download the :manual:`Python ` source code
+from GitHub and select the latest version using git tags:
+.. code-block:: console
+ :emphasize-lines: 21
+ [isabell@stardust ~]$ mkdir ~/apps
+ [isabell@stardust ~]$ cd ~/apps
+ [isabell@stardust ~]$ git clone https://github.com/healthchecks/healthchecks.git
+ Cloning into 'healthchecks'...
+ remote: Enumerating objects: 28393, done.
+ remote: Counting objects: 100% (3677/3677), done.
+ remote: Compressing objects: 100% (448/448), done.
+ remote: Total 28393 (delta 3420), reused 3349 (delta 3229), pack-reused 24716
+ Receiving objects: 100% (28393/28393), 22.57 MiB | 14.09 MiB/s, done.
+ Resolving deltas: 100% (22120/22120), done.
+ [isabell@stardust ~]$ cd healthchecks
+ [isabell@stardust ~]$ git tag
+ 1.0.2
+ v1.0
+ v1.0.1
+ v1.0.2
+ [...]
+ v2.9.2
+ v3.0
+ v3.0.1
+ v3.2
+ v3.1
+ [isabell@stardust ~]$ git checkout v3.2
+ Note: switching to 'v3.2'.
+ You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental
+ changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this
+ state without impacting any branches by switching back to a branch.
+ If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may
+ do so (now or later) by using -c with the switch command. Example:
+ git switch -c
+ Or undo this operation with:
+ git switch -
+ Turn off this advice by setting config variable advice.detachedHead to false
+ HEAD is now at c99b644a Update CHANGELOG for v3.2 release
+ [isabell@stardust ~]$
+The note of the ``git checkout`` command can be ignored as we do not plan to do any commits in this git repository.
+Set up the virtual environment
+Next we will setup a :manual:`Python ` virtual environment where all dependencies are encapsulated. Then we
+install the required dependencies and on top of that also `gunicorn `_ which will be our HTTP server
+ [isabell@stardust ~]$ python3.11 -m venv venv
+ [isabell@stardust ~]$ source venv/bin/activate
+ (venv) [isabell@stardust ~]$ pip3.11 install -r requirements.txt
+ Collecting aiosmtpd==1.4.4.post2 (from -r requirements.txt (line 1))
+ Obtaining dependency information for aiosmtpd==1.4.4.post2 from https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/ef/b3/f4cce9da53b02aa7d4c0662ca344421023feefc5c8f815b90d1c7514702e/aiosmtpd-1.4.4.post2-py3-none-any.whl.metadata
+ Downloading aiosmtpd-1.4.4.post2-py3-none-any.whl.metadata (6.8 kB)
+ […]
+ [notice] A new release of pip is available: 23.2.1 -> 24.0
+ [notice] To update, run: pip install --upgrade pip
+ (venv) [isabell@stardust ~]$ pip3.11 install mysql
+ Collecting mysql
+ Obtaining dependency information for mysql from https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/9a/52/8d29c58f6ae448a72fbc612955bd31accb930ca479a7ba7197f4ae4edec2/mysql-0.0.3-py3-none-any.whl.metadata
+ Downloading mysql-0.0.3-py3-none-any.whl.metadata (746 bytes)
+ Collecting mysqlclient (from mysql)
+ Using cached mysqlclient-2.2.4-cp311-cp311-linux_x86_64.whl
+ […]
+ (venv) [isabell@stardust ~]$ pip3.11 install gunicorn
+ Collecting gunicorn
+ Obtaining dependency information for gunicorn from https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/0e/2a/c3a878eccb100ccddf45c50b6b8db8cf3301a6adede6e31d48e8531cab13/gunicorn-21.2.0-py3-none-any.whl.metadata
+ Using cached gunicorn-21.2.0-py3-none-any.whl.metadata (4.1 kB)
+ Collecting packaging (from gunicorn)
+ Obtaining dependency information for packaging from https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/49/df/1fceb2f8900f8639e278b056416d49134fb8d84c5942ffaa01ad34782422/packaging-24.0-py3-none-any.whl.metadata
+ Downloading packaging-24.0-py3-none-any.whl.metadata (3.2 kB)
+ […]
+ (venv) [isabell@stardust ~]$
+Configure the app
+Edit the file ``./hc/local_settings.py`` and set your host specific settings:
+.. code-block:: python
+ DEBUG = False
+ SITE_ROOT = 'https://isabell.uber.space'
+ SITE_NAME = 'My Monitoring Project'
+ PING_ENDPOINT='https://isabell.uber.space/ping/'
+ DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL = 'healthchecks@isabell.uber.space'
+ ALLOWED_HOSTS=['isabell.uber.space']
+ CSRF_TRUSTED_ORIGINS=['https://isabell.uber.space']
+ REGISTRATION_OPEN = False # True if you'd like to allow user registrations of anyone from the internet
+ 'default': {
+ 'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.mysql',
+ 'HOST': 'localhost',
+ 'PORT': '3306',
+ 'NAME': 'isabell_healthchecks',
+ 'USER': 'isabell',
+ 'PASSWORD': 'MySuperSecretPassword',
+ 'TEST': {'CHARSET': 'UTF8'}
+ }
+ }
+ # Email
+ EMAIL_HOST = 'stardust.uberspace.de'
+ EMAIL_PORT = 465
+ EMAIL_HOST_USER = 'healthchecks@isabell.uber.space'
+ EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD = 'MySuperSecretPassword'
+Initialize the database
+Once we set the correct settings we can initialize the database:
+.. note:: All commands that start with ``(venv)`` require an activated Python Virtual Environment, you can activate it with ``source venv/bin/activate``.
+ (venv) [isabell@stardust ~]$ python3.11 ./manage.py migrate
+ System check identified some issues:
+ ?: (mysql.W002) MariaDB Strict Mode is not set for database connection 'default'
+ HINT: MariaDB's Strict Mode fixes many data integrity problems in MariaDB, such as data truncation upon insertion, by escalating warnings into errors. It is strongly recommended you activate it. See: https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/5.0/ref/databases/#mysql-sql-mode
+ api.Check: (models.W037) MariaDB does not support indexes with conditions.
+ HINT: Conditions will be ignored. Silence this warning if you don't care about it.
+ api.Flip: (models.W037) MariaDB does not support indexes with conditions.
+ HINT: Conditions will be ignored. Silence this warning if you don't care about it.
+ Operations to perform:
+ Apply all migrations: accounts, admin, api, auth, contenttypes, logs, payments, sessions
+ Running migrations:
+ Applying contenttypes.0001_initial... OK
+ [...]
+ Applying payments.0008_subscription_setup_date... OK
+ Applying payments.0009_alter_subscription_user... OK
+ Applying sessions.0001_initial... OK
+Set up a superuser
+To access the healthchecks web interface also Django’s admin interface, you need to create a superuser account.
+You have to interactively supply a username, email, and password. Usually, you can just accept the suggested (i.e. your) username and skip
+the email, if you do not plan to use it inside Django. You should pick a decent password though!
+.. code-block:: console
+ :emphasize-lines: 2,3,4
+ (venv) [isabell@stardust ~]$ python3.11 ./manage.py createsuperuser
+ Email address:isabell@uber.space
+ Password:
+ Password (again):
+ Superuser created successfully.
+ (venv) [isabell@stardust ~]$
+Generate static files
+Healthchecks uses a couple of static files. We need to generate this as follows:
+ (venv) [isabell@stardust ~]$ python3.11 ./manage.py collectstatic
+ 347 static files copied to '/home/isabell/apps/healthchecks/static-collected'.
+ (venv) [isabell@stardust ~]$ python3.11 ./manage.py compress
+ Compressing... done
+ Compressed 26 block(s) from 147 template(s) for 1 context(s).
+ (venv) [isabell@stardust ~]$
+Set up the daemons
+Healthchecks requires two daemons to be running. One is for the web interface and another is for the alert. Optionally you can create a
+third daemon to send monthly reports. We'll manage this daemons using :manual:`supervisord `:
+Create the file ``~/etc/services.d/healthchecks.ini`` with following content:
+.. code-block:: ini
+ [program:healthchecks]
+ directory=/home/isabell/apps/healthchecks
+ command=/bin/bash -c 'venv/bin/gunicorn --bind hc.wsgi:application'
+ autostart=true
+ autorestart=true
+ stopsignal=INT
+ # `startsecs` is set by Uberspace monitoring team, to prevent a broken service from looping
+ startsecs=30
+Then create the file ``~/etc/services.d/healthchecks-sendalert.ini`` with following content:
+.. code-block:: ini
+ [program:healthchecks-sendalert]
+ directory=/home/isabell/apps/healthchecks
+ command=/bin/bash -c 'venv/bin/python3.11 manage.py sendalerts'
+ autostart=true
+ autorestart=true
+ stopsignal=INT
+ # `startsecs` is set by Uberspace monitoring team, to prevent a broken service from looping
+ startsecs=30
+Optionally create the third file ``~/etc/services.d/healthchecks-sendreport.ini`` to activate monthly reports with following content:
+.. code-block:: ini
+ [program:healthchecks-sendreport]
+ directory=/home/isabell/apps/healthchecks
+ command=/bin/bash -c 'venv/bin/python manage.py sendreports --loop'
+ autostart=true
+ autorestart=true
+ stopsignal=INT
+ # `startsecs` is set by Uberspace monitoring team, to prevent a broken service from looping
+ startsecs=30
+After creating the files ask :manual:`supervisord ` to reload it's config files and start the services:
+ [isabell@stardust ~]$ supervisorctl reread
+ healthchecks: available
+ healthchecks-sendalert: available
+ healthchecks-sendreport: available
+ [isabell@stardust ~]$ supervisorctl update
+ healthchecks: updated process group
+ healthchecks-sendalert: updated process group
+ healthchecks-sendreport: updated process group
+ [isabell@stardust ~]$ supervisorctl status
+ healthchecks RUNNING pid 13331, uptime 0:03:14
+ healthchecks-sendalert RUNNING pid 19516, uptime 0:03:14
+ healthchecks-sendreport RUNNING pid 19517, uptime 0:03:14
+ [isabell@stardust ~]$
+Configure web backend
+.. note::
+ Gunicorn is running Django on port 8000 (as configured in the service file).
+ So make sure to replace ```` in the example below with ``8000``.
+.. include:: includes/web-backend.rst
+Your backend should now point to the service; let's check it:
+.. code-block:: console
+ :emphasize-lines: 1
+ [isabell@stardust ~]$ uberspace web backend list
+ / http:8000 => OK, listening: PID 23161, /usr/bin/python3.11 /home/isabell/.local/bin/gunicorn --error-logfile - --reload --bind mysite.wsgi:application
+ [isabell@stardust ~]$
+Finishing installation
+Point your browser to the configured URL and login with your superuser account.
+Best practices
+Change all default passwords. Look at folder permissions. Don't get hacked!
+.. note:: Check the `releases feed `_ regularly to stay informed about the newest
+ version. Alternatively check the `releases page `_ regularly.
+If we'd like upgrade to a newer release, we'll first stop the running services, pull the latest source files and basically repeat the
+installation process (install latest pip dependencies, migrate the database, generate static files).
+ [isabell@stardust ~]$ supervisorctl stop healthchecks healthchecks-sendalert healthchecks-sendreport
+ [isabell@stardust ~]$ git pull
+ remote: Enumerating objects: 286, done.
+ remote: Counting objects: 100% (286/286), done.
+ remote: Compressing objects: 100% (137/137), done.
+ remote: Total 286 (delta 187), reused 241 (delta 149), pack-reused 0
+ Receiving objects: 100% (286/286), 337.52 KiB | 14.67 MiB/s, done.
+ Resolving deltas: 100% (187/187), completed with 35 local objects.
+ From https://github.com/healthchecks/healthchecks
+ c99b644a..0a7744c3 master -> origin/master
+ You are not currently on a branch.
+ Please specify which branch you want to merge with.
+ See git-pull(1) for details.
+ git pull
+ [isabell@stardust ~]$ git checkout
+ Note: switching to ''.
+ You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental
+ changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this
+ state without impacting any branches by switching back to a branch.
+ If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may
+ do so (now or later) by using -c with the switch command. Example:
+ git switch -c
+ Or undo this operation with:
+ git switch -
+ Turn off this advice by setting config variable advice.detachedHead to false
+ HEAD is now at
+ [isabell@stardust ~]$ source venv/bin/activate
+ (venv) [isabell@stardust ~]$ pip3.11 install -r requirements.txt
+ Looking in indexes: https://pypi.org/simple/
+ Collecting aiosmtpd==1.4.6 (from -r requirements.txt (line 1))
+ Obtaining dependency information for aiosmtpd==1.4.6 from https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/ec/39/d401756df60a8344848477d54fdf4ce0f50531f6149f3b8eaae9c06ae3dc/aiosmtpd-1.4.6-py3-none-any.whl.metadata
+ Downloading aiosmtpd-1.4.6-py3-none-any.whl.metadata (6.6 kB)
+ [...]
+ (venv) [isabell@stardust ~]$ python3.11 ./manage.py migrate
+ System check identified some issues:
+ ?: (mysql.W002) MariaDB Strict Mode is not set for database connection 'default'
+ HINT: MariaDB's Strict Mode fixes many data integrity problems in MariaDB, such as data truncation upon insertion, by escalating warnings into errors. It is strongly recommended you activate it. See: https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/5.1/ref/databases/#mysql-sql-mode
+ api.Check: (models.W037) MariaDB does not support indexes with conditions.
+ HINT: Conditions will be ignored. Silence this warning if you don't care about it.
+ api.Flip: (models.W037) MariaDB does not support indexes with conditions.
+ HINT: Conditions will be ignored. Silence this warning if you don't care about it.
+ Operations to perform:
+ Apply all migrations: accounts, admin, api, auth, contenttypes, logs, payments, sessions
+ Running migrations:
+ Applying accounts.0049_convert_email_lowercase... OK
+ Applying api.0103_check_badge_key... OK
+ [...]
+ (venv) [isabell@stardust ~]$ python3.11 ./manage.py collectstatic
+ You have requested to collect static files at the destination
+ location as specified in your settings:
+ /home/metro/apps/healthcheck/static-collected
+ This will overwrite existing files!
+ Are you sure you want to do this?
+ Type 'yes' to continue, or 'no' to cancel: yes
+ 172 static files copied to '/home/metro/apps/healthcheck/static-collected', 182 unmodified.
+ (venv) [isabell@stardust ~]$ python3.11 ./manage.py compress
+ Compressing... done
+ Compressed 26 block(s) from 145 template(s) for 1 context(s).
+ [isabell@stardust ~]$ supervisorctl start healthchecks healthchecks-sendalert healthchecks-sendreport
+ healthchecks: started
+ healthchecks-sendalert: started
+ healthchecks-sendreport: started
+If something fails you can check the :manual:`supervisord ` logs. E.g. for the web interface service you can do this as
+ [isabell@stardust ~]$ supervisorctl tail healthchecks stderr
+ [2024-03-03 19:05:14 +0100] [13331] [INFO] Starting gunicorn 21.2.0
+ [2024-03-03 19:05:14 +0100] [13331] [INFO] Listening at: (13331)
+ [2024-03-03 19:05:14 +0100] [13331] [INFO] Using worker: sync
+ [2024-03-03 19:05:14 +0100] [13332] [INFO] Booting worker with pid: 13332
+ [2024-03-10 18:11:55 +0100] [13331] [INFO] Handling signal: int
+ [2024-03-10 17:11:55 +0000] [13332] [INFO] Worker exiting (pid: 13332)
+ [2024-03-10 18:11:56 +0100] [13331] [INFO] Shutting down: Master
+ [2024-03-10 18:13:46 +0100] [10587] [INFO] Starting gunicorn 21.2.0
+ [2024-03-10 18:13:46 +0100] [10587] [INFO] Listening at: (10587)
+ [2024-03-10 18:13:46 +0100] [10587] [INFO] Using worker: sync
+ [2024-03-10 18:13:46 +0100] [10588] [INFO] Booting worker with pid: 10588
+All generated data you should backup regularly is saved to the database and the database is regularly backed up by Uberspace.
+.. _Selfhost documentation: https://healthchecks.io/docs/self_hosted/
+Tested with Healthchecks 3.2.0, Python 3.11, Uberspace 7.1.1
+.. author_list::