To run, in the xop/dist directory:
./ [configuration options]
After building XO, there will be a default configuration file, config/ that XO will load upon startup. To override:
./ -Dproperties.file=path_to_properties
Use commandline properties starting with '-D' to override properties in the config/ file. e.g.
./ -Dxop.transport.nodeid=100
''Specifying command-line system properties WILL take precedence over the
If you would like to create a file, there is a helper script to generate default properties:
java -cp xop.jar edu.drexel.xop.util.XopProperties > dist/config/
Logging can be configured by modifying the config/
prior to building and execution.
Demos and experiments should set all logging levels to INFO. Further
instructions for using the config/
file is specified in the
You can also specify your own at the command line:
./ -Djava.util.logging.config.file=config/
java -Djava.util.logging.config.file=config/ -jar xop.jar
A XOP instance within a MANET can use an external interface to maintain a persistent connection to an enterprise XMPP server, e.g. Openfire. This XOP instance will forward XMPP Presence, IQ, and Messages to/from a standard XMPP server.
Import Openfire server certificates into the keystore used by XOP
edit the following properties:
- xop.enable.gateway=true
- xop.gateway.server=
Add DNS entries or modify the /etc/hosts files with hostnames or
Ensure the servername maps correctly to the openfire server and ip address of the server
- e.g. include in /etc/hosts:
ensure the gatewayed XOP instance has the hostname of the proxied
- e.g. include in /etc/hosts: proxy
- Enable the following properties:
- Dialback protocol (XEP-220)
- server self-signed certificates
- server tls enabled