Collection Editor is an angular library built with Angular version 9, and it exports some modules and components.
Component: editor
For example:
<lib-editor [editorConfig]="editorConfig" (editorEmitter)="editorEventListener($event)"></lib-editor>
This is the main editor component that accepts some configuration based on it loads the editor.
Let's deep dive into the editor input configuration:
export interface IEditorConfig {
context: Context;
config: any;
This required property from the collectionEditorConfig
provides the context to the editor mostly in terms of the telemetry and it used these properties when the editor launch.
export interface Context {
programId?: string;
contributionOrgId?: string;
user: User;
identifier?: string;
mode?: string;
authToken?: string;
sid: string;
did: string;
uid: string;
channel: string;
pdata: Pdata;
contextRollup: ContextRollup;
tags: string[];
cdata?: Cdata[];
timeDiff?: number;
objectRollup?: ObjectRollup;
host?: string;
endpoint?: string;
userData?: {
firstName: string;
lastName: string;
env: string;
defaultLicense?: any;
board?: any;
medium?: any;
gradeLevel?: any;
subject?: any;
topic?: any;
framework: string;
cloudStorageUrls?: string[];
additionalCategories?: any[];
labels?: any;
actor?: any;
channelData?: any;
correctionComments?: any;
sourcingResourceStatus?: string;
sourcingResourceStatusClass?: string;
collectionIdentifier?: string;
unitIdentifier?: string;
collectionObjectType?: string;
collectionPrimaryCategory?: string;
targetFWIds?: string[];
cloudStorage?: any;
The context has been classified into two parts as below:
- Telemetry Context
- Editor Context
It provides the context to the editor mostly in terms of the telemetry. Let's understand the description of the following properties:
Property Name | Description | Required | Default Value |
env |
It is string and Unique environment where the event has occured For example: in case of collection editor its collection_editor |
true | collection_editor OR questionset_editor |
sid |
It is string and session id of the requestor stamped by portal For example: vLpZ1rFl6-sxMVHi4RrmrlHw0HsX9ggC |
true | |
did |
It is string and uuid of the device, created during app installation or browser For example: 1d8e290dd3c2a6a9eeac58568cdef28d |
true | |
uid |
It is string and Current logged in user id For example: 5a587cc1-e018-4859-a0a8-e842650b9d64 |
true | |
channel |
It is string which defines channel identifier to know which channel is currently using. For example: 01309282781705830427 |
true | |
pdata |
It is an object which defines the producer information it should have identifier and version and canvas will log in the telemetry. For example: { id: 'local.sunbird.portal', ver: '4.1.0', pid: 'sunbird-portal' } |
true | |
contextRollup |
It is an object which defines collection roll up data For example: { l1: 'do_1234567890' } |
true | |
tags |
It is an object and Encrypted dimension tags passed by respective channels. For example: ['01307938306521497658'] |
true | |
identifier |
It is string and Identifier of collection. |
false | '' |
authToken |
It is string and Auth key to make api calls. |
false | '' |
cdata |
It is an array which defines the correlation data |
false | [] |
timeDiff |
It is number and timeDiff (in sec) is diff of server date and local date |
false | '' |
objectRollup |
It is an object which defines object rollup data (Only 4 levels are allowed) |
false | {} |
host |
It is string which defines the from which domain collection should be load. For example: |
false | '' |
endpoint |
It is string and Telemetry API endpoint. For example: /data/v3/telemetry |
false | '' |
userData |
It is object and first and last name of logged in user |
false | {} |
The editor context is used while launching the editor. Let's understand the description of the following properties:
Property Name | Description | Required | Default Value |
framework |
It is string and Organisation framework id. For example: ekstep_ncert_k-12 |
true | |
user |
It is an object which defines user data which contains users id, fullName, lastName, orgIds. |
true | For example: { id: '5a587cc1-e018-4859-a0a8-e842650b9d64', orgIds: [ '01309282781705830427' ], organisations: {}, fullName: 'Vaibhav Bhuva', firstName: 'Vaibhav', lastName: 'Bhuva', isRootOrgAdmin: true } |
programId |
It is string and program id in which questionset is created. For example: f72ad8b0-36df-11ec-a56f-4b503455085f |
false | '' |
contributionOrgId |
It is string and Organisation id of the contributor. |
false | '' |
identifier |
It is string and Identifier of collection. For example: do_1134357224765685761203 |
false | '' |
defaultLicense |
It is string and default license of editor. For example: CC BY 4.0 |
false | '' |
cloudStorageUrls |
It is array and Array of cloud storage urls |
false | [] |
additionalCategories |
It is array and Array of objects of additional categories. For example: [ { value: 'Classroom Teaching Video', label: 'Classroom Teaching Video' }, { value: 'Concept Map', label: 'Concept Map' }] |
false | [] |
labels |
It is object and Additional labels to be used in editor |
false | {} |
targetFWIds |
It is array and Array of target framework ids |
false | [] |
cloudStorage |
It is object and which defines cloud storage configuration which contains presigned_headers for diff service provider for example: Azure, AWS |
false | For example: cloudStorage: { presigned_headers: { 'x-ms-blob-type': 'BlockBlob' // This header is specific to azure storage provider. } } |
This required property from the collectionEditorConfig
provides the configuration for the editor to enable/disable some functionalities.
config: {
mode: 'string', //Ex.: 'edit'/'review'/'read'/'sourcingReview'/'orgReview'
editableFields: {
sourcingreview: string[], //Ex.: ["name","description"]
orgreview: string[],
review: string[],
maxDepth: number, //Ex.: 1
dialcodeMinLength: number, //Ex.: 2
dialcodeMaxLength: number, //Ex.: 250
showAddCollaborator: 'boolen', // true | false
enableBulkUpload: 'boolen',
publicStorageAccount: 'url', //Ex.:
assetConfig: object,
objectType: 'string', //Ex.: Collection
primaryCategory: 'string', //Ex.: Digital Textbook
isRoot: boolean, //Ex.: true
iconClass: 'string', //Ex.: 'fa fa-book'
children: {
Content: [
'Explanation Content',
'Learning Resource',
'Teacher Resource',
'Course Assessment'
hierarchy: {
level1: {
name: '', //ex: 'name of the section'
type: '', //ex: 'Unit'
mimeType: 'string', //Ex.: application/vnd.ekstep.content-collection
contentType: 'string', //Ex.: TextBookUnit
primaryCategory: 'string', //ex: 'Textbook Unit'
iconClass: 'string' //ex: 'fa fa-folder-o',
children: {}
level2: {
name: 'string', //Ex.: 'Sub Section'
level3: {
contentPolicyUrl: 'string' //Ex.: '/term-of-use.html'
Note: If any of the property is added in object-category-definition. It will take the config from there, otherwise editor will take the mock config passed as input to the editor.
Description of the properties for the config:
Property Name | Description | Required | Default Value |
isRoot |
It is boolen and that defines the node is root node. |
true | true |
objectType |
It is string and that defines the object type of collection |
true | |
iconClass |
It is string and that defines the icon of root node |
true | fa fa-book |
children |
It is an object and If maxdepth is 0 than children inside the root node defines the content type. For example: children: { Content: [ 'Explanation Content', 'Learning Resource', 'eTextbook' ] } |
true | |
contentPolicyUrl |
It is string and It defines where should the content policy link will be redirected. |
true | /term-of-use.html |
publicStorageAccount |
It is url and URL of the blob storage For example: |
true | |
mode |
It is string and that defines the mode in editor is to be loaded. For example: edit / review / read / sourcingReview / orgReview |
false | edit |
editableFields |
It is an object and that defines the mode in editor is to be loaded. |
false | { sourcingreview: [], orgreview: [], review: [], } |
maxDepth |
It is number and Defines the depth to which the textbook is to be created. If the depth is 1, hierarchy should have level1 described. |
false | For example: 1 |
dialcodeMinLength |
It is number and it specifies the minimum number of characters required in an input field |
false | 2 |
dialcodeMaxLength |
It is number and it specifies the maximum number of characters required in an input field |
false | 250 |
showAddCollaborator |
It is boolen and this is to enable/disable the functionality of add collaborator in editor. If it is true add collobrorator button will be enabled and created can add the collolaborator to collaborate in textbook. |
false | false |
assetConfig |
It is an object and assetConfig sets the max size limit and type for image and videos to be uploaded in the editor. For example: { "image": { "size": "1", "sizeType": "MB", "accepted": "png, jpeg" }, "video": { "size": "50", "sizeType": "MB", "accepted": "mp4, webm" } } |
false | {} |
hierarchy |
It is an object and If maxdepth is > 0 then hierarchy should have definiton of the levels. For example: { level1: { name: 'Textbook Unit', type: 'Unit', mimeType: 'application/vnd.ekstep.content-collection', contentType: 'TextBookUnit', primaryCategory: 'Textbook Unit', iconClass: 'fa fa-folder-o', children: { Content: [ 'Explanation Content', 'Learning Resource' ] } }} |
false | {} |
Following are the configuration for different types of collections.
1. Digital Textbook
"maxDepth": 2,
"objectType": "Collection",
"primaryCategory": "Digital Textbook",
"isRoot": true,
"iconClass": "fa fa-book",
"children": {},
"hierarchy": {
"level1": {
"name": "Chapter",
"type": "unit",
"mimeType": "application/vnd.ekstep.content-collection",
"contentType": "Textbook Unit",
"iconClass": "fa fa-folder-o",
"children": {}
"level2": {
"name": "Sub-Chapter",
"type": "unit",
"mimeType": "application/vnd.ekstep.content-collection",
"contentType": "Textbook Unit",
"iconClass": "fa fa-folder-o",
"children": {
"Content": []
2. Course
"maxDepth": 2,
"objectType": "Collection",
"primaryCategory": "Course",
"isRoot": true,
"iconClass": "fa fa-book",
"children": {},
"hierarchy": {
"level1": {
"name": "Chapter",
"type": "unit",
"mimeType": "application/vnd.ekstep.content-collection",
"contentType": "Course Unit",
"iconClass": "fa fa-folder-o",
"children": {}
"level2": {
"name": "Sub-Chapter",
"type": "unit",
"mimeType": "application/vnd.ekstep.content-collection",
"contentType": "Course Unit",
"iconClass": "fa fa-folder-o",
"children": {
"Content": [
"Explanation Content",
"Learning Resource",
"Teacher Resource",
"Course Assessment"
"QuestionSet": [
"Practice Question Set"