Oval is an MEV capture mechanism that lets protocols reclaim Oracle Extractable Value(OEV) by auctioning oracle updates. It leveraged Flashbot's MEV-share OFA system by running auctions for the right to backrun an oracle update.
For more information on how Oval works and how to integrate with it see the docs.
This repository contains the main smart contracts for Oval. It uses Foundry. For spesific information on contracts, see the Contract Architecture section of the docs.
This repo also consists of a set of scripts used to profile the Oval gas usage. See README that shows how to run these and this docs page that outlines the gas profiling finding.
Tests in this repo work up to Nightly (2024-03-02) Foundry version, so make sure to use it when installing:
foundryup -v nightly-de33b6af53005037b463318d2628b5cfcaf39916
forge build
This repository uses foundry fork tests. You will need to run the fork tests as follows:
export RPC_MAINNET=[your ethereum mainnet archive node url]
forge test
All code in this repository is licensed under BUSL-1.1 unless specified differently in the file. Individual exceptions to this license can be made by Risk Labs, which holds the rights to this software and design. If you are interested in using the code or designs in a derivative work, feel free to reach out to licensing@risklabs.foundation.