Nexus | Installation | Modlist | FAQ | Changelog | Performance Guide | Gameplay Guide
Before reading this guide, please following the Installation Guide and read through the FAQ, both of these will answer almost all the questions you will ask.
This section will cover the absolute basics of the list. I suggest reading, or skimming all of the linked mod pages in this section if you are unfamiliar with the preceding mods.
I suggest looking through the keybinds for the list in game, by pressing F11
- Twisted Skyrim uses the entire simonrim suite, except for Arena, Blade and Blunt, Candlehearth. I highly recommend getting familiar with all of his mods, especially Journeyman as it controls the fast travel system.
The following mods are considered the "foundations" of the combat and gameplay for Twisted Skyrim:
BFCO - Attack Behavior Framework introduces attack commitment to the game, for both NPCs and the Player. If you're familiar with MCO, this will be right at home for you.
- Time your attacks precisely, aggresive NPCs can and will take advantage of poor planning.
DMCO adds dodging to the game
- Adds I-Frames, which you should take advantage of.
- Costs stamina, or magika depending on your class, be sure to manage your resources wisely.
Valhalla Combat Reworks stamina, adds a timed block, stuns, and executions.
- There is a ton of info in this mod page, be sure to read through it all.
- NPCs can't attack when out of stamina, player deals 50% less damage.
- Attacks cost stamina, missed attacks drain significantly, landed attacks regenerate your stamina.
- Stamina regenerates slower while blocking; getting hit while out of stamina and blocking can cause you to stagger.
Precision - Accurate Melee Collisions Adds accurate melee collisions to the game.
- You can very easily miss attacks if your sword does not directly collide with an enemy, make sure to be precise!
- Hitstop, if you hit a wall your sword will bounce back and prevent you from attacking for a very brief time.
Maxsu Poise and Modern Stagger Lock implement a Poise system Poise Health can be seen on the Special Bar of TrueHUD (the yellow bar above Health on player and target widgets).
SCAR brings movesets to NPCs, see the mod page for more info.
Ultimate NPC Dodging brings dodging to NPCs, makes fights less 2 dimensional, and of course more difficult.
Modern Combat AI makes NPCs far more aggresive, meaning you need to space better and carefully plan your attacks.
Twisted Skyrim modifies the vanilla leveling system to have the player engage with the world around them more. Just using your skills will not be a sufficient enough way to level up, and you'll be more encouraged to explore and complete quests. Below is a general breakdown of what to expect with the leveling and progression system in Twisted Skyrim.
Leveling speed is still being worked on based on community feedback so this part of the guide will be changed until I find a nice balance.
Twisted Skyrim uses Experience and Skyrim Skill Uncapper to handle leveling and progression.
Experience introduces skill caps based on your player level, the formula is found below.
skillCap = 18 + (playerlevel * 2.00)
Skyrim Uncapper introduces skill uncapping and a dynamic experience gain based on skill level. There are too many changes I've made to put here but the gist is this:
- Skills cap at level 255, however, skill forumalas still cap out at 100, this means that skill-based damage will not go beyond what vanilla was intended for.
- XP gain is also modified and follows a general increasing gain as your level gets higher. Lower levels should take longer to achieve, slowly capping out once you get a skill to level 100, where xp gain returns to normal.
Twisted Skyrim still uses a leveled approach to loot and npc scaling. With the all the changes to how NPCs behave, health pools, damage dealt & much more, NPCs shouldn't be sponges like they are in vanilla. They should be a challenging, yet rewarding experience no matter where you are in the game.
Dragons exist in the beginning of the game and you can see them flying around certain areas in the distance, I highly suggest avoiding them until you have better gear than what you start with.
There are many generic, custom, and vanilla followers in the list and I highly suggest you make use of them, taking on big foes without them will prove very difficult, and even bandit camps will be difficult due to being out-numbered.
Twisted Skyrim uses Adamant, Scion and Manbeast for its regular, vampire, and werewolf perk systems(respectively) which can be seen as a much more balanced and impactful perk trees compared to vanilla. It reworks all of the existing trees and I highly recommend reading through it.
Custom Skills Framework
Twisted Skyrim also makes use of the Custom Skills Framework which unlocks the ability to create new perk trees outside of vanilla. In order to access these custom perk trees you will need to use the power in your powers
menu called custom skills
which should open a prompt which asks you to pick a tree to open. I recommend starting off by opening your Destiny
skill tree either through that menu, or the power that is also present called destiny
. You will get Destiny skill points after reaching level 1,level 5, level 10, level 15, level 20, level 25 and level 30 for a total of 7 skill points. Each path of the tree goes with whatever build you might be doing, and is limited to 7 points total so power creep doesn't become an issue.
There is still lots of tuning for me to do for this section as well, but currently it is in a decent spot.
As said previously, I highly recommend having a follower, or multiple. Playing solo in this list is possible, but not recommended and will increase the difficult significantly.
Twisted Skyrim has a unique approach to difficulty, putting an emphasis on resource management, making sure enemies aren't sponges, and intelligent AI.
To elaborate on AI more, put simply, they are much more aggresive. They use all spells they have in their aresenal unlike vanilla, attack you if you aim a bow at them, and make use of dodging.
A poise system has been added, and if the enemies (or yours) poise gets broken, a stagger will occur which is an opportunity for you, or them to attack without punishment. Archers can take advantage of headshots to deal bonus poise damage to keep them off of you for longer.
Dodging is not locked behind any perks or powers simply because its too important for all types of builds, there is a fairly long delay after a dodge is performed before you can use it again, or move at all to promote intelligent use of it rather than spamming.
SkyValor changes experience gain, damage, health pools, resource regeneration, and much more. Give it a thorough read.
Potions have been signficantly buffed due to the damage and health changes by SkyValor, and I highly recommend staying stocked up.
Using Modern Combat AI, SCAR, BFCO - Attack Behavior Framework, & Ultimate NPC Dodging, I've made the NPCs infinitely smarter compared to their vanilla counterparts, they will be more aggresive, use potions, and dodge your attacks.
Other than that, it should really just seem like your playing Skyrim after a while. Aside from these changes, I've tried to make the list in a way you can build your character however you want, side with whomever you want and do whatever you want.