Nexus | Installation | Modlist | FAQ | Changelog | Performance Guide | Gameplay Guide
Key Info
This update is NOT save safe
Key Info
This update is NOT save safe due to the many changes and crash fixes.
Patch Notes
- Hagraven Crash
- Randomly defeated followers (hopefully)
- Nightingale armor being broken
- Kaidan mismatched textures fixed (penis texture is still wrong and I'm not really sure why)
- Ivarstead occlusion stuff fixed
- Broken door placement in Riverwood
- Broken meshes on some riekling stuff in solstheim
- Keybinds, check the new bindings with F11 in game.
- LODs
- More than I care to type here
- More than I care to type here
- i dont remember
Key Info
This update is NOT save safe due to the many changes and crash fixes.
Patch Notes
- Blue Palace crash
- Winking Skeever Crash
- Glowing argonians
- Random wilderness crash
- Fixed Misplaced notes in the Winking Skeever
- Keybinds, check the new bindings with F11 in game.
- LODs
- More than I care to type here
- More than I care to type here
- Elemental Reaction
Key Info
THIS UPDATE IS SAVE SAFE. Save indoors before updating as LODs have been redone again.
Patch Notes
- Hopefully fixed the crash when loading a save bugs that have popped up, if not leave crash logs in the bug reports channel on discord.
- Nothing
- LODs
- Belethor's Sister Quest
- Ashen Heart - Ashe Visual Replacer
- Grass Generation MO2 Plugin
- No Grass In Objects
- Rudy HQ - ENB Complex material silverware patch for optimized enb lights
- Auri - Bone Improvements
- Achievement Injector
- Nexus_Modesty_KID
- FB - Einherjr Armor 3BA-BHUNP-CBBE-UNP
- Considerate Followers
- Splash Screen
- HFs - RatWay Hall Gutter
- None
Key Info
Patch Notes
- Missing Hair for Ashe
- Freeze when opening inventory with certain items inside
- Purple trees on solstheim
- Hair physics not working with Helmet Toggle 2
- Argonians missing tales
- Maybe fixed the Winking Skeever crash, I can not replicate so I need feedback
- Fixed crashing in Riverwood related to Navmesh -- Also completely redid the navmesh and should be significantly better.
- Broken Icy meshes on solstheim
- Custom Skills Menu not working properly (missing dependency)
- Nothing
- Improved Camera
- lods
- No Grass In Objects
- The Dragonborn's Fishiary - Bestiary Addon
- JK's Interiors Patch Collection
- Natural Waterfalls
- Water for ENB
- B612 - my little asteroid of useful UI components
- Assorted mesh fixes
- Complex Material Hub
- Local Map Upgrade
- Katana - Journey in the Shadows
- Better Grabbing
- Ashe - Crystal Heart
- Ignoble Beds - A Noble and Upper Class Bed Replacer
- ENBSeries
- A few more I probably forgot
- Extended Vanilla Menus
- Three of my personal character presets
- FVAR weight slider affects beast tails (compatibility reasons)
Key Info
- Tweaked eye cubemap so it isn't so bright
- many
- Cumulative eye mesh Fix
- eye normal map fixed
- Untarnished UI + All patches for it
- Dear Diary suite
- Widescreen support (it may come back in a future update.)
Key Info
Patch Notes
- Crash in the winking skeever
- ostim scenes not working
- missing widescreen support from last update.
- Performance fixes
Key Info
- Improved Traps
- Reimagined Mountain Flowers
- Achievement Injector
- Animate Bound Weapons
- Next-Gen Decapitations
- Some ultrawide support, not fully implemented yet.
- A couple missing patches
Key Info
- A few mod updates
- Halffaces - cave lamps
- Loss of Focus - Spell Interuption
Key Info
Patch Notes
- Crashes with controller plugged in
- Landscape issues in Falkreath
- EVG Clamber not working
- Performance Guide mod missing
- Floating Objects in Sleeping Giant
- Black face bugs
- Landscape issues in the reach
- Messed up looking signs
- Input issues
- Alchemy knowledge resetting
- purple textures
- Some obody issues (females getting male presets and vice-versa)
- a bunch more I forgot about I'd imagine
- Broken reflections (thank you arranz)
- Reverted all keybind changes
- ENB and weather mod
- A good bit of textures
- Greatsword moveset + idles
- Some performnace related things
- Many updates
- LODs redone
- Improved Camera (now includes a better version of capture warmer)
- Many mods added
- Key Logic Expansion
- Capture Warmer
- a few others I forgot
Key Info
- Blocking is V
- Power attack is right mouse button
- Many updates
- Key Logic Expansion
- Dual Wield Parrying
Key Info
Patch Notes
- Purple textures outside markarth
- Landscape seam outside markarth
- NPCs not dodging
- incorrect textures on iron/steel
- Fixed a crash outside of Markarth
- custom mesh patch for riftens well, (HFs, alt riften well, and water in wells)
- a few things i was too lazy to type here
- a few things i was too lazy to type here
Key Info
Patch Notes
- Save reload bug
- Purple textures outside markarth
- Landscape seam outside markarth
- NPCs not dodging
- incorrect textures on iron/steel
- custom mesh patch for riftens well, (HFs, alt riften well, and water in wells)
- Dynamic sprint stop
- Improved Camera
- A few other mods I was too lazy to add
- snozz broken fang cave and its patches
- A few other mods I was too lazy to add
- Complex Armory (this makes some metallic armors look really fucking good, go endorse that mod fr)
- Safe saving thing that was apparently causing some mods to tweak
Key Info
This update is NOT save game compatible.
I added a mod that automatically checks for modlist updates once you load a game
The main menu has been reworked to be personalized to this list, links to my KoFi and Readme can be found and clicked on in the top left corner of the main menu.
There were tons of changes in this update, very big possibility that I've introduced new bugs, or unfixed old ones. Consider this the preliminary release before the nexus, please report ALL bugs you find.
Patch Notes
- TONS of consistency issues that were missed on the first pass of CR for beta 1
- TONS of lighting fixes in a bunch of locations - Atmosphere should look much more consistent throughout the world, especially interiors.
- Landscape mismatching issue outside of Helgen
- More black face bugs, hopefully the last of them
- Lots of water records were improperly overwritten, this is now fixed (basically means water should match everywhere now, and lod seam should be less visible)
- More conflict resolution
- Dodging animations, unfortunatly it has the side effect of a sussy first person dodge. I think technically it gives you the i-frame still, but you won't go anywhere. I suggest just not dodging in first person.
- Stamina Consumption for dodging now works as intended (before there was no stamina consumption and very over powered due to that.)
- Rebuilt LODs
- Rebuilt grass cache
- LOD quality significantly increased, there should be very little pop-in.
- NPC Spell Variance - Mysticism
- Lux - Patch Hub
- Extended Guard Dialogue
- Redoran Reverie - A Dunmer Furniture Replacer
- Utenlands Nordic Tents - Replacer and Campfire Addon
- Northern Scenery - Whiterun's Tundra
- Jump Slide Fix OAR
- SkyParkour - A SkyClimb Addon - 360 and Hold to Climb
- Ostim Standalone Sound Overhaul
- Dunmer Dreams - A Dark Elf Bed Replacer
- NPC Spell Variance - Natura
- Collision Dialogue Overhaul
- Xelzaz - Custom Fully Voiced Argonian Telvanni Follower
- Unofficial Skyrim Modder's Patch - USMP SE
- Smart NPC Potions - Enemies Use Potions and Poisons
- Nordic Stonewalls
- SD's Seamless Sneak Transition and Idles OAR
- Improved Camera v2
- Deep Slumber
- HFs - Diverse Inkwell and Quill
- NPC Spell Variance - Spell Variety AI
- Better Atronach Forge Offering Box - No More Dwemer Dresser - High Polygon Summoning Circle
- Katana
- Katana Visual Replacer
- A ton of other stuff I probably forgot
- Modlist Update Checker
- NPC Spell Variance - Darenii AIO
- Redoran Reverie - A Dunmer Bed Replacer
- SD's Seamless Sneak Transition and Idles OAR
- Glorious Giant Clutter and Fixes
- No More Blinding Fog - SSE Port
- High Gate Ruins Puzzle Reset Fix
- College of Winterhold Quest Start Fixes
- King Olaf's Fire Festival Not Ending Fix
- Magic Student (WIChangeLocation04) Quest Fix
- Neloth's Experimental Subject Quest (DLC2TTR4a) Fix
- Ultimate Optimized Scripts Compilation
- Scripts Carefully Reworked Optimized and Tactfully Enhanced (SCROTE) - Simply Optimized Scripts AIO
- Dynamic Armor Variants
- Helmet Toggle 2
- Immersive Equipping Animations
- The Haunting Harmonies of Hjaalmarch
- HF - Ruined Bookcase
- HF - Wagon Wheel
- The curators Companion
- LOTD CC Patches
- BURP - Spell tomes + patches
- A ton of other stuff I probably forgot
- some wskeever mod that i forgot the name of, but is replaced with by something else i also forgot the name of...
Key Info
- This update is save game compatible.
- A good amount of missed conflict resolution is now solved.
- BFCO Pickaxe moveset
- Better Atronach Forge Offering Box - No More Dwemer Dresser
- SPID - NFF - Add Ignore Token to CustomAI Followers
- eFPS - Falkreath Wilderness hotfix
- Better Atronach Forge Offering Box - No More Dwemer Dresser
- Nature of the Wild Lands - Rock Retexture
- NPC Spell Variance - BloodMoon
- NPC Spell Variance - Natura
- NPC Spell Variance - Mysticism
- Northern God Armor SE
- Northern God armor HIMBO refit
- Northern God Armor SMP - CBBE 3BA
Key Info
- This update is save game compatible.
Key Info
- This update is save game compatible.
- Bestiary key change to F9 from K to avoid conflict with ORomance
- Photomode
- Smart NPC potions
- SkyValor - Modded Spells Patch
- Fortified ramp to the Castle Dour
- barnicles
- B.O.O.B.I.E.S (aka Immersive Icons)
- Ostim Standalone Sound Overhaul (NSFW)
- Deep Slumber - A Dwemer Bed Replacer
- Forts of the Old Empire - Complex Parallax Material addon
- Skypatcher
- CBBE 3BA Vanila Outfits Redone
- SkyClimb & SkyParkour
- Jump Slide Fix OAR
- ORomance
Key Info
- This update is save game compatible.
- Redid Lod outputs
- Fluffworks - Tweaks and Expansion
- Follower Distance Tweaks
- Deep Slumber - A Dwemer Bed Replacer
- Splashes of Storms
- Ignoble Beds - A Noble and Upper Class Bed Replacer
- Ancient AF Windhelm Complex Material
- Redoran Reverie - A Dunmer Furniture Replacer
- Nordic Stonewall Terraces
Key Info
- This update is NOT save game compatible.
- Autosaves have been disabled
- Fully SFW version of the list is out
- Redid Lod outputs
- Bannermist
- Gorgeous Giant Camps Compilation
- CBBE 3BA Vanilla Outfits Redone
- Fluffy Hanging rabbits
- SkyPatcher
- SkyPatcher Keyword Framework
- Formlist patch collection
- Dynamic Feminine Female Modesty Animations OAR
- Player Name Randomizer - Show in UI
- Skypatcher Keyword Framework
- DF - Official Creature Asset Pack
- Bosmer NPCs have antlers
- Bosmer NPCs have Antlers - Texture Patch
- Grass cache, no lods due to INSANE increase in drawcalls, unplayable.
- Ancient Dwemer Metal - My patches - Deep Slumber
- Skyrim Souls RE
- Immersive Interactions - Animated Actions
- First Person Interactions
- Underwear.dll
- Local Map Color
- SFW profile added
- Ammo Patcher *Was causing weird arrow trajectory bugs
Key Info
- This update is save game compatible.
- Completely revamped leveling, it should be about 20% slower at most levels, scaling up and down depending on where you sit. -- Please let me know if its been slowed too much.
- STANCES NG {not implemented yet}
Key Info
- This update is save game compatible.
- Completely revamped leveling, it should be about 20% slower at most levels, scaling up and down depending on where you sit. -- Please let me know if its been slowed too much.
Patch Notes
- Fixed purple textures on some pelts.
- Naked npcs (again)
- Removed some misplaced trees, this should ever oh so slightly also improve performance in whiterun
- Fixed broken occlusion zone
- Cities of the North - Dawnstar Patch Collection
- Nature of the Wild Lands - forest and trees improvement mod
- YAR - Yuril's Additional Resources
- Bosmer NPCs have antlers
- NPC Spell Variance
- On The Mend - A Healing Altar Replacer
- Kaidan from the website
Key Info
- This update is save game compatible.
- Completely revamped leveling, it should be about 20% slower at most levels, scaling up and down depending on where you sit. -- Please let me know if its been slowed too much.
- Dear Diary DM and Paper (Squish) Fixes
- OSL and B.O.O.B.I.E.S. Keywords (KID) - Armor Mods Patch Hub
- Settling of Squad - Set Follower Home
- eFPS and its patches
Key Info
- This update is save game compatible.
- Fov set to 80 from 90
- Dark Dreams Gooner armor, add item menu only
- Collision Dialogue Overhaul Untested, lmk if you guys like it
Key Info
- This update is save game compatible.
- Completely revamped leveling, it should be about 20% slower at most levels, scaling up and down depending on where you sit. -- Please let me know if its been slowed too much.
- Skyrim Skill Uncapper for SE and AE
- Keybinds have been changed (F11 in game to view them)
- Improved Conversation Camera
- God of War Smoothcam preset
- Psychopatchist Purgatory
- HFs - Diverse (BOS) Inkwell and Quill
- HFs - Whiterun Brazier
- HFs - Mine entrance real 3D
- Halffaces - Cask Large Closed
Key Info
- This update is save game compatible.
- ASLAL - Removed most alternate starts for the sake of consistency and balance.
- Dunmer Dreams - A Dark Elf Bed Replacer
- Peasant Dreams - A Common Bed Replacer
- Ignoble Beds - A Noble and Upper Class Bed Replacer
- Deep Slumber - A Dwemer Bed Replacer
- Oddments and Miscellanea - Assorted Mesh Replacers - Noble Lectern - Noble Rack - Mounted Antlers - Butterchurn - Winterhold Bookcase
- Remiel-Custom Voiced Dwemer Specialist and Companion
- BiR's Remiel Replacer
- SkyPatcher - Survival Mode Food
- Remiel - Default Outfit BodySlides - CBBE 3BA
Key Info
- This update is save game compatible.
- Landscape Fixes for Grass Mods
- Wheeler Crash-Fix
- Object Categorization Framework - Some KID Patches - I4
Key Info
- This update is save game compatible.
Key Info
- This update is save game compatible.
Patch Notes
- Fixed naked npcs
- Hopefully fixed install issues due to incorrect archive paths