Path: /source
The source code of Triox is available to download at this location.
The authorization process requires the client to send a JWT (JSON Web Token) to the server. This can be done in two ways: Either by using the authorization header or by using a cookie. The authorization header is the preferred authorization method, the cookie header exist primarily for comparability with browsers and some HTTP-client implementations.
Name: authorization
Type: Bearer
Value: Encoded JWT (see Auth -> Sign in)
authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJodHRwX3Rlc3RlciIsImlkIjoxOTEzMjkyNzI5LCJyb2xlIjowLCJleHAiOjE2MDE0NzgwNTR9.fXdzLaq_UwpwJ6BCqCA7lfPWuBw0Cfi2f485Ptr9t5g
Name: cookie
Cookie-name: triox_jwt
Value: Encoded JWT (see Auth -> Sign in)
cookie: triox_jwt=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJodHRwX3Rlc3RlciIsImlkIjoxOTEzMjkyNzI5LCJyb2xlIjowLCJleHAiOjE2MDE0NzgwNTR9.fXdzLaq_UwpwJ6BCqCA7lfPWuBw0Cfi2f485Ptr9t5g
Path: /sign_in
Method: POST
Auth: None
Body: JSON
"username": "test_user",
"password": "test_password",
"cookie": false
Success Response:
- "cookie": true -> JWT inside set-cookie header
- otherwise -> JWT as text/plain
Note: The "cookie" attribute is optional and can be omitted (default value is false).
Path: /sign_up
Method: POST
Auth: None
Body: JSON
"username": "test_user",
"password": "test_password",
"email": "[email protected]"
Success Response: "user created" as text/plain
Path: /delete_user
Method: POST
Auth: None
Body: JSON
"username": "test_user",
"password": "test_password",
Success Response: "user successfully deleted" as text/plain
Path: /user_info
Method: GET
Auth: JWT
Success Response: JSON
Path: /app/files/get?path=path/to/file
Method: GET
Auth: JWT
Success Response: File
Path: /app/files/list?path=path/to/file
Method: GET
Auth: JWT
Success Response: JSON
"files": [
"name": "",
"size": 7206445,
"last_modified": 1606818956
"name": "",
"size": 9334,
"last_modified": 1604945280
"directories": [
"name": "test_folder",
"last_modified": 1606490838
"name": "src",
"last_modified": 1606592435
- last_modified stores a date in unix time (seconds since 00:00:00 UTC on 1 January 1970)
- size stores the size of files in bytes
Path: /app/files/upload?path=path/to/file
Method: POST
Auth: JWT
Body: multipart data
Success Response: "upload finished!" as text/plain
Path: /app/files/create_dir?path=path/to/file
Method: GET
Auth: JWT
Success Response: "directory successfully created!" as text/plain
Path: /app/files/remove?path=path/to/file
Method: GET
Auth: JWT
Success Response: "directory successfully deleted!" or "file successfully deleted!" as text/plain
Path: /app/files/copy
Method: POST
Auth: JWT
Body: JSON
"from": "path/to/source",
"to": "path/to/destination"
Success Response: "directory successfully copied!" or "file successfully copied!" as text/plain
Path: /app/files/move
Method: POST
Auth: JWT
Body: JSON
"from": "path/to/source",
"to": "path/to/destination"
Success Response: "directory successfully moved!" or "file successfully moved!" as text/plain