Releases: Tormak9970/TabMaster
Releases · Tormak9970/TabMaster
TabMaster v2.5.2
Bug Fixes
- fully switched to dfl css classes (7b1a415)
TabMaster v2.5.1
Bug Fixes
- no longer uses non dfl gamepadtabbedpages (61da8b7)
TabMaster v2.5.0
TabMaster v2.4.1
TabMaster v2.4.0
New Features
- added placeholders to text fields (e7932db)
- collections now use list search (35f0b73)
- implement tab visibility snapshots (58d7431)
- updated the docs to include new filters and systems (08d6000)
Bug Fixes
- background of filter select is now correct (3b68aeb)
- merge filter no longer breaks when adding a new filter (9c861ea)
- merge groups now have cleaner styling and display filter icons (4c8a179)
- plugin no longer breaks with very old microsdeck versions (010376f)
- tag names are now properly retrieved on mobx 6.x.x (4cfd20e)
- workaround for some python jank (daa6afc)
TabMaster v2.3.1
IMPORTANT: This only will not work on the Stable release channel for SteamOS (We will remove this warning when it does). This release is intended to fix issues users have on the other branches.
Bug Fixes
- accounted for mobx bump (a246eb2)
TabMaster v2.3.0
New Features
- ability to automatically hide tab if its filters result in no games (b1e7041)
- added disabling of filters (97ff7e0)
- added microsd preset (f2b8825)
- added microsdeck support (37e2015)
- added steam features filter (50f8639)
- unified modal setups and changed styles to match 3.5 (daefb87)
- updated microsdeck and event listening (fcdadbd)
Bug Fixes
- #130 custom ui sounds now respect user settings (b522481), closes #130
- filter accordion focusing is now predictable (d7d0bd3)
- filter section accordion now matches focus color (9ad17b2)
- fix bug where changing a filter's options would update it's params before saving (acb09bc)
- installed quick tab now works (8359526)
- no longer loses filter params when canceling filter select modal (046d4c0)
- whitelist and blacklist no longer show selected games in options (924afe2)
- whitelist and blacklist now properly load selected entries (ecbb672)
Build Pipeline Improvements
- fixed incorrect usage of the changelog action (bbb5287)
TabMaster v2.1.0
New Features
- add the ability to configure tab master directly from the library (97b7841)
- added streamable filter (eba590d)
- implement tab presets (8f28acb)
- list search modal complete (8ef8104)
Bug Fixes
- destructive modals now properly show red button as intended (783983f)
- fixed typo in filter select (e22c3b9)
Build Pipeline Improvements
- moved to reliable-changelog action (cc1f6a0)
TabMaster v2.0.0
New Features:
- feat: add demo filter (a1731bb)
- feat: add metacritic, steam score, time played, and size on disk filters (e73565e)
- feat: added new filter selection system (372bd91)
- feat: added release date and last played filters (9ada582)
- feat: now select from multiple app types to include (340d70d)
- feat: settings are now saved for each user (0930b3e)
Bug Fixes:
TabMaster v1.5.0
New Features:
- feat: switched to using global dfl (d0e04ec)
- feat: multitude of QoL improvements to TabMaster's focusing