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Python version

The package works only with python 2 with version >= 2.75. To use Python 3, you should switch to zuo/python3 branch.


For the installation and proper work of tlpipe, the following packages are required:

  • h5py, Pythonic interface to the HDF5 binary data format;
  • healpy, Healpix tools package for Python;
  • pyephem, Basic astronomical computations for the Python;
  • numpy, Base N-dimensional array package for Python;
  • scipy, The fundamental package for scientific computing with Python;
  • matplotlib, A python 2D plotting library;
  • caput, Cluster Astronomical Python Utilities;
  • cora, A package for simulating skies for 21cm Intensity Mapping;
  • aipy, Astronomical Interferometry in PYthon;
  • cython, An static compiler for Python, *optional;
  • mpi4py, MPI for Python, optional.


tlpipe can work without MPI support, in which case, only a single process is invoked, but in order to process large amounts of data in parallel and distributed manner, mpi4py is needed.

Installation guide

After you have successfully installed the prerequisites, do the following.

First clone this package

$ git clone

Then change to the top directory of this package, install it by the usual methods, either the standard

$ python install [--user]

or to develop the package

$ python develop [--user]

It should also be installable directly with pip using the command

$ pip install [-e] git+


If you have installed tlpipe in the develop mode, you doesn't need to re-install the package every time after you have changed its (pure python) code. This is useful when you are the developer of the package or you want to do some development/contributions to the package.