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AeroGameFramework Change Log

The following are updates that have been implemented into the framework, so you can understand the impact of upgrading the plugin or framework as changes are made.

Understand that the framework may change frequently, so upcoming changes may break compatiblility with previous versions. Before upgrading, it is recommended that you read this to see if there are BC Breaks, otherwise known as backwards-compatibility breaks, which may have an impact on your implementation against the framework working.

Anything noted with a ==[BC Break]== you should be cautious about upgrading until you understand what refactoring you may have to do in order to support the framework version.

If a version has a backwards-compatibility break, and you are not ready to upgrade to that version, you can always look at our version tags in Github and checkout to use a previous version. Although, this would be a manual process for you to copy the scripts for the particular version and should not upgrade using the auto updater, since that will always provide the latest version.

As always, you can also check the commit history for a given version as well, and examine the specific lines of code changed to understand how this may impact your project.

Version Changes

Version Date Description
1.3.0 2019-12-19
  • Restructured source directory and installer to be compatible with Rojo
1.2.6 2018-11-12
  • Expanded TableUtil library
1.2.5 2018-09-20
  • Added __aeroPreventStart flag for modules that already implement a Start method.
  • Added __aeroPreventInit flag for modules that already implement an Init method.
  • Flagged __aeroPreventStart for CameraShaker module.
1.2.4 2018-09-20
  • Using coroutine yielding/resuming where applicable
  • Cleaned up deprecated code in TaskScheduler
1.2.3 2018-08-15
  • Added WrapModule method to Server and Client main scripts.
1.2.2 2018-08-15
  • Added Failed events for DataService.
  • Added Failed event for DataStoreCache.
  • Added Failed event for SafeDataStore.

Version History Notes

Restructured source directory and installer to be compatible with Rojo. For compatibility, please be sure to update the plugin as well. The older versions of the plugin are not compatible with the new directory structure, and thus will fail to install or update the framework.

Expanded the TableUtil library. Specifically, the following functions have been added:

  • TableUtil.Map(Table tbl, Function callback)
  • TableUtil.Filter(Table tbl, Function callback)
  • TableUtil.Reduce(Table tbl, Function callback [, Number initialValue])
  • TableUtil.IndexOf(Table tbl, Variant item)
  • TableUtil.Reverse(Table tbl)
  • TableUtil.Shuffle(Table tbl)
  • TableUtil.IsEmpty(Table tbl)
  • TableUtil.EncodeJSON(Table tbl)
  • TableUtil.DecodeJSON(String json)

Examples have been added within the source code of the TableUtil module.

Added __aeroPreventStart and __aeroPreventInit flags for modules (both server and client). If the __aeroPreventStart flag is present for a module, then the framework will not invoke the Start method for that module when first loaded. Similarly, __aeroPreventInit will prevent the framework from invoking the Init method when first loaded. In summary, the two flags will prevent the default behavior of the framework calling the associated Start and Init methods. This is useful if an existing module is added to the framework that has already implemented these methods for other uses.

This change will also apply to any modules using the WrapModule method on either the server or client.

The above flags were added to address a bug with the CameraShaker module, which already had a Start method built into the module. This caused issues when the module was loaded. The __aeroPreventStart flag has been added to prevent this.


local MyModule = {}

-- Flagging to prevent the Start method:
MyModule.__aeroPreventStart = true

function MyModule:Start()
	print("The framework will not invoke this method when first loaded")

function MyModule:Init()
	print("Still invoked from the framework")

Instead of using while loops to wait for code to complete, proper usage of coroutine.yield and coroutine.resume have been implemented. This change reflects best practices on Roblox. Doing this was not possible before a recent Roblox update. The overall behavior of the code remains entirely the same.

Some deprecated code has also been fixed in the TaskScheduler. The functionality remains entirely the same.

Version 1.2.3

Added the WrapModule method to both the AeroServer and AeroClient scripts. This method takes a table and will set its metatable to the same metatable used by other Aero-based modules/controllers/services. This allows you to easily integrate custom modules into the framework if needed.

Internally, this sets the metatable of the given table, and also calls the associated Start and Init methods if available.

Client example:

while (not _G.Aero) do wait() end

local Test = {}
local fade

function Test:Start()
  fade:SetText("Hello world")

function Test:Init()
  fade = self.Controllers.Fade

-- Set up the table to integrate with the framework:

Version 1.2.2

Added Failed events for DataService. The DataService has always retried requests if DataStore calls have failed; however, it used to silently fail with a simple warn() if the maximum retry limit was reached. In this update, the service will now call an appropriated Failed event corresponding to the type of data call.

In order to make this function, there are also Failed events added to the internal modules used by the DataService module. This includes the DataStoreCache and SafeDataStore.

  • If setting player data, then the PlayerFailed(player, method, key, errMsg) event will be fired, as well as the client Failed(method, key, errMsg) event.
  • If setting global data, then the GlobalFailed(method, key, errMsg) event will be fired.
  • If setting custom data, then the CustomFailed(name, scope, method, key, errMsg) event will be fired.