All configuration is provide by a json file, by default this is mec.json in the current directory, or you can specify one on as the first argument on the command line
resources/mec.json is a sample configuration file, that will need to be adapted to your needs.
you will see it has large number of entries, most of these are not required - they are provided to document the default that is used by the code.
json files are fairly simply but its worth using an editor with json syntax checking, the most common mistake is not including commas in lists, or including a comment for the last entry... very easy to do :) json does not allow commenting out of lines - by convention, where I want to comment out an entry (e.g. to show options) , I prefix the 'key name' with an underscore. If you are uncommenting , or commenting out, the line must still be valid json (again take are with commas at line ends)
copy resources and then adapt mec.json
a) you will need to build mec, and then the mec-vst project separately b) after building, you need to copy the dynamic libs from ~/build/release/lib to ~/Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/VST/MEC.vst/Frameworks
this is temporary until I sort out a better build/installation procedure
Mac OSX 10.11+ - Stopping apps abrutly stopping MEC, will cause the usb driver to create a kernel panic. this is caused byy an issue in the macOS kernel code - so its important MEC is shutdown gracefully even when using Xcode for debugging!
there are two ways to shutdown nicely OSC
oscsend localhost 9000 /t3d/command s shutdown
Ctrl-C , ONCE only! there is also a Ctrl-C handler which will shutdown nicely, but dont keep hammering Ctrl-C to exit quicker, you will cause a panic )
- 10.12 macOS sierra
not available yet!
copy resources and then adapt mec.json
- Debian Jessie (Beaglebone)
- Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
- Ubuntu MATE 16.04 raspberry pi
- Rasbian Stretch (rPI3)
- Organelle (arch linux/arm)
- Xenomai (Beaglebone black + bela)
// upgrade distro
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
// gets new kernel for PI (only)
sudo rpi-update
note: this may vary with distros, this is for debian based distros
vi /etc/security/limits.conf
@audio - rtprio 90
@audio - memlock unlimited
sudo adduser yourusername audio
sudo cp resources/*.rules /etc/udev/rules.d/
sudo udevadm control --reload-rules
for testing, its quite useful to use osc, for this i use oscdump to capture messages from mec, and oscsend to sent osc messages to mec. under macos, install via homebrew, using brew install liblo under linux, install liblo ith package manager