git submodule update --init --recursive
CMake libusb
sudo apt install git
sudo apt install cmake
// libaries used
sudo apt-get install libusb-1.0-0-dev
sudo apt-get install libasound2-dev (linux)
sudo apt-get install libcairo2-dev (linux)
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
brew install git
brew install cmake
brew install libusb --universal
brew install cairo
mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. -GXcode
xcodebuild -project mec.xcodeproj -target ALL_BUILD -configuration MinSizeRel
cmake --build .
mec-max, and mec-vst need to be build separately with the project provided
you can also build within sublime
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -G "Sublime Text 2 - Unix Makefiles" ..
the bela web ui does not support a subdirectories, so the way install is
mkdir -p ~/projects
cd ~/projects
// git clone MEC.git here
apt-get install libusb-1.0-0-dev
apt-get install libcairo2-dev
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
cd ~/Bela/projects
ln ~/projects/MEC/mec-bela
this means we now have the mec-bela project in the 'normal' bela projects directory, but it refers to ~/projects/MEC, so you should push from ~/Projects/Mec
This is very early days, in fact I mainly compile for Windows just for testing/experiments
currently, build support is only using MINGW_W64 using pthreads
download and install CMake Win32
download and install mingw-w64, take default options, including posix/pthreads
inside mingw-w64, you'll see mingw-w64.bat, run and it will set envionment variables
change to MEC directory
mkdir build
cd build
mkdir build
cmake .. -G "MinGW Makefiles"
an alternative, is to use Jetbrains CLion IDE (its very good :) ) with this, once you download mingw-w64, from the menu:
settings->build, execution and deployment -> toolchains
select MinGW, should say directory you installed into.. select this.
note: currently some device support is disabled under windows, but this will be added soon. (primarily its missing libusb support)
these build methods all use the mingw pthreads layer rather than being a true native windows build, this will need to be review to check performance and stability. similary a full native build would probably require a MSVC build, though its unclear if this provides any real advantage to an enduser.
a final alternative is to build using the "Windows Subsystem for Linux"
now requires cairo graphics library, see here
the decoder for the pico is not open source, so a dummy implementation is supplied as source. this will obviously not work though. however you will find in resources binary versions of the decoder library for various platforms, these should be used in place of the dummy version, built by the make process
Mac OSX 10.11+ - Stopping apps abrutly stopping MEC, will cause the usb driver to create a kernel panic. this is caused byy an issue in the macOS kernel code - so its important MEC is shutdown gracefully even when using Xcode for debugging!
there are two ways to shutdown nicely OSC
oscsend localhost 9000 /t3d/command s shutdown
Ctrl-C , ONCE only! there is also a Ctrl-C handler which will shutdown nicely, but dont keep hammering Ctrl-C to exit quicker, you will cause a panic )
#Disable device support you can disable the mec devices using the following defines to CMAKE
#enable device TTUI ZERORAC NUI
these are now enabled for macOs builds only the action is only invoked when tagged, not very checkin to reduce gh load.
- ubutnu/linux build requires us getting libusb from somewhere!
- windows still not present