This repo hopes to become a space exploration game along the lines of Squad's Kerbal Space Program; as of today it's a place to experiment implementing different features in C++/OpenGL.
(Those marked with a ✔️ are already implemented) (Those marked with a ♻️ are ongoing or started)
(The list may be expanded at any time)
- ✔️ Simulating elliptic orbits
- ♻️ Simulating parabolic and hyperbolic orbits (Not really neccesary for now)
- Vessel assembly from a list of parts
- ♻️ Procedural parts
- ♻️ Procedural Engines
- ✔️ Nozzle simulator
- Liquid fueled engines
- Solid fueled engines
- Procedural structures (tanks, fuselage...)
- ♻️ Procedural Engines
- Pre-made parts
- ♻️ Procedural parts
- Vessel controlling
- ♻️ Navball
- ✔️ Navball aligns with vessel
- ♻️ Navball aligns to reference frames
- S.A.S
- ♻️ Navball
- Either very big view distance or joining together multiple scaled cameras
- Rendering of planets from far away
- Simple billboard shader
- ♻️ Rendering of planets from the surface and near space
- ♻️ Near space rendering
- ♻️ Rocky bodies
- ♻️ Cubesphere rendering
- Very complex cubespheres for asteroids and weird-shaped bodies
- Not spheric planets (see above, could be related)
- Very big scale shadow rendering (Per vertex?)
- Seamless LOD transitions
- Removing seams between quads
- Atmospheres
- Atmospheric shader
- Seamless transition from space to ground
- Clouds / Cloud shadows
- ♻️ Cubesphere rendering
- Other bodies
- Gas body rendering
- Clouds and animations?
- Gas body rendering
- ♻️ Rocky bodies
- ♻️ Near space rendering
- Rigidbody physics simulator
- Extraction of acceleration and rotation from the simulation
- Applying forces to the vessel from outside (Gravitational gradient?)
- Seamless transition from in-vessel physics to the orbit simulator
- Maybe they don't need to be separated, but perfomance could suffer
- Interaction with the terrain system
- ✔️ Orbit propagation
- ✔️ Orbit predictor (threaded)
- ♻️ Maneouver planning
- Improving perfomance so many vessels can be simulated at high warp speeds
The engine is data-driven, so pretty much no hardcoded stuff. Custom behaviour may be implemented using a scripting language (lua, squirrel...), or even a bigger language like C# (Mono)